Main Features (HD) ASICS OW DOES LICKFREE WORK HAT GETS BACKED UP Clickfree backs up content Does Clickfree back up all of my content every time? What content categories does Clickfree back up? HAT DO NEED BEFORE START ACKING ONTENT...
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(DVD) ASICS OW DOES LICKFREE WORK HAT GETS BACKED UP Clickfree backs up content Does Clickfree back up all of my content every time? What content categories does Clickfree back up? HAT DO NEED BEFORE START ACKING UP MY CONTENT...
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Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide OW DO CHANGE HOW LICKFREE RESTORES CONTENT Restoring content Choosing the computer to restore from Choosing categories of content to be restored Choosing where to restore content to OW DO RESTORE FROM MULTIPLE COMPUTERS...
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Making a backup of your content only copies it from your computer to your C2N Home Backup Drive /CDs/DVDs, and does not delete it from the computer’s hard drive.
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Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide Restoring your content from a backup only copies it from your C2N Home Backup Drive /CDs/DVDs to your computer, and does not delete it from these media. Clickfree never erases or replaces content on your computer’s hard drive, Important: unless you ask it to replace a file during restore.
BackupLink is installed. Now the C2N Home Backup Drive can be attached to another computer on the network. All computers that have the BackupLink utility installed can run the backup over the network, as long as the C2N Home Backup Drive is connected to one of the computers on the network.
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• Each subsequent time you connect BackupLink from your system tray, if connecting to the C2N Home Backup Drive over a network), it just does an update: • Any new files since your last backup are added to the backup •...
You can back up as many computers as you like on the same network with the C2N Home Backup Drive. The same thing happens each time you plug it into a new computer. And each of your backed-up computers is kept separate on your C2N Home Backup Drive.
Clickfree back up?” on page 13. Most likely, this means that it will back up everything that matters to you right out of the box without you having to do anything but plug it in.
Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide HAT DO NEED BEFORE All you need to start your backup is the included USB cable. Before you start your first Restore, you should read through the “Restoring My Content (HD)” chapter (page 33).
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Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide • If you do not remember your password, click Show Hint and use the hint to help you enter your password. • If you still do not remember your password, see “What if I forget my password?: on page 66.
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Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide After you have backed up content on your C2N Home Backup Drive, Note: Files Restore/Transfer Options Unless you stop the countdown by clicking a button, at the end of the countdown period Clickfree starts the backup.
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( Total column). The files from all backups for this computer take up on the C2N Home Backup Drive. It also tells you that the BackupLink utility is installed. For information about using BackupLink, see below. When you see the Backup Summary 10.
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If you later uninstall the BackupLink (e.g. if you will be running Note: this computer only), or if you unplug the C2N Home Backup Drive before the backup is complete (and therefore BackupLink does not get installed), you must use this procedure to run the backup each time. BackupLink is only installed automatically after the first backup;...
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Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide Turning off the Notifications When Clickfree is backing up your files, whether you started it manually or it started automatically, you will see status notifications in the bottom right of your screen. If you don’t want to see these anymore, you can click it.
If you see a yellow warning icon beside a computer, it means the computer is online, but cannot access the C2N Home Backup Drive. You will need to contact Customer Support. If the C2N Home Backup Drive is not currently connected to any of the computers, you will see:...
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3. Scroll to the bottom of the 4. Click Save ♦ To temporarily bypass Autorun – Windows XP/Vista: 1. Wait for two minutes after you connect your C2N Home Backup Drive to your computer: 2. Click the button on your computer, then click...
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In Windows Vista, if the AutoPlay screen appears: 1. Check Always do this for software and games 2. Click Start ClickFree Backup You only need to do this once, not every time you use Clickfree. OW DO CHANGE HOW You can change: •...
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Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide Back > sends you back to the previous step so that you can change a decision you already made. Until you click back and make changes. ♦ To review or change what gets backed up: 1.
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Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide HOOSING CATEGORIES OF CONTENT TO BE BACKED UP 4. All of the categories are selected by default. Choose the categories of content to be backed up, for example, Text Documents, Photos, and Videos.
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Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide HOOSING LOCATIONS TO SEARCH FOR CONTENT 7. Choose where you want Clickfree can either: • look through your entire computer (the default setting) • look only in certain folders ♦ To look through the entire computer •...
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Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide • Do the same for You must choose a location – you cannot leave all locations unchecked. Note: 8. When you have made your choices, click HOOSING COMPLETE FOLDERS TO BE BACKED UP 9.
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Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide Each folder with a • You can now choose the individual folders you want to include in the backup by adding and removing checkmarks in the checkboxes. For example, within Documents if you want to include only the folder with Music, uncheck the...
