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Renesas QB-MINI2-RF Setup Manual page 2

Minicube2 wireless option


Connecting and Starting Hardware
Connect the hardware, and then turn on the system.
Caution Before connecting the hardware, confirm the following:
-MINICUBE2 is not connected via USB.
-The user system is turned off.
<1> Flipping the MINICUBE2 switches
Flip the MINICUBE2 switches to the following positions:
Flip the MINICUBE2
Switches to positions
"M2" and "3"
<2> Connecting a wireless unit to MINICUBE2
Connect the wireless unit that was set to "H" to MINICUBE2. Note the
direction when connecting the unit.
Establishing Wireless Communication and Checking Firmware
Next, perform wireless communication, use the wireless units, and then
check the firmware version and the radio wave status.
<1> Starting the RF utility
Run the mqb2rfutl.exe file that was downloaded and decompressed in
step 2 . The following window is displayed.
<2> Specifying the basic settings for wireless communication
(the frequency channel and target unit ID)
Click [Option] on the menu bar and then [Configuration] to display the
configuration dialog box. Specify the frequency channel and target unit
ID, and then click the [OK] or [Apply] button.
Starting Debugging and Programming
After wireless communication ends, create a program in the same way as for a standard configuration in which the target cable is used. For example,
when starting debugging, start the debugger, download the program, and then perform debugging.
The radio wave status during wireless communication changes depending on external factors such as other used wireless devices. Such changes
can be determined using the RF utility. Be sure to use this product in an environment where radio waves are relatively stable.
We recommend reading the additional information on the following pages.
End Procedure
To end debugging or programming, turn off the system according to the following procedure. Next, disconnect the wireless units as required.
(1) Close the debugger or programming GUI.
(2) Close the RF utility.
Wireless unit
Select the unit ID of the
wireless unit connected to
the user system,
Select any channel
<3> Connecting a wireless unit to the user system
Connect the wireless unit that was set to "T" to the user system. Note
the position of pin 1, because the wireless unit is not protected against
false connection. (The pin layout is shown in the figure to the right
Wireless unit
<4> Starting the system
(1) Connect MINICUBE2 to the host by using a USB cable. The LED on
the wireless unit turns on and off.
(2) Turn on the user system.
The LED on the wireless unit turns on and off as in (1) above.
<3> Starting and checking wireless communication
Wireless communication starts when the basic settings have been
specified. After the settings are specified, they are held in the host
registry and automatically specified every time the host starts.
If wireless communication is successful, the radio wave status and
measured temperature are graphed in the main window.
The radio wave status and
temperature are graphed.
If wireless communication was not successful, "Fail" is displayed on the
status bar. In this case, change the frequency channel and check the
target unit ID in the configuration dialog box.
<4> Checking the firmware version
Click [Help] on the menu bar and then [Version].
The firmware versions of the RF utility and wireless units are displayed.
On the Version-up Service website, check whether these are the latest
(3) Turn off the user system.
(4) Disconnect MINICUBE2 from the host.
Pin 1
user system
Pin 2
Text on status bar
● If communication is successful
● If communication is not successful

