Safety Regulations - ABB HVC-R 107 V2 User Manual

V2 e-bus charger
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Safety regulations

D O C U M E N T N O. : 9 A K K 10 8 4 67 A 6 6 3 5 - E N V 0. 3 | D AT E : 2 0/ 1 2 / 2 0 2 2
Identifies a hazard that could result in damage to the machine,
other equipment, and/or environmental pollution
Contains remarks, suggestions or advice.
If a charge outlet is damaged, take the following steps:
1. Do not use the damaged charge outlet.
2. Contact the owner / site operator.
3. It is not permitted to operate the whole system if at least
one of the Depot Charge Box Boxes GEN2 shows severe
malfunction. Please contact ABB Service department for
more information of error condition
If there is an emergency
1. Push the emergency stop.
2. Contact the owner / site operator.
3. Act according to the emergency procedure of the owner /
site operator.
Operation after damage or accidents
If there is a fire in or nearby the charger;
If the charger was immersed in water, or any other fluid;
If the charger is damaged in any way.
Do not use the charger. Contact the owner / site operator.
When connecting or disconnecting a connector
1. Handle cables and connectors with care. Do not drop the
cables or connectors. Place them back in their respective
2. Only insert a connector into a suitable car inlet. Never use
excessive force.
Connector locked
The DC connector will be locked during the charging process to
prevent it from dropping or being pulled out. Do not apply a force on
the cable during the charging process as it might damage the inlet
and locking mechanism in your car or damage the charger.
H V C - R 1 0 7 / 1 6 0 V 2 E -B U S C H A R G E R - U S E R M A N U A L
PA G E 7 O F 2 0


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This manual is also suitable for:

Hvc-r 160 v2Hvc-107r v2 ceHvc-160r v2 ce

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