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It adds up the sizes of all of the content it finds, then adds the sizes of the files in the complete folders you also chose. See “What if there is not enough space on my Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive?” on page 30.
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Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide When the Start Backup click Start Backup . Backup proceeds as usual. As an alternative, if you have backups from an old computer that you don’t need to keep any more, you could cancel the backup, remove the old computer (for details, see “To remove a computer”...
Sometimes, also, you may delete content by mistake. When these things happen, other computer users may lose valuable, sometimes irreplaceable, data. But if you lose content you’ll be really happy that you bought and used Clickfree. Your backed-up content is safe on your a working computer again.
For details, see: • “How do I let Clickfree restore decide what to restore and where?” on page 34 • “How do I change how Clickfree restores content?” on page 37...
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4. Before you click Start Restore restored, look at the computer name in the If your C2N Home Backup Drive contains backups created on the computer that you are using, the Restore From unless you change it, the content to be restored will come from this computer.
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Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide Clickfree confirms how many files will be restored, and where they are going to be restored to. Clickfree restores your content, it shows you what is happening and how far it has gotten in the process.
Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide When all of your content has been restored, 8. Click Close After a restore, Note: to undo, see “How do I undo a restore?” on page 56. Your content has not been deleted from your Note: the C2N Home Backup Drive.
Drive is available, then click Restore screen appears: If your C2N Home Backup Drive contains backed-up content from the computer that you are using, the Restore From and, unless you change it, the content that will be restored will be from this computer.
Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide HOOSING THE COMPUTER TO RESTORE FROM 3. Click the arrow at the right of the and select the name of the computer whose content you want to restore. 4. To restore content from more than one computer simply repeat the restore process choosing a different computer each time in step 3.
OW DO RESTORE FILES FROM MULTIPLE COMPUTERS The process of restoring is described in “How do I let Clickfree restore decide what to restore and where?” on page 34, or “How do I change how Clickfree restores content?” on page 37.
Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide OW DO FIND FILES THAT WERE RESTORED Clickfree restored your files to a folder that was not their original location, puts an icon on your desktop so that you can quickly and easily get to the restored content: ♦...
Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide Browsing, Searching & Viewing My Files (HD) From the Backup Summary • Browse your backup(s) for files • Search your backup(s) for files • View backed-up files ♦ To browse and search for files, or view photos: 1.
Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide 4. In the Current PC box select the name of the computer whose files you want to search for/browse for/view. 5. Do one of the following: • Click the name of a category , and follow ”How do I search for my backed-up files”...
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Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide 3. Select one or more photos and use the buttons at the bottom of the screen to: • Print them on your own printer • Share them on Facebook or Myspace • Email them (if you use Outlook or Outlook Express for your email) You can also select one photo and use it as wallpaper for your computer.
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Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide 3. Click facebook ♦ To email photos: If you use Outlook message and attach your photos. 1. Select the photos. 2. Click Email Your email program opens a new blank message with the photos included as attachments: 3.
Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide ♦ To open a photo: Double-click the photo. It opens in your usual program for working with photos: OW DO BROWSE MY BACKED ♦ To browse for files that you have backed up: 1.
Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide OW DO SEARCH FOR MY BACKED 1. On the Backup Summary computer whose files you want to search for/browse for/view. 2. Do one of the following: • Click the name of a category other than...
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Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide ♦ To search for files: 1. Use the combination of match the file(s) you want to find: These selections are combined so that only files that match all of them are found – in this case only files in the category last year, and with names ending with ‘tmp’.
Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide Files that match all of your search factors are displayed. For information about what you can do with the files that are displayed, see “What can I do with files from browse, search and view photos” on page 51.
ADMINISTRATOR USERS Non-administrator users are subject to certain limitations: • The first time that a non-administrator user uses the C2N Home Backup Drive, an administrative user password is required. • If your C2N Home Backup Drive is password protected, a non-administrator user cannot backup or restore files.
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Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide You can only do this if the Backup Status is “Ready”, not if any of the connected Note: computers is currently backing up. Manage Settings and PCs 3. Click the Import Music 4. Attach your iPod/iPhone to a USB port on your computer.
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Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide 6. Select the iPod/iPhone to import music from, and click 7. Select the music to be copied by checking and unchecking a combination of the Playlists on the left, and individual on the iPod/iPhone, ensure that the A grey checkmark in a playlist’s checkbox means that some of its titles are selected.
Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide Note that, since a title may be included in more than one playlist, checking or unchecking any given playlist may result in a change in the selection status of other playlists. You can use the controls at the bottom left of the screen to play any title from Note: your iPod through your computer’s sound system.
Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide The latest Restore is undone: 6. To see what files were replaced by undoing the restore, click undo log HAT IF THERE IS MORE THAN ONE USER ON MY COMPUTER This matters only if each user has a separate user login name for the computer. If every user logs in with the same user name, all of their content is backed up and restored at the same time regardless of who is logged in.
OW IS BACKUP DIFFERENT WHEN It makes no difference at all - just plug the C2N Home Backup Drive in to each computer to do the first back up and install the BackupLink utility. After that, just leave the C2N Home Backup Drive plugged in to one of the computers on the network.
If you no longer want to keep content backed up from a computer (for example, you may no longer have that computer, and have already restored its content to another computer), you can free up space on your C2N Home Backup Drive by removing the old computer from Clickfree.
The tools are only available on the computer that the Note: Backup Drive is physically plugged in to; if you access the C2N device over the network using the BackupLink utility, you will not be able to use any of these tools.
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Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide You can only do this if the C2N Home Backup Drive is physically connected to Note: your computer, and the Backup Status is “Ready” (i.e. not if any of the connected computers is currently backing up).
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Show hint link and see the hint you entered when you enabled password protection. However, don’t forget that anyone who finds or steals your C2N Home Backup Drive can also click the link and see your hint. This means that your hint should be as difficult to use as possible for anyone other than yourself –...
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What if I forget my password? If you have forgotten your password, and cannot remember it from the hint you set when you enabled password protection, your only choice is to reset the C2N Home Backup Drive and lose all of your backed-up content.
2. In the BackupLink status screen, click You can only do this if the C2N Home Backup Drive is connected to your Note: computer, and the Backup Status is “Ready” (i.e. not if any of the connected computers is currently backing up).
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Enable BackupLink to run every: interval and time to start the backup, then click If you have configured the backup schedule for your computer, and the C2N Home Backup Drive is ready, a backup is started automatically, with no intervention from you, at the set time interval.
66 for details on turning off password protection. • If another computer is being backed up at the time your backup is scheduled, your backup will begin as soon as the C2N Home Backup Drive is ready. OW DO EMOVE...
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Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide ♦ To add a file type: 1. Click Add File Type 2. Type the extension for the new file type, and click The new file type is added to ♦ To remove a file type: 1.
Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide ♦ To change a file type: 1. Click a file type in Custom Extensions 2. Type the new extension for the file type, and click The file type in Custom Extensions 3. When you are finished working with custom extensions, click with choosing locations to be searched.
Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide 2. You can now choose the individual types of file you want to include in the backup by adding and removing checkmarks in the checkboxes. You collapse the category again by clicking the - .
Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide OW DO CHOOSE INDIVIDUAL FILES FOR RESTORE On the advanced Restore Summary category whose files you want to restore. You can also: • Select backed-up files within a category • Browse through folders that contain backup files •...
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Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide You are returned to the selections. 4. If you are finished selecting files, click ♦ To select files by browsing: 1. Click the Browse Files 2. Select the files to be restored, and click You are returned to the selections.
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Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide These selections are combined so that only files that match all of them are found – in this case only files in the category Photos, and created/last changed within the last year, and with names starting with ‘inuk’.
Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide Files that match all of your search criteria are displayed. 4. Select the files to be restored, and click You are returned to the selections. 5. If you are finished selecting files, click...
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Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide ♦ To select another drive and/or folder to restore to: 1. On the Select Location to Restore Files to restore my files to 2. Select the drive to restore to. The folder that will be used is shown below the drives.
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Backed-up content can quickly and easily be restored • You don’t need the C2N Home Backup Drive to restore content – if necessary, a restore can be done using only the recordable media containing the backed-up files. However, unless the C2N Home Backup Drive is not available, you should always use it for a restore.
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Without the C2N Home Backup Drive, to restore your files you will likely need to run restore from multiple backups to be sure that you can restore all of your files in their most current versions.
All you need to do to keep your projects, photos, videos, music etc. safe is to plug the C2N Home Backup Drive in to your computer, start the DVD backup (see “How do I start using my Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive (DVD)?” on page 85”), supply recordable media when prompted, and let it work! No need to install software or to configure anything.
Clickfree back up?” on page 83. Most likely, this means that it will back up everything that matters to you right out of the box without you having to do anything but plug it in.
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Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide HAT DO NEED BEFORE All you need to start your backup is the backup disks. Before you start your first Restore, you should read through the “Restoring My Content (DVD)” chapter of this manual.
