Clickfree C2 Portable Backup 250GB User Manual

Clickfree C2 Portable Backup 250GB User Manual

Portable backup drive for microsoft windows users
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Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User
for Microsoft Windows users


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Summary of Contents for Clickfree C2 Portable Backup 250GB

  • Page 1 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide for Microsoft Windows users...
  • Page 2 (HD) ASICS OW DOES LICKFREE WORK HAT GETS BACKED UP Clickfree backs up content Does Clickfree back up all of my content every time? What content categories does Clickfree HAT DO NEED BEFORE START ACKING UP MY CONTENT OW DO START USING MY –...
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

  • Page 5 (DVD) ASIC OW DOES LICKFREE WORK HAT GETS BACKED UP Clickfree backs up content Does Clickfree back up all of my content What content categories does Clickfree back up? HAT DO NEED BEFORE START ACKING UP MY CONTENT W DO...
  • Page 6 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide W DO CHANGE HOW LICKFREE RES Restoring content Choosing the computer to restore from Choosing categories of content to be restored Choosing where to restore content t OW DO RESTORE FROM MULTIPLE COMPUTERS...
  • Page 7: Or Folder To Restore

  • Page 8 As a result, this document has two divisions, one for using the built-in hard drive for backups (starting with “Introducing Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive (HD)” on page 10) and the other for using CDs/DVDs for backups (starting with “Introducing Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive (DVD)”...
  • Page 9 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide Back up and Restore Backing up is making copies of data so that a copy can be used to restore the original after the data is lost or destroyed. Backups are used to restore data after loss of or damage to your computer’s hard drive, and to restore files that have been accidentally deleted or...
  • Page 10 For most users the automatic search finds and backs up everything that matters Customizable backup options • Includes options for custom file types and full folder backup • Still runs as Clickfree, even after customizing settings • Remembers your customized settings for each computer you use it with Multi-PC backup •...
  • Page 11 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide How it backs up • The first time you connect a it searches for, finds, backs up and organizes all of your important content • Each subsequent time you connect update: • Any new files since your last backup are added to the backup •...
  • Page 12 Clickfree back up?” on page 13. Most likely, this means that it will back up everything that matters to you right out of the box without you having to do anything but plug it in.
  • Page 13 Financial – such as those from QuickBooks and tax programs Want to know more? You can look at the details by following the steps in “How do I Change how Clickfree does backups” on page 19 without making any changes. HAT DO...
  • Page 14 47 before you begin using the C2 Portable Backup Drive for the first time. ♦ To start using your Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive: 1. Make sure that your computer is switched on and has finished starting up.
  • Page 15 Most likely you will not see these messages when you attach Clickfree the next time. 6. If a major software update is available, Clickfree prompts you to install it: Just click Update and follow the instruction on the screen.
  • Page 16 For details, see “What gets backed up?” on page 12. • If you want to make changes to how backup is done, click I Change how Clickfree does backups” on page 19 ACKUP PROGRESS Clickfree displays some screens to show progress: Copyright ©...
  • Page 17 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide Backup Summary backed up this time ( this time ( Total files from all backups for this computer take up on the C2 Portable Backup Drive. When you see the Portable Backup Drive and store it in a safe place.
  • Page 18 In Windows Vista, if the AutoPlay window appears: 1. Check Always do this for software and games 2. Click Start ClickFree Backup You only need to do this once, not every time you use Clickfree. Copyright © 2009 Storage Appliance Corporation. Control Panel Autoplay Autoplay...
  • Page 19 ♦ To review or change what gets backed up: 1. Follow steps 1 to 4 of the procedure “How do I start using my Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive?” on page 14. 2. Before the countdown reaches zero, click Copyright ©...
  • Page 20 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide Manage Settings and PCs 3. Now click Change Backup Settings HOOSING CATEGORIES OF CONTENT TO BE BACKED UP 4. All of the categories are selected by default. Choose the categories of content to be backed up, for example, Text Documents, Photos, and Videos.
  • Page 21 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide 6. When you are finished choosing content categories, click Next >. Note: You must choose at least one file type or category – you cannot leave all file types and categories unchecked. HOOSING LOCATIONS TO SEARCH FOR CONTENT 7.
  • Page 22 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide ♦ To look only in certain folders: • Choose Search selected folders only folders from My Documents • To search the entire checked • To see details of a folder under checkbox. This expands and changes the + to a -.
  • Page 23 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide 8. When you have made your choices, click HOOSING COMPLETE FOLDERS TO BE BACKED UP 9. Choose complete folders to be backed up in addition to categories and locations. The folders you choose here are completely copied - except for files whose file types were unchecked in “Choosing locations to search for content –...
  • Page 24 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide • You can now choose the individual folders you want to include in the backup by adding and removing checkmarks in the checkboxes. For example, within My Documents if you want to include only the folder with Music, uncheck the My Documents checkbox, then check only •...
  • Page 25 It adds up the sizes of all of the content it finds, then adds the sizes of the files in the complete folders you also chose. See “What if there is not enough space on my Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive?” on page 26.
  • Page 26 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide HAT IF THERE IS NOT ENOUGH SPACE ON MY RIVE While Clickfree is searching for content to back up, it adds up the amount of disk space needed and compares that with the free space on the C2 Portable Backup Drive. If there is...
  • Page 27 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide When the Start Backup click Start Backup Backup proceeds as described in “Backup progress” on page 16. As an alternative, if you have backups from an old computer that you don’t need to keep any more, you could cancel the backup, remove the old computer, (for details, see “To...
  • Page 28: Restoring My Content (Hd)

