Definitions ASICS OW DOES LICKFREE WORK HAT GETS BACKED UP Clickfree backs up content Does Clickfree back up all of my content every time? What content categories does Clickfree back up? HAT DO NEED BEFORE START ACKING UP MY CONTENT...
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Clickfree Backup Drive for Macintosh: User Guide OW DO LICKFREE RESTORE DECIDE WHAT TO RESTORE AND WHERE OW DO CHANGE HOW LICKFREE RESTORES CONTENT Restoring content Choosing categories of content to be restored Choosing where to restore content to &...
The only exception to this is if you previously used your Backup Drive with a non-Mac computer and saved files on it outside of reformat the Backup Drive for use with the Mac, all data on the disk will be lost. Be sure to copy valuable content before reformatting.
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Clickfree Backup Drive for Macintosh: User Guide Introducing Clickfree Backup Drive Sometimes the relationship between content and file is clear: a photo or a letter is usually a single file. On the other hand, a single email message may be just a part of a large file that contains many messages, and related information such as email addresses, calendar events etc.
Sometimes, for a variety of reasons, the program may not run by itself – it may need a little help. If this happens to you, don’t worry – it’s easy to get things going. We’ll show you how a little later. For details, see “What do I do if Clickfree doesn’t start automatically?” on page 32.
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Other – including Stuffit and hqx files, XML, and comma-separated values files Want to know more? You can look at the details by following the steps in “How do I change how Clickfree does backups” on page 12 without making any changes. HAT DO...
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Clickfree Backup Drive for Macintosh: User Guide You then see a dialog that allows you to choose to make the Backup Drive work with the Mac by formatting it as HFS. Click When the Clickfree number of seconds left before the backup starts automatically:...
Clickfree Backup Drive for Macintosh: User Guide ACKING UP ALL OF THE FILES IN SELECTED FOLDERS Your home folder is selected by default. 4. Choose which folders you want remove folders. Click the Advanced button near the top right of the •...
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Finder window (see “Browsing & searching for my files” on page 25), or simply unplug the Clickfree Backup Drive and store it in a safe place, or leave it plugged in and just push the Backup button at any time to perform another backup.
Clickfree is searching for content to back up, it adds up the amount of disk space needed and compares that with the free space on the Backup Drive. If there is not enough free space for your content, and adjust your settings: For example, you might want to reduce the number of file categories being backed up.
Sometimes, also, you may delete content by mistake. When these things happen, other computer users may lose valuable, sometimes irreplaceable, data. But if you lose content you’ll be really happy that you bought and used Clickfree. Your backed-up content is safe on your working computer again.
For details, see: • “How do I let Clickfree restore decide what to restore and where?” on page 18 • “How do I change how Clickfree restores content?” on page 21 OW DO...
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If your Backup Drive contains backups created for your user name, the the User you would like to restore you change it, the content to be restored will come from your user account.
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Clickfree asks if you want to replace the existing file with the one Keep Both. . Clickfree, without asking you, renames the remaining backed-up Skip Do this for all duplicate files skips all remaining same-name files without asking you.
♦ To change how Clickfree 1. Follow steps 1 to 8 of the previous section “How do I let Clickfree restore decide what to restore and where?” on page 18. 2. What you do next depends on whether you want to restore all or only some of your files.
Clickfree Backup Drive for Macintosh: User Guide HOOSING WHERE TO RESTORE CONTENT TO 5. What you do next depends on whether you want to restore your content to the default folder or to somewhere else. • If you want to restore your content to the default folder, click step 8.
Clickfree Backup Drive for Macintosh: User Guide Browsing & searching for my files From the Backup Summary • Browse your backup(s) for files • Search your backup(s) for files TARTING FROM THE ♦ To browse and search for files: Before the countdown gets to zero, click displayed.
Clickfree Backup Drive for Macintosh: User Guide OW DO BROWSE MY BACKED ♦ To browse for files that you have backed up: The window that opens lists, on the left, all of the folders that contain files from the category that corresponds to the number you clicked: Select a folder to view the files it contains.
OW IS BACKUP DIFFERENT WHEN It makes no difference at all - just plug the Backup Drive in to each computer to back up its users’ content. Each time you back up a user’s content for the first time, the user name is added to the drop down list of users that you see in the window.
Backup Drive by removing the user from Clickfree. Warning: If you have not restored the content and you still want to keep it, do not remove the user from Clickfree: you cannot restore content from a user that you have removed.
Backup Drive. Clickfree may take several minutes to erase the content backed up on the Backup Drive. To see how to remove the content from all users, see ”Master reset” on page 29. ASTER RESET ♦...
Backup Drive and your computer is up to date, Clickfree shows you what progress is being made in Clickfree Backup Drive from your computer and not to turn off or Advanced topics is checked on the Tools is unchecked on the...
Clickfree Backup Drive for Macintosh: User Guide OW DO CHOOSE INDIVIDUAL FILES FOR RESTORE On the What to restore files you want to restore. You can also select and deselect individual backed-up files within a category. ♦ To select/deselect files within a category: 1.
Clickfree Backup Drive for Macintosh: User Guide HAT DO DO IF LICKFREE DOESN Clickfree does not run when you plug in the • Ensure you are using a supported Mac computer: OSX Leopard 10.5 or higher, Intel based. • Ensure that you have administrative rights to the computer.
Clickfree Backup Drive for Macintosh: User Guide Legal stuff Clickfree and the Clickfree Appliance Corporation. Other product names used in this guide are recognized as trademarks or registered trademarks of their owners. The information contained in this guide is provided by Storage Appliance Corporation and while we...
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