(HD) ASICS OW DOES LICKFREE WORK HAT GETS BACKED UP Clickfree backs up content Does Clickfree back up all of my content every time? What content categories does Clickfree back up? HAT DO NEED BEFORE START ACKING UP MY CONTENT...
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USE MORE THAN ONE How do I make multiple backups? LICKFREE OOLS How do I use password protection? Manage Backups Master reset Updating Clickfree software OW DO CHOOSE INDIVIDUAL FILES FOR RESTORE HAT DO DO IF LICKFREE DOESN NTRODUCING LICKFREE...
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(DVD) ASICS OW DOES LICKFREE WORK HAT GETS BACKED UP Clickfree backs up content Does Clickfree back up all of my content every time? What content categories does Clickfree back up? HAT DO NEED BEFORE START ACKING UP MY CONTENT...
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As a result, this document has two divisions, one for using the built-in hard drive for backups (starting with “Introducing Clickfree Portable Backup Drive (HD)” on page 8) and the other for using CDs/DVDs for backups (starting with “Introducing Clickfree DVD Transformer (DVD)”...
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Important: Clickfree never erases or replaces content on your computer‟s hard drive, unless you ask it to replace a file during restore. Clickfree never erases anything other than the backups it has performed. Any other data stored on your Portable Backup Drive /CDs/DVDs is left untouched and is never erased.
For most users automatically backs up everything that matters Customizable backup options Includes options for custom file types and full folder backup Still runs as Clickfree, even after customizing settings Remembers your customized settings for each user you use it with Multi-computer backup...
Page 9
And unless you ask it to remove backed-up content, replaces content on your Portable Backup Drive. Your Clickfree backups are also handy for moving or copying data from one computer to another. Import music...
Sometimes, for a variety of reasons, the program may not run by itself – it may need a little help. If this happens to you, don‟t worry – it‟s easy to get things going. We‟ll show you how a little later. For details, see “What do I do if Clickfree doesn‟t start automatically?” on page 44.
Other – including Stuffit and hqx files, XML, and comma-separated values files Want to know more? You can look at the details by following the steps in “How do I change how Clickfree does backups?” on page 15 without making any changes. HAT DO...
Backing up my content (HD) OW DO START USING MY To start using your Clickfree 1. Make sure that your computer is switched on and has finished starting up. 2. Log in, if that is what you normally do. 3. Attach the Clickfree the USB cable to the drive and the other end to a USB port on your computer.
Click c. Click Clickfree When the Clickfree number of seconds left before the backup starts automatically: Note: After you have backed up content on your Portable Backup Drive, Restore/Transfer – ERO EFFORT BACKUP Unless you stop the countdown by clicking a button, at the end of the countdown period Clickfree starts the backup.
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If you want to make changes to how backup is done, click and see “How do Options I change how Clickfree does backups” on page 15 Clickfree displays some windows to show progress: window shows you how many files in each category were...
To review or change what gets backed up: 1. Follow steps 1 to 3 of the procedure “How do I start using my Clickfree Portable Backup Drive (HD)?” on page 12.
5. When you are finished choosing folders, click OK twice, and go to step 9. . If it isn‟t, select it, and go to step 4. is selected Clickfree to back up completely. You can add and Clickfree window, then: is selected .
You must choose at least one category. HOOSING FOLDERS TO SEARCH FOR CONTENT Your home folder is selected by default. 7. Choose where you want Clickfree can add and remove folders Click the Advanced button near the bottom right of the To add a folder: a.
For example, you might want to reduce the number of file categories being backed up. See “How do I change how Clickfree does backups” on page 15 for details. As an alternative, if you have backups from an old computer or user that you don‟t need to keep any more, you could remove the old computer or user.
Sometimes, also, you may delete content by mistake. When these things happen, other computer users may lose valuable, sometimes irreplaceable, data. But if you lose content you‟ll be really happy that you bought and used Clickfree. Your backed-up content is safe on your working computer again.
If you prefer, you can easily tell computer‟s hard disk that is convenient for you. For details, see: “How do I let Clickfree restore decide what to restore and where?” on page 21 “How do I change how Clickfree restores content?” on page 25 OW DO...