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OW DO START USING MY ♦ To start using your Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive for DVD backup: 1. Double-click the icon on the desktop to open the BackupLink Status screen (or click once on the icon in the system tray).
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Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide Clickfree displays some screens to show progress: • Click • Choose whether you are backing up onto CD or DVD. Clickfree tells you how many disks are needed. If you previously backed up this computer, you can choose whether to backup only files that are new or have changed since the last backup.
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HAT IF LICKFREE DOESN If you see a message telling you that ”Clickfree™ Backup cannot start because you do not have the required permissions. Please re-login to this computer as the Administrator.”: 1. Log out.
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Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide Manage Settings and PCs 3. Now click Change Backup Settings HOOSING CATEGORIES OF CONTENT TO BE BACKED UP 4. All of the categories are selected by default. Choose the categories of content to be backed up, for example, Text Documents, Photos, and Videos.
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Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide You must choose at least one file type or category – you cannot leave all file Note: types and categories unchecked. HOOSING LOCATIONS TO SEARCH FOR CONTENT 6. Choose where you want Clickfree can either: •...
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Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide Each folder with a • You can now choose the individual folders you want to be searched by adding and removing checkmarks in the checkboxes. For example, to search only the folder with the Help and Manual projects, uncheck the Documents •...
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Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide HOOSING COMPLETE FOLDERS TO BE BACKED UP 8. Choose complete folders to be backed up in addition to categories and locations. The folders you choose here are completely copied -, all of their files are backed up regardless of file type.
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Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide 10. Click Done then Close time to go to the backup right away without waiting for the rest of the countdown. Clickfree searches for content to back up Before actually backing up any content, your chosen categories of content: 11.
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Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide Clickfree backs up your content 12. Choose whether you are backing up onto CD or DVD. Clickfree tells you how many disks are needed. If you previously backed up this computer, you can choose whether to backup only files that are new or have changed since the last backup.
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Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide Home Backup Drive, eject and label the backup disk(s), and store them in a safe place. Clickfree tells you to label the disk with a number and date. Note: If you have more than one computer to back up, you should also write the computer’s name (seen on the Backup Summary screen) on the disk.
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C2N Home Backup Drive you used to back up your content. You can restore files without the C2N Home Backup Drive, but it is more difficult to restore all of your files without the C2N Home Backup Drive. See “How do I restore my files using only the backup disks?”...
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For details, see: • “How do I let Clickfree restore decide what to restore and where?” on page 100 • “How do I change how Clickfree restores content?” on page 105.
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Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide You can only do this if the Backup Status is “Ready”, not if any of the connected Note: computers is currently backing up. Manage Settings and PCs 3. Click the DVD Backup 4. The Clickfree DVD backup program starts up.
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6. Before you click Next in the Restore From If your C2N Home Backup Drive was used to back up the computer that you are using, the Restore From unless you change it, the content to be restored will come from this computer.
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Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide 8. Select the name of the computer whose content you want to restore. 9. Click Next > Clickfree confirms how many files will be restored, and where they are going to be restored to (original locations, if the same locations exist on this computer), and which backup disk is needed.
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Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide 12. You can choose to: • Not replace this one file – click • Not replace any same-name files – check Skip Clickfree • Replace just this file – click • Replace all same-name files – check...
ESTORING CONTENT ♦ To change how Clickfree restores content: 1. Follow steps 1 to 5 of the previous section “How do I let Clickfree restore decide what to restore and where?” on page 100. Restore Summary 2.
Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide If your C2N Home Backup Drive was used to back-up the computer that you are using, the Restore From unless you change it, the content that will be restored will be from this computer.
Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide HOOSING WHERE TO RESTORE CONTENT TO 8. What you do next depends on whether you want to restore your content to its original locations (if the same locations exist on this computer) or to somewhere else.
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Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide Clickfree restores your content, it shows you what is happening and how far it has gotten in the process. Before it overwrites an existing file on your computer with one of the same name...
Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide When all of your content has been restored, it has replaced files on your computer, gives you a chance to undo the restore. If you want to undo, see “How do I undo a restore?” on page 111.
Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide 2. Continue with restore as described in “How do I let Clickfree restore decide what to restore and where?” on page 100, or “How do I change how Clickfree restores content?” on page 105.
Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide OW DO UNDO A RESTORE Whenever you restore files to their original locations, undo the restore, in case you have mistakenly overwritten a file. ♦ To undo the effects of a restore: 1. Click...
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Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide My program cannot find the restored files – what should I do? Some programs, especially those like Note: from a file open dialog, expect to find their files in a particular folder. If you restore files to a folder other than the original location, your program may not be able to find them.
Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide Browsing, Searching & Viewing My Files (DVD) From the View/Restore • Browse your backup(s) for files • Search your backup(s) for files • View backed-up files When you try to do anything with a file (for example, to open the file),...
Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide ♦ To browse and search for files, or view photos: 1. In the Restore from search for/browse for/view. 2. Click Advanced to display the 3. Select the date and time of the backup whose files you want to work with.
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Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide ♦ To select photos: Click the photo so that the checkbox at the top right is checked. As you continue to click photos, they are added to the selection. ♦ To use a photo as wallpaper: 1.
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Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide 3. Set the Printer Options ♦ To share photos: 1. Select the photos. 2. Click Share Photos 3. Click facebook ♦ To email photos: 1. Select the photos. 2. Click Email If you use...
Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide ♦ To open a photo: Double-click the photo. It opens in your usual program for working with photos: OW DO BROWSE MY BACKED ♦ To browse for files that you have backed up: Expand and collapse the folders on the left side of the screen: •...
Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide OW DO SEARCH FOR MY BACKED If you clicked the Search Files You can enter search factors to find the files you want. If you clicked a category name, the category, regardless of ♦...
Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide For example (assuming that the include them): To find all files whose names begin with ‘08Dec’, type ‘08Dec*’ – this will find 08Dec_LetterToMary.doc, but not 2008DecemberExpenses.xls To find all files with ‘Dec’ anywhere in the name, type ‘*Dec*’ – this will find 08Dec_LetterToMary.doc, 2008DecemberExpenses.xls, etc...
HAT IF HAVE MORE THAN ONE COMPUTER Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive can be used to back up as many computers as you like. Each CD or DVD is used for only one backup. Once a backup is finished you Note: cannot record anything else on the disk.
Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide OW IS BACKUP DIFFERENT WHEN It makes no difference at all - just plug the C2N Home Backup Drive in to each computer to back it up. Each time you back up a computer for the first time, its name is added to the drop down list of computers that you see on the screens.
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1. Click the computer you want to remove. 2. Click Remove PC 3. If you really want to remove the computer from Clickfree, check the checkbox and click Remove Warning: Once you have removed a computer from that computer’s backup history.
Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide OW DO RESTORE MY FILES USING ONLY THE BACKUP DISKS If the C2N Home Backup Drive is not available, you can restore content using only the backup disk(s). ♦ To restore content using only a backup disk 1.
3. Click the arrow at the right of the language box and choose the language you prefer. OW DO MAKE MULTIPLE BACKUPS The first time you back up a user’s content using the C2N Home Backup Drive, Clickfree makes a full backup. The next time you perform a backup for the same user you can choose to back up only new and changed content.
♦ To remove all back up history: 1. On the Tools screen click 2. If you really want to remove all backup history from your C2N Home Backup Drive, check the checkbox and click Warning: Once you have reset any backup history.
• On the screen check Tools Now, every time that you use your C2N Home Backup Drive for a backup, checks all of the files. OW DO EMOVE In addition to allowing you to choose to back up pre-defined file types within the pre-...
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Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide ♦ To add a file type: 1. Click Add File Type 2. Type the extension for the new file type, and click The new file type is added to ♦ To remove a file type: 1.
Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide OW DO CHOOSE INDIVIDUAL FILE TYPES FOR BACKUP You already saw how to choose file categories for backup in “Choosing categories of content to be backed up – required” on page 91. You can also expand each category and select or unselect individual file types that make up that category.
Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide OW DO CHOOSE INDIVIDUAL FILES FOR RESTORE On the Restore Summary files you want to restore. You can also: • Select backed-up files within a category • Browse through folders that contain backup files •...
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Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide You are returned to the selections. 5. If you are finished selecting files, click ♦ To select files by browsing: 1. Click the Browse Files 2. Select the files to be restored, and click You are returned to the selections.
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Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide These selections are combined so that only files that match all of them are found – in this case only files in the category Photos, and created/last changed within the last year, and with names starting with ‘inuk’.
Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide Files that match all of your search criteria are displayed. 4. Select the files to be restored, and click You are returned to the selections. 5. If you are finished selecting files, click...
Next > page 106. ELAYED WRITE FAILED Sometimes when you unplug the C2N Home Backup Drive you will see a Note: screen that tells you that there was a delayed write failure: This is nothing to be concerned about – the message can safely be closed and ignored.
Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide Legal Stuff Clickfree and the Clickfree Appliance Corporation. Other product names used in this guide are recognized as trademarks or registered trademarks of their owners. The information contained in this guide is provided by Storage Appliance Corporation...
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