    Sometimes, also, you may delete content by mistake. When these things happen, other computer users may lose valuable, sometimes irreplaceable, data. But if you lose content you’ll be really happy that you bought and used Clickfree. Your backed-up content is safe on your working computer again.
  • Page 29: What Gets Restored, And To Where

    “How do I change how Clickfree restores content?” on page 32 OW DO LICKFREE RESTORE DECIDE WHAT TO RESTORE AND WHERE You can allow Clickfree to make the decisions about what to restore and to where, but you need to confirm what Clickfree plans to do. ♦ To let...
  • Page 30 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide Because you have backed-up content on your C2 Portable Backup Drive, the countdown screen now shows buttons at the bottom to allow you to Restore files. 5. Before the countdown gets to zero, click...
  • Page 31 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide 8. Select the name of the computer whose content you want to restore. 9. Since you are going to restore all of your content, simply click Clickfree confirms how many files will be restored, and where they are going to be restored to.
  • Page 32: How Do Ichange How Clickfree Restores Content

    Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide When all of your content has been restored, 10. Click Close Note: After a restore, undo, see “How do I undo a restore?” on page 51. Note: Your content has not been deleted from your C2 Portable Backup Drive.
  • Page 33: Restoring Content

    Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide ESTORING CONTENT ♦ To change how Clickfree restores content: 1. Follow steps 1 to 5 of the previous section “How do I let Clickfree restore decide what to restore and where?” on page 29. Restore...
  • Page 34: Choosing Categories Of Content To Be Restored

    Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide HOOSING CATEGORIES OF CONTENT TO BE RESTORED 6. Note that all of the categories that contain files (with the number of files in parentheses after the category name) have checkboxes that you can check off in the Select Category column.
  • Page 35 Copyright © 2009 Storage Appliance Corporation. asks if you want to replace the existing file with the same- Keep Both. . Clickfree, without asking you , renames the remaining backed-up Skip Do this for all duplicate files skips all remaining same-name files without asking you.
  • Page 36: How Do Irestore Files From Multiple Computers

    OW DO RESTORE FILES FROM MULTIPLE COMPUTERS The process of restoring is described in “How do I let Clickfree restore decide what to restore and where?” on page 29, or “How do I change how Clickfree restores content?” on page 32.
  • Page 37: How Do Ifind Files That Were Restored

    Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide OW DO FIND FILES THAT WERE RESTORED Clickfree restored your files to a folder that was not their original location, puts an icon on your desktop so that you can quickly and easily get to the restored content: ♦...
  • Page 38: Browsing, Searching & Viewing My Files (Hd)

    Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide Browsing, Searching & Viewing my files (HD) From the Backup Summary • Browse your backup(s) for files • Search your backup(s) for files • View backed-up files TARTING FROM THE ♦ To browse and search for files, or view photos: Before the countdown gets to zero, click displayed.
  • Page 39: How Do Iview And Use Photos

    Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide ♦ To browse and search for files, or view photos: 1. In the Current PC for/browse for/view. 2. Do one of the following: • Click the name of a category , and follow ”How do I search for my backed-up files”...
  • Page 40 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide ♦ To select photos: Click the photo so that the checkbox at the top right is checked. As you continue to click photos, they are added to the selection. ♦ To use a photo as wallpaper: 1.
  • Page 41 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide ♦ To share photos: 1. Select the photos. 2. Click Share Photos 3. Click facebook ♦ To email photos: If you use Outlook message and attach your photos. 1. Select the photos.
  • Page 42: How Do Ibrowse My Backed - Up Files

    Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide ♦ To open a photo: Double-click the photo. It opens in your usual program for working with photos: OW DO BROWSE MY BACKED ♦ To browse for files that you have backed up: 1.
  • Page 43: How Do Isearch For My Backed Up Files

    Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide OW DO SEARCH FOR MY BACKED 1. On the Backup Summary computer whose files you want to search for/browse for/view. 2. Do one of the following: • Click the name of a category other than...
  • Page 44 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide These selections are combined so that only files that match all of them are found – in this case only files in the category year, and with names ending with ‘tmp’. • File Type –...
  • Page 45: What Ca N Ido With Files From Browse , Search And View Photos

    Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide HAT CAN DO WITH FILES FROM BROWSE When you have files displayed in the browse, search or photo view screens, you can either: • double-click a file to open it with the program that your computer normally uses for files of this type •...
  • Page 46 The DVD backup/restore is started from the ♦ To start a DVD backup or restore 1. Follow steps 1 to 4 of the procedure “How do I start using my Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive?” on page 14. 2. Before the countdown reaches zero, click Manage Settings and PCs 3.
  • Page 47 A non-administrator user can restore files only to locations that are visible to the user. ADMINISTRATOR USER 1. Follow steps 1 to 3 of “How do I start using my Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive?” on page 14. 2. When you see the prompt: enter the login name and password of an administrative user, then click 3.
  • Page 48 You can use your Clickfree iPod/iPhone to your computer. 1. Follow steps 1 to 4 of “How do I start using my Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive?” on page 14. 2. Before the countdown reaches zero, click Manage Settings and PCs 3.
  • Page 49 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide 4. Attach your iPod/iPhone to a USB port on your computer. 5. Click Import Music 6. Select the iPod/iPhone to import music from, and click Copyright © 2009 Storage Appliance Corporation. Advanced topics (HD)
  • Page 50 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide 7. Select the music to be copied by checking and unchecking a combination of the Playlists on the left, and individual on the iPod/iPhone, ensure that the A grey checkmark in a playlist’s checkbox means that some of its titles are selected.
  • Page 51 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide OW DO UNDO A RESTORE If you realize, after restoring your files, that the restore accidentally overwrote a file you need to keep, Clickfree ♦ To undo the latest restore: 1. On the Options screen:...
  • Page 52 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide 3. Click Start The latest Restore is undone: 4. To see what files were replaced by undoing the restore, click undo log HAT IF THERE IS MORE THAN ONE USER ON MY COMPUTER This matters only if each user has a separate user login name for the computer.
  • Page 53 ♦ To find the name of a computer: 1. Follow steps 1 to 4 of “How do I start using my Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive?” on page 14. 2. When you see the countdown, click All of the computers that are shown at the left side of the screen, with the computer names underneath.
  • Page 54 C2 Portable Backup Drive by removing the old computer from Clickfree. Warning: If you have not restored the content and you still want to keep it, do not remove the computer from Clickfree: you cannot restore content from a computer that you have removed. On the...
  • Page 55 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide 3. If you really want to remove the computer from Clickfree, check the checkbox and click Remove Warning: Once you have removed a computer from that computer’s content from the C2 Portable Backup Drive.
  • Page 56 ♦ To reset locations to search to factory settings: 1. On the Choose File Locations 2. Click Next > and continue with choosing complete folders. LICKFREE OOLS Several tools are available for working with Clickfree: • Clickfree Password Drive • Software Update • Language –...
  • Page 57 47)if your C2 Portable Backup Drive is password protected. Note: If you set a password, a scheduled backup is delayed until you enter the password. See “Scheduler and the Clickfree icon” on page 63 for details of scheduled backups. How do I choose a password? Choose your password according to the sensitivity of the content you are protecting.
  • Page 58 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide How do I enable password protection? You can enable password protection from the ♦ To enable password protection: 1. Click Enable Password 2. Type your password in both the 3. Optionally set a hint. See below for details.
  • Page 59 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide Warning: Be sure to pick a hint that would be difficult for anyone else to interpret and that you will be able to remember – if you forget your password and cannot remember it using the hint there is no way to recover any backed-up content from the C2 Portable Backup Drive.
  • Page 60 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide What if I forget my password? If you have forgotten your password, and cannot remember it from the hint you set when you enabled password protection, your only choice is to reset the C2 Portable Backup Drive and lose all of your backed-up content.
  • Page 61 8. 8. Click to confirm that you are sure you want to erase all backed-up content. Clickfree shows you how far it has got with erasing data, then tells you that your C2 Portable Backup Drive has been reset. PDATING...
  • Page 62 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide ♦ To check manually for updates: 1. On the Tools screen click If the software in your to date, click on the dialog that pops up. 2. If an update is available, downloading the update and updating your software:...
  • Page 63 1. On the Tools screen click 2. If you really want to remove all backed-up content from Clickfree, check the checkbox and click Warning: Once you have removed content from way to recover any backed-up content from the C2 Portable Backup Drive.
  • Page 64 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide CHEDULER ♦ To install the scheduler: 1. Connect Clickfree Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive?” on page 14. 2. When you see the countdown screen, click zero: 3. Click the Scheduler 4. Click Install Backup Scheduler...
  • Page 65 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide ♦ To set the number of days before 1. Look for the Clickfree click it to show a menu: Click Set Interval Enter the interval after which you want to be reminded to back up, and click ♦...
  • Page 66 For this reason it is recommended that you turn off automatic updates during any period in which a scheduled backup should take place. See “Updating Clickfree software” on page 61 for details on turning off automatic updates. • Although a scheduled backup will wake your computer from sleep mode, it will not run if the computer is hibernating.
  • Page 67 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide ♦ To add a file type: 1. Click Add File Type 2. Type the extension for the new file type, and click The new file type is added to Copyright © 2009 Storage Appliance Corporation.
  • Page 68 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide ♦ To remove a file type: 1. Click a file type in 2. Click The file type is removed from ♦ To change a file type: 1. Click a file type in 2. Type the new extension for the file type, and click...
  • Page 69 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide OW DO CHOOSE INDIVIDUAL FILE TYPES FOR BACKUP You already saw how to choose file categories for backup in “Choosing categories of content to be backed up – required” on page 20. You can also expand each category and select or unselect individual file types that make up that category.
  • Page 70 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide OW DO CHOOSE INDIVIDUAL FILES FOR RESTORE On the advanced Restore Summary category whose files you want to restore. You can also: • Select backed-up files within a category • Browse through folders that contain backup files •...
  • Page 71 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide 3. Select the files to be restored, and click You are returned to the selections. 4. If you are finished selecting files, click ♦ To select files by browsing: 1. Click the Browse Files 2.
  • Page 72 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide 2. Select the combination of files you want to restore: These selections are combined so that only files that match all of them are found – in this case only files in the category Photos, and created/last changed within the last year, and with names starting with ‘inuk’.
  • Page 73 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide 3. Click Search Files that match all of your search criteria are displayed. 4. Select the files to be restored, and click You are returned to the selections. 5. If you are finished selecting files, click...
  • Page 74 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide ♦ To select another drive and/or folder to restore to: 1. On the Select Location to Restore Files to restore my files to 2. Select the drive to restore to. The folder that will be used is shown below the drives.
  • Page 75 For most users the automatic search finds and backs up everything that matters Customizable backup options • Includes options for custom file types and full folder backup • Still runs as Clickfree, even after customizing settings • Remembers your customized settings for each computer you use it with Multi-PC backup •...
  • Page 76 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide Easy restore to same or other computer • Backed-up content can quickly and easily be restored • You don’t need the C2 Portable Backup Drive to restore content – if necessary, a restore can be done using only the recordable media containing the backed-up files.
  • Page 77: Starting A Dvd Backup