Page 22
Because you have backed-up content on your Portable Backup Drive, the countdown window now shows buttons at the bottom to allow you to 5. Before the countdown gets to zero, click window appears. Note that all of the categories that have backed-up content are checked off in the Categories column.
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8. Select the name of the user whose content you want to restore. Note: To restore content from more than one user simply repeat the restore process choosing a different user each time. 9. Since you are letting Clickfree 10. Since you are letting Clickfree Restore Clickfree restores your content, it shows you what is happening and how far it has gotten in the process.
Page 24
Keep both copies of all same-name files – check click Keep Both . Clickfree, without asking you, renames the remaining backed-up files by adding „copy‟ to the ends of the file names, then restores the renamed files. Not replace this one file – click Not replace any same-name files –...
To change how Clickfree 1. Follow steps 1 to 8 of the previous section “How do I let Clickfree restore decide what to restore and where?” on page 21. 2. What you do next depends on whether you want to restore all or only some of your files.
HOOSING WHERE TO RESTORE CONTENT TO 5. What you do next depends on whether you want to restore your content to the default folder or to somewhere else. If you want to restore your content to the default folder, click step 8.
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„ copy‟ to the end of the file name, then restores the renamed file. Keep both copies of all same-name files – check click . Clickfree, without asking you, renames the remaining backed-up Keep Both files by adding „ copy‟ to the ends of the file names, then restores the renamed files.
Page 28
Unfortunately, this is different for every application and you may need to consult the program‟s Help or user guide to find out where the files need to be moved to. Clickfree tells you that it is done. Clickfree...
Browsing & searching for my files (HD) From the Backup Summary Browse your backup(s) for files Search your backup(s) for files TARTING FROM THE To browse and search for files: Before the countdown gets to zero, click displayed. ROM THE ACKUP UMMARY WINDOW window you can:...
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To browse and search for files: 1. In the box select the user whose files you want to search or browse for. Backup 2. Do one of the following: Click any of the underlined numbers (for example, Finder features to find and open your files. Note that the file display is filtered to show only files that belong to the category you selected.
The DVD backup/restore is started from the To start a DVD backup or restore 1. Follow steps 1 to 3 of the procedure “How do I start using my Clickfree Portable Backup Drive (HD)?” on page 12. 2. Before the countdown reaches zero, click Choose what to backup 3.
You can use your Clickfree iPod/iPhone to your computer. 1. Follow steps 1 to 3 of “How do I start using my Clickfree Portable Backup Drive (HD)?” on page 12. 2. Before the countdown reaches zero, click Import Musicfrom iPhone/iPod...
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3. Attach your iPod/iPhone to a USB port on your computer. 4. Click Import Music 5. Select the iPod/iPhone to import music from, and click 6. Select the music to be copied by checking and unchecking a combination of the Playlists on the left, and individual on the iPod/iPhone, ensure that the...
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7. If you do not want to import the music to iTunes, uncheck the imported music to your iTunes library 8. Click Browse to select the location to copy the music files to. 9. Click Start Copy The music files are imported to your computer. 10.
So if you use a second Portable Backup Drive with the same user, with a full backup again. LICKFREE OOLS Several tools are available for working with Clickfree: Clickfree Password Drive Manage backups backups for a user Master reset and undoes any changes you have made to the backup settings.
To use these tools: 1. Connect Clickfree Clickfree Portable Backup Drive (HD)?” on page 12. 2. When you see the countdown window, click countdown reaches zero: 3. Click Tools to show the available tools. OW DO USE PASSWORD PROTECTION Do my files need password protection?
Page 37
To enable password protection: 4. Click Enable Password 5. Type your password in both the 6. Optionally set a hint. See below for details. 7. Click Clickfree imposes no restrictions on the More Tools New Password screen. fields. Retype Password...
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If you forget your password, then, as noted in the warning above, you have effectively lost access to all of the backups on your Portable Backup Drive. Clickfree gives you a second chance at remembering the password, in the form of a hint.
Page 39
To disable password protection: Click Disable Password then click when asked if you are sure. You can re-enable password protection from the password protection?” on page 37. What if I forget my password? If you have forgotten your password, and cannot remember it from the hint you set when you enabled password protection, your only choice is to reset the Portable Backup Drive and lose all of your backed-up content.
