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C2N Home Backup User Guide for Apple Mac users...
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Clickfree and the Clickfree logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Storage Appliance Corporation. Other product names used in this guide are recognized as trademarks or registered trademarks of their owners. The information contained in this guide is provided by Storage Appliance Corporation...
ONTENT What gets restored, and to where? ... 13 Restore – Let Clickfree decide what to restore and to where ... 13 Restore – Change how Clickfree restores content ... 14 How do I find files that were restored? ... 15 My program cannot find the restored files –...
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Clickfree C2N Home Backup (Mac) How is backup different when I have more than one computer? ... 20 Removing a User ... 20 What if I use more than one C2N? ... 21 How do I make multiple backups? ... 21 Using password protection ...
8 and The Clickfree C2N network backup drive is the easiest way to protect the data on all the PC and Mac computers connected to your router, with no effort at all, by automatically searching for and backing up onto its built-in hard disk all the content stored on these computers.
Each time you use Clickfree after that, it only backs up the new or changed content, so it will be much quicker. Any files that were deleted from your computer since the last backup are not deleted from the C2N.
Clickfree C2N Home Backup (Mac) EATURES • Customizable backup options for custom file types and full folder backup; remembers each user’s customized settings • Multi-computer backup -- can hold the backups for as many users as you like, limited only by the available space on the C2N •...
2. Connect the USB cable at the back of the C2N to a USB port on your computer. 3. You are prompted to install the Clickfree software. 4. You may be prompted to install NTFS drivers which allow you to use your C2N with Windows computers as well.
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Unless you stop the countdown by clicking a button, at the end of the countdown period Clickfree starts the backup. • If you want to let Clickfree decide what needs to be backed up from where, you don’t need to do anything further. For details, see “What gets backed up?” on page •...
Unless you stop the countdown by clicking a button, at the end of the countdown period Clickfree starts the backup. • If you want to let Clickfree decide what needs to be backed up from where, you don’t need to do anything further. For details, see “What gets backed up?” on page •...
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Clickfree will now continue to automatically back up every other computer on the network that has BackupLink installed. If you later uninstall the BackupLink (e.g. if you will be running Clickfree on this computer only), or if you unplug the C2N before the backup is complete (and therefore BackupLink does not get installed), you must use this procedure to run the backup each time.
ACKUP INK UTILITY After the first backup on a computer, the Clickfree BackupLink utility is installed. You will see an icon in the menu bar. We will reference this icon throughout this manual. Click the icon in the menu bar and choose BackupLink Status.. This window shows all computers that have been backed up onto the same C2N, and what their current status is: •...
– or you can allow Clickfree to make the choices for you. If you don’t change any options, Clickfree restores all of the content that was backed up, and puts it in the Restored Files folder under your Home folder.
If two files have the same size (KB) and same date modified, it is likely to be safe to skip. Your content has not been deleted from your Clickfree backup: it is still safe on the OW DO FIND FILES THAT WERE RESTORED On the Restore Complete window, click the button below open a Finder window at the restore folder.
Clickfree C2N Home Backup (Mac) Browsing or Searching for Backed Up Files 1. Click the icon in the menu bar and choose BackupLink Status. 2. In the BackupLink status screen, click You can only do this if the Backup Status is “Ready”, not if any of the connected 3.
• Where Clickfree looks for this content Changes you make to how Clickfree does backups are “sticky”: they are stored and applied again to later backups for this user unless you modify them. 1. Click the icon in the menu bar and choose BackupLink Status.
If the C2N is not currently connected to any of the computers, you will see: TURN OFF THE NOTIFICATIONS When Clickfree is backing up your files, whether you started it manually or it started automatically, you will see status notifications.
C2Ns. See “What if I use While Clickfree is searching for content to back up, it adds up the amount of disk space needed and compares that with the free space on the C2N. If there is not enough free space for your content, Clickfree prompts you to go to the backup options window and adjust your settings.
2. Click the user you want to remove. 3. Click Remove Backup Once you have removed a user from Clickfree there is no way to recover that user’s Clickfree may take several minutes to erase the backed up on the C2N.
The first time you back up a computer onto any C2N, Clickfree makes a full backup. The next time you use the same C2N it backs up only new and changed content. So if you use a second C2N with the same computer, Clickfree starts off with a full backup again.
More Tools 2. Type your password in both the Clickfree imposes no restrictions on the password, and treats upper-case and lower- case letters as identical. But you should pick a password that would be difficult for anyone else to discover and that you will be able to remember – if you forget your password there is no way to recover any backed-up content from the C2N.
Clickfree – select the check box and click Once you have removed content from Clickfree using Master Reset there is no way to Clickfree may take several minutes to erase all of the content, depending on the amount of content backed up on the C2N.
Clickfree C2N Home Backup (Mac) OW DO IMPORT MUSIC FROM MY I You can use your C2N to copy music from your iPod/iPhone to your computer. 1. Click the icon in the menu bar and choose BackupLink Status. 2. In the BackupLink status window, click You can only do this if the Backup Status is “Ready”, not if any of the connected...
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