    Clickfree back up?” on page 78. Most likely, this means that it will back up everything that matters to you right out of the box without you having to do anything but plug it in.
  • Page 78: Clickfree Backs Up Content

    Financial – such as those from QuickBooks and tax programs Want to know more? You can look at the details by following the steps in “How do I Change how Clickfree does backups?” on page 83 without making any changes. HAT DO...
  • Page 79 Backing up my content (DVD) OW DO START USING MY ♦ To start using your Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive for DVD backup: 1. Follow the instructions in “How do I start a DVD backup or restore?” on page 46. 2. Wait for the...
  • Page 80 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide Clickfree displays some screens to show progress: • Click • Choose whether you are backing up onto CD or DVD. Clickfree tells you how many disks are needed. If you previously backed up this computer, you can choose whether to backup only files that are new or have changed since the last backup.
  • Page 81 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide • Click I’m Ready-Start Backup Clickfree prompts you when to put recordable media in your CD/DVD writer: and starts the backup: Clickfree tells you when the backup is complete: Copyright © 2009 Storage Appliance Corporation.
  • Page 82 HAT IF LICKFREE DOESN If you see a message telling you that ”Clickfree™ Backup cannot start because you do not have the required permissions. Please re-login to this computer as the Administrator.”: 1. Log out.
  • Page 83 Until you click make changes. ♦ To review or change what gets backed up: 1. Follow the procedure “How do I start using my Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive (DVD)?” on page 79. 2. Before the countdown reaches zero, click Copyright ©...
  • Page 84 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide Manage Settings and PCs 3. Now click Change Backup Settings HOOSING CATEGORIES OF CONTENT TO BE BACKED UP 4. All of the categories are selected by default. Choose the categories of content to be backed up, for example, Text Documents, Photos, and Videos.
  • Page 85 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide 5. When you are finished choosing content categories, click Next >. Note: You must choose at least one file type or category – you cannot leave all file types and categories unchecked. HOOSING LOCATIONS TO SEARCH FOR CONTENT 6.
  • Page 86 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide ♦ To look only in certain folders: • Choose Search selected folders only from My Documents • To search the entire checked • To see details of a folder under checkbox. This expands and changes the + to a -.
  • Page 87 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide 7. When you have made your choices, click HOOSING COMPLETE FOLDERS TO BE BACKED UP 8. Choose complete folders to be backed up in addition to categories and locations. The folders you choose here are completely copied -, all of their files are backed up regardless of file type.
  • Page 88 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide • You can now choose the individual folders you want to include in the backup by adding and removing checkmarks in the checkboxes. For example, within My Documents if you want to include only the folder with the photos of your hike, uncheck the My Documents checkbox, then check only •...
  • Page 89 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide 11. Click Clickfree backs up your content 12. Choose whether you are backing up onto CD or DVD. Clickfree tells you how many disks are needed. If you previously backed up this computer, you can choose whether to backup only files that are new or have changed since the last backup.
  • Page 90 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide 14. Click At the end of the backup, a Backup Summary up this time ( column) and from all backups, including this one ( Space Used column shows the amount of space that files from all backups take up on their respective backup disks.
  • Page 91 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide Note: Clickfree tells you to label the disk with a number and date. If you have more than one computer to back up, you should also write the computer’s name (seen on the Backup Summary screen) on the disk.
  • Page 92: What Do I Need Before I Start?

    Sometimes, also, you may delete content by mistake. When these things happen, other computer users may lose valuable, sometimes irreplaceable, data. But if you lose content you’ll be really happy that you bought and used Clickfree. Your backed-up content is safe on your working computer again.
  • Page 93 For details, see: • “How do I let Clickfree restore decide what to restore and where?” on page 94 • “How do I change how Clickfree restores content?” on page 97.
  • Page 94 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide OW DO LICKFREE RESTORE DECIDE WHAT TO RESTORE AND WHERE You can allow Clickfree to make the decisions about what to restore and to where, but you need to confirm what Clickfree plans to do. ♦ To let...
  • Page 95 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide 5. Click the arrow at the right of the The drop-down list contains the names of all of the computers that have been backed up using the C2 Portable Backup Drive. 6. Select the name of the computer whose content you want to restore.
  • Page 96 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide 9. Before it overwrites an existing file on your computer with one of the same name from the backed-up files, from the backup: 10. You can choose to: • Not replace this one file – click •...
  • Page 97: H O W Do Ichange How Clickfree Res Tores Content