8. 8. Click to confirm that you are sure you want to erase all backed-up content. Clickfree shows you how far it has got with erasing data, then tells you that your Portable Backup Drive has been reset. ANAGE...
Portable Backup Drive, and to reset your selections of folders and categories to be backed up and restored. For details, see “How do I change how Clickfree does backups?” on page 15 and “How do I change how Clickfree restores content?” on page 25.
To check automatically for updates: By default, Clickfree computer and you have a connection to the internet. To ensure this feature is on, make sure that the checkbox window: Every time that you connect updated software and, if an update is available, prompts you to download and install it.
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To select/deselect files within a category: 1. Click any of the underlined numbers (for example, The window that opens lists, on the left, all of the folders that contain files from the category that corresponds to the number you clicked: Select a folder to view the files it contains.
HAT DO DO IF LICKFREE DOESN Clickfree does not run when you plug in the If you are connecting the Portable Backup Drive to a USB hub (which could be in your monitor or keyboard), the hub may not provide enough power for a Portable Backup Drive.
For most users automatically backs up everything that matters Customizable backup options Includes options for custom file types and full folder backup Still runs as Clickfree, even after customizing settings Remembers your customized settings for each user you use it with Multi-computer backup Holds information about all of the backups you make while using it.
Page 46
Without the DVD Transformer, to restore your files you will likely need to run restore from multiple backups to be sure that you can restore all of your files in their most current versions. Clickfree DVD Transformer to your computer it Clickfree...
Sometimes, for a variety of reasons, the program may not run by itself – it may need a little help. If this happens to you, don‟t worry – it‟s easy to get things going. We‟ll show you how a little later. For details, see “What do I do if Clickfree doesn‟t start automatically?” on page 75.
Other – including Stuffit and hqx files, XML, and comma-separated values files Want to know more? You can look at the details by following the steps in “How do I change how Clickfree does backups?” on page 52 without making any changes. HAT DO...
Backing up my content (DVD) OW DO START USING MY To start using your Clickfree 1. Follow step 1 of the procedure “How do I start a DVD backup or restore?” on page 31. 2. Wait for the Clickfree When the...
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1. If you want to make changes to how backup is done, click change how Clickfree does backups?” on page 52. Clickfree displays some windows to show progress: 2. Click 3. Choose whether you are backing up onto CD or DVD.
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Clickfree then backs up the content you chose to your backup disk(s): 5. At the end of the backup, the backup disk is ejected, and you are prompted to label it: 6. Click Backup Summary backed up this time (...
Where Clickfree Note: Changes you make to how Clickfree does backups are “sticky”: they are stored and applied again to later backups for this user unless you modify them. To review or change what gets backed up: 1. Follow step 1 of the procedure “How do I start a DVD backup or restore?” on page 31.
Options / Tools HOOSING WHAT TO BACK UP 3. If you want Clickfree to check that all files have been written to the backup disk properly, and can be read, check about how this works, click 4. You can either back up all of the files in selected folders (for example, your Home folder), or you can choose the categories of content to back up (for example, Office Documents, Photos, and Videos), and the folders to search for these categories.
You must choose at least one category. HOOSING FOLDERS TO SEARCH FOR CONTENT Your home folder is selected by default. 8. Choose where you want Clickfree can add and remove folders Click the Advanced button near the bottom right of the To add a folder a.
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9. When you are finished choosing folders, click OK twice, and continue with step 10. 10. When you have made your choices, click Clickfree searches for content to back up Before actually backing up any content, complete folders you chose, or searches the folders you chose for your chosen categories of...
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Clickfree backs up your content 11. Choose whether you are backing up onto CD or DVD. Note: At this point, Clickfree files you want to back up. If you don‟t have enough disks, click up, and deselect some files or file categories.
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Backup Summary backup disk(s), and store them in a safe place. Note: Clickfree tells you to label the disk with a number and date. If you have more than one computer to back up, you should also write the computer‟s name (seen on the Backup Summary screen) on the disk.
Sometimes, also, you may delete content by mistake. When these things happen, other computer users may lose valuable, sometimes irreplaceable, data. But if you lose content you‟ll be really happy that you bought and used Clickfree. Your backed-up content is safe on your working computer again.
If you prefer, you can easily tell computer‟s hard disk that is convenient for you. For details, see: “How do I let Clickfree restore decide what to restore and where?” on page 59 “How do I change how Clickfree restores content?” on page 63 OW DO...
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Note: To restore content from more than one user or date/time simply repeat the restore process choosing a different user or date/time. 5. Since you are letting Clickfree . The Restore What to restore to restore all of your content, or select categories to be...
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6. Since you are letting Clickfree Clickfree confirms how many files will be restored, and where they are going to be restored to: If necessary, Clickfree prompts you to insert the required disk: 7. Insert the requested backup disk. Clickfree restores your content, it shows you what is happening and how far it has gotten in the process.
Page 62
Keep both copies of all same-name files – check click Keep Both . Clickfree, without asking you, renames the remaining backed-up files by adding „copy‟ to the ends of the file names, then restores the renamed files. Not replace this one file – click Not replace any same-name files –...
To change how Clickfree 1. Follow steps 1 to 4 of the previous section “How do I let Clickfree restore decide what to restore and where?” on page 59. 2. What you do next depends on whether you want to restore all or only some of your files.
6. Navigate to your chosen destination and click 7. Click Next If necessary, Clickfree prompts you to insert the required disk: 8. Insert the requested backup disk. 9. Assuming that there is enough space on your hard disk, the restore starts.
Page 65
Keep both copies of all same-name files – check click Keep Both . Clickfree, without asking you, renames the remaining backed-up files by adding „ copy‟ to the ends of the file names, then restores the renamed files. Not replace this one file – click Not replace any same-name files –...
Page 66
Unfortunately, this is different for every application and you may need to consult the program‟s Help or user guide to find out where the files need to be moved to. Your files have Clickfree backup: it is still safe on the...
Browse your backup(s) for files Search your backup(s) for files Note: When you try to do anything with a file (for example, to open the file), Clickfree prompts you to insert the backup disk that contains the latest (most up-to-date) version of that file.
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To browse and search for files: 1. In the box select the name of the user whose files you want to search or browse Backup for. 2. Do one of the following: To use the normal Finder features to find and open your files, Click To browse your files by category, click any of the underlined numbers (for example, The window that opens lists, on the left, all of the folders that contain files from the category that corresponds to the number you clicked:...
Each CD or DVD is used for only one backup. Once a backup is finished you cannot record anything else on the disk. Clickfree creates a unique identifier for each computer and user that it is used with, regardless of the computer‟s and user‟s names. This allows more than one computer and user without the files getting mixed up with each other, even if all of the computers and users have the same names.
Only backup files that are new or have changed since the last backup LICKFREE OOLS Several tools are available for working with Clickfree: Manage backups backups for a user Master reset any changes you have made to the backup settings.
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To remove a user: If you no longer want to keep back up history for a user, you can remove the information from the Clickfree DVD Transformer. Note: Even after you remove a user from your DVD Transformer, you can still restore content from backup disks.
DVD Transformer, and to reset your selections of folders and categories to be backed up and restored. For details, see “How do I change how Clickfree does backups?” on page 52 and “How do I change how Clickfree restores content?” on page 63.
To check automatically for updates: By default, Clickfree automatically looks for updates when it is connected to your computer and you have a connection to the internet. To ensure this feature is on, make sure that the checkbox Automatically check for updates Every time that you connect updated software and, if an update is available, prompts you to download and install it.
OW DO CHOOSE INDIVIDUAL FILES FOR RESTORE On the What to restore you want to restore. You can also select and deselect individual backed-up files within a category. To select/deselect files within a category: 1. Click any of the underlined numbers (for example, The window that opens lists, on the left, all of the folders that contain files from the category that corresponds to the number you clicked: Select a folder to view the files it contains.
HAT DO DO IF LICKFREE DOESN Clickfree does not run when you plug in the 1. Ensure you are using a supported Mac computer: OSX Leopard 10.5 or higher, Intel based. 2. Ensure that you have administrative rights to the computer.
Other product names used in this guide are recognized as trademarks or registered trademarks of their owners. The information contained in this guide is provided by Storage Appliance Corporation and while we try to keep the information up-to-date and correct, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, or suitability of the information or related products.
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