    ESTORING CONTENT ♦ To change how Clickfree restores content: 1. Follow steps 1 to 3 of the previous section “How do I let Clickfree restore decide what to restore and where?” on page 94. Restore Summary Copyright © 2009 Storage Appliance Corporation.
  • Page 98: Choosing The Computer To Restore From

    Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide 2. Before you click Next Restore From box: If your C2 Portable Backup Drive was used to back-up the computer that you are using, Restore From box by default contains the name of this computer, and, unless you change it, the content that will be restored will be from this computer.
  • Page 99: Choosing Where To Restore Content To

    Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide 7. Click Next > HOOSING WHERE TO RESTORE CONTENT TO 8. What you do next depends on whether you want to restore your content to its original locations (if the same locations exist on this computer) or to somewhere else.
  • Page 100 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide 9. Insert the requested backup disk and click Clickfree restores your content, it shows you what is happening and how far it has gotten in the process. Before it overwrites an existing file on your computer with one of the same name from...
  • Page 101: How Do Irestore From Multiple Computers ? And How Can Iundo A Restore

    Be very careful before proceeding with such a restore. 2. Continue with restore as described in “How do I let Clickfree restore decide what to restore and where?” on page 94, or “How do I change how Clickfree restores content?”...
  • Page 102: Restore Completed With Exceptions

    Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide ESTORE COMPLETED WITH EXCEPTIONS If you skip any files during a restore, the Restore Complete screen has an the bottom left: • Click the link to see what files were not restored: Copyright © 2009 Storage Appliance Corporation.
  • Page 103: How Do Iundo A Restore

    Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide OW DO UNDO A RESTORE Whenever you restore files to their original locations, the restore, in case you have mistakenly overwritten a file. ♦ To undo the effects of a restore: 1. Click Click here to undo …...
  • Page 104 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide My program cannot find the restored files – what should I do? Note: Some programs, especially those like a file open dialog, expect to find their files in a particular folder. If you restore files to a folder other than the original location, your program may not be able to find them.
  • Page 105: Browsing, Searching & Viewing My Files (Dvd)

    • View backed-up files Note: When you try to do anything with a file (for example, to open the file), Clickfree prompts you to insert the backup disk that contains the latest (most up-to-date) version of that file. TARTING FROM THE ♦...
  • Page 106: How Do Iview And Use Photos

    Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide ♦ To browse and search for files, or view photos: 1. In the Restore from for/browse for/view. 2. Click Advanced to display the 3. Select the date and time of the backup whose files you want to work with.
  • Page 107 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide ♦ To select photos: Click the photo so that the checkbox at the top right is checked. As you continue to click photos, they are added to the selection. ♦ To use a photo as wallpaper: 1.
  • Page 108 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide ♦ To print photos: 1. Select the photos. 2. Click Print @ Home 3. Set the Printer Options ♦ To share photos: 1. Select the photos. 2. Click Share Photos 3. Click facebook
  • Page 109: How Do Ibrowse My Backed Up Files

    Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide ♦ To open a photo: Double-click the photo. It opens in your usual program for working with photos: OW DO BROWSE MY BACKED ♦ To browse for files that you have backed up: Expand and collapse the folders on the left side of the screen: •...
  • Page 110: Ow Do Search For My Backed Up Files

    Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide OW DO SEARCH FOR MY BACKED If you clicked the Search Files You can enter search factors to find the files you want. If you clicked a category name, the category, regardless of ♦...
  • Page 111: What Can Ido With Files From Browse , Search And View Photos

    Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide For example (assuming that the include them): To find all files whose names begin with ‘08Dec’, type ‘08Dec*’ – this will find 08Dec_LetterToMary.doc, but not 2008DecemberExpenses.xls To find all files with ‘Dec’ anywhere in the name, type ‘*Dec*’ – this will find 08Dec_LetterToMary.doc, 2008DecemberExpenses.xls, etc...
  • Page 112: Advanced Topics (Dvd)

    Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide Advanced topics (DVD) HAT IF THERE IS MORE THAN ONE USER ON MY COMPUTER This matters only if each user has a separate user login name for the computer. If every user logs in with the same user name, all of their content is backed up and restored at the same time regardless of who is logged in.
  • Page 113: How Is Backup Different When Ihave More Than One Computer

    ♦ To find the name of a computer: 1. Follow steps 1 to 2 of “How do I start using my Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive (DVD)?” on page 79. 2. When you see the countdown, click...
  • Page 114: How Do Irestore My Files Using Only The Backup Disks

    1. Click the computer you want to remove. 2. Click Remove PC 3. If you really want to remove the computer from Clickfree, check the checkbox and click Remove Warning: Once you have removed a computer from that computer’s backup history.
  • Page 115: What Are Factory Settings And How Do Iuse Them

    Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide 2. Click Restore Files 3. If you click View , you see a summary of backed-up files. You can continue with the normal browsing and searching functions. ‘ HAT ARE FACTORY SETTINGS Factory settings can be used in •...
  • Page 116: How Do Ichange The Interface Language

    CHANGE THE INTERFACE LANGUAGE ♦ To choose which language is used in the When you start Clickfree, it automatically uses the language that Windows is set for. If you want to change the language that 1. During the countdown, before the countdown reaches zero, click 2.
  • Page 117: What Are The Clickfree Tools And How Do Iuse Them

    – checks that files have been correctly written to CD/DVD, and that they can be read ♦ To use the Clickfree tools: 1. Connect Clickfree Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive (DVD)?” on page 79. 2. When you see the countdown screen, click zero: 3. Click the Tools tab to show the available tools.
  • Page 118: Updating Clickfree Software

    However, information about which files are on which disk is lost. Clickfree never erases anything other than the history of backups it has performed. If you want to remove only the backup history for one computer, see “To remove a computer”...
  • Page 119: Verify

    Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide ♦ To check manually for updates: 1. On the Tools screen click If the software in your to date, click on the dialog that pops up. If an update is available, downloading the update and updating your software:...
  • Page 120 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide OW DO EMOVE In addition to allowing you to choose to back up pre-defined file types within the pre- defined categories, Clickfree add file types that are not included in the pre-defined categories.
  • Page 121 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide ♦ To remove a file type: 1. Click a file type in 2. Click The file type is removed from ♦ To change a file type: 1. Click a file type in 2. Type the new extension for the file type, and click...
  • Page 122: How Do Ichoose Individual Files For Restore

    Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide ♦ To select one or more file types in a category: 1. Click the + to the left of the checkbox. This expands the category list to show the file types that make up that category, and changes the + to a -: 2.
  • Page 123 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide You can also: • Select backed-up files within a category • Browse through folders that contain backup files • Search for backed-up files by file type, file date, and file name Files selected by each of these means are included in the restore.
  • Page 124 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide ♦ To select files by browsing: 1. Click the Browse Files 2. Select the files to be restored, and click You are returned to the selections. 3. If you are finished selecting files, click ♦...
  • Page 125 Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide 2. Select the combination of files you want to restore: These selections are combined so that only files that match all of them are found – in this case only files in the category Photos, and created/last changed within the last year, and with names starting with ‘inuk’.
  • Page 126: How Do Ichoose Another Drive And / Or Folder To Restore To

    Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide 3. Click Search Files that match all of your search criteria are displayed. 4. Select the files to be restored, and click You are returned to the selections. 5. If you are finished selecting files, click...
  • Page 127: Copyright © 2009 Storage Appliance Corporation

    Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide ♦ To select another drive and/or folder to restore to: 1. Choose Select the location to restore my files 2. Select the drive to restore to. The folder that will be used is shown below the drives.
  • Page 128: Delayed Write Failed

    Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive User Guide ELAYED WRITE FAILED Note: Sometimes when you unplug the C2 Portable Backup Drive you will see a window that tells you that there was a delayed write failure: This is nothing to be concerned about – the message can safely be closed and ignored.
  • Page 129: Legal Stuff

    Other product names used in this guide are recognized as trademarks or registered trademarks of their owners. The information contained in this guide is provided by Storage Appliance Corporation and while we try to keep the information up-to-date and correct, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, or suitability of the information or related products.

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