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UNI-T UPO3000E Series Programming Manual

UNI-T UPO3000E Series Programming Manual

Programmable digital oscilloscope
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UPO3000E&UPO2000E Series
Programmable Digital Oscilloscope
UPO 3000E&UPO2000E Series Oscilloscope Programming Manual



Summary of Contents for UNI-T UPO3000E Series

  • Page 1 UNI-T UNI-T Programming Manual UPO3000E&UPO2000E Series Programmable Digital Oscilloscope UPO 3000E&UPO2000E Series Oscilloscope Programming Manual...
  • Page 2 Information provided in this manual is subject to change without prior notice.   UNI-T shall not be liable for any errors that may be contained in this manual. For any incidental or consequential damages, arising out of the use or the information and deductive functions provided in this manual.
  • Page 3 UNI-T SCPI SCPI was defined as an additional layer on top of the IEEE 488.2-1987 specification "Standard Codes, Formats, Protocols, and Common Commands".The standard specifies a common syntax, command structure, and data formats, to be used with all instruments. It introduced generic commands (such as CONFigure and MEASure) that could be used with any instrument.
  • Page 4 UNI-T  Vertical Bar | used to separated multiple parameters, it should select one parameter when send command. Such as DISPlay:GRID:MODE { FULL | GRID | CROSS | NONE} command  Square Brackets [ ] the contents in square brackets (command keywords) can omissible.
  • Page 5 UNI-T Parameter Description The parameter in this manual can divide into five types: Boolean, Integer, Real, Discrete, ASCII string  Boolean Parameter value can set “ON” (1) or “OFF” (0) Such as SYSTem:LOCK {{1 | ON} | {0 | OFF}} ...
  • Page 6 UNI-T Shorthand Rule All command can identify capital and small letter, if command need enter shorthand, it should be all capital letter. Data Return Data return is divided into single data and batch data. The single data return is the corresponding parameter type, in which the real return type is presents by the scientific notation method.
  • Page 7 For query manufacture name, model, product serial number and software version.  Return format: Manufacture name, model, product serial number, software version separated by dot mark.  For example: UNI-T Technologies, UPO2000CS, UPO1000, 00.00.01 *RST  Command format: *RST  Functional description:...
  • Page 8 UNI-T :AUTO  Command format: :AUTO  Functional description: Set the instrument control value automatically to display waveform to the best effect. :SYSTem:LOCK  Command format: :SYSTem:LOCK {{1 | ON} | {0 | OFF}} :SYSTem:LOCK?  Functional description: For lock/unlock full qwerty.
  • Page 9 UNI-T  Return format: Query return setup data, return data conform to binary data IEEE 488.2 # format. :SYSTem:LANGuage  Command format: :SYSTem:LANGuage { ENGLish | SIMPlifiedchinese | TRADitionalchinese } :SYSTem:LANGuage?  Functional description: Set system language.  Return format:...
  • Page 10 UNI-T :SYSTem:CYMOmeter  Command format: :SYSTem:CYMOmeter {1 | ON} | {0 | OFF} :SYSTem:CYMOmeter?  Functional description: The switch of frequency meter.  Return format: Query return frequency meter status,1 presents on, 0 presents off.  For example: :SYSTem:CYMOmeter ON...
  • Page 11 UNI-T :SYSTem:MNUDisplay  Command format: :SYSTem:MNUDisplay { 1S | 2S | 5S | 10S | 20S | INFinite} :SYSTem:MNUDisplay?  Functional description: Set menu display time,INFinite present menu stay on.  Return format: Query return{ 1S | 2S | 5S | 10S | 20S | INFinite }.
  • Page 12 UNI-T :SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:APPLy  Command format: :SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:APPLy  Functional description: Set the current internet parameter to take effect immediately. :SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:GATEway  Command format: :SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:GATEway <gateway> :SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:GATEway?  Functional description: Set the default gateway, <gateway> is belong to ASCII character string parameter,the format is
  • Page 13 UNI-T :SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:IPADdress  Command format: :SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:IPADdress <ip> :SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:IPADdress?  Functional description: Set IP address, <ip> is belong to ASCII character string, the format is  Return format: Query return IP IP address.  For example: :SYST:COMM:LAN:IPAD "" set IP address :SYST:COMM:LAN:IPAD? query return
  • Page 14 UNI-T KEY Command This command is to control key and knob on oscilloscope panel. :KEY:<key>  Command format: :KEY:<key> :KEY:<key>:LOCK { {1 | ON} | {0 | OFF} } :KEY:<key>:LOCK? :KEY:<key>:LED?  Functional description: Set key function and lock/unlock this key. <key> definition and description see Appendix 1:...
  • Page 15 UNI-T CHANnel Command This command is set channel independently, <n> take value as 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9, it presents {CH1/CH2/ CH3/ CH4/ MATH/ REF-A/ REF-B/ REF-C/ REF-D}. :CHANnel<n>:BWLimit  Command format: :CHANnel<n>:BWLimit {{1|ON}|{0|OFF}} :CHANnel<n>:BWLimit?  Functional description: Set bandwidth limit function is ON (turn on bandwidth limit to 20MHz, to reduce display noise)...
  • Page 16 UNI-T :CHANnel<n>:DISPlay  Command format: :CHANnel<n>:DISPlay { {1|ON} | {0|OFF} } :CHANnel<n>:DISPlay?  Functional description: The switch setting of the specified channel.  Return format: Query return 1 or 0,it presents ON or OFF.  For example: :CHAN1:DISP ON turn on channel 1 :CHAN1:DISP? query return 1,it presents channel 1 is turn on...
  • Page 17 UNI-T :CHANnel<n>:PROBe  Command format: :CHANnel<n>:PROBe { 0.001X | 0.01X | 0.1X | 1X | 10X | 100X | 1000X } :CHANnel<n>:PROBe?  Functional description: Set the probe attenuation factor corresponding to the probe.  Return format: Query return { 0.001X | 0.01X | 0.1X | 1X | 10X | 100X | 1000X }.
  • Page 18 UNI-T :CHANnel<n>:UNITs  Command format: :CHANnel<n>:UNITs {VOLTs|AMPeres|WATTs|UNKNown} :CHANnel<n>:UNITs?  Functional description: Set channel unit as VOLTs, AMPeres, WATTs and UNKNown.  Return format: Query return VOLTs, AMPeres, WATTs or UNKNown.  For example: :CHAN1:UNIT VOLT set channel 1 unit as voltage...
  • Page 19 UNI-T :CHANnel<n>:BIASV  Command format: :CHANnel<n>: BIASV <value> :CHANnel<n>: BIASV ?  Functional description: Set channel bias voltage value.  Return format: Query return bias voltage value by scientific notation method,unit is V.  For example: :CHAN1: BIASV 2 set channel 1 bias voltage value as 2V :CHAN1: BIASV ? query return 2.000e000...
  • Page 20 UNI-T TIMebase Command This command is to change the current channel horizontal scale (time base) and horizontal position of trigger in memory (trigger offset). Horizontal scale change will make waveform expand or shrink relative to screen center. Horizontal position change will make wave shift relative to screen center.
  • Page 21 UNI-T :TIMebase:WINDow:OFFSet  Command format: :TIMebase:WINDow:OFFSet <offset> :TIMebase:WINDow:OFFSet?  Functional description: For adjust WINDow offset value ( zoom timebase <Zoomed>) ,wave shift relative to screen center.  Return format: Query return<offset> value by scientific notation method, unit is s. ...
  • Page 22 UNI-T :TIMebase:INDPendent  Command format: :TIMebase:INDPendent { {1|ON} | {0|OFF} } :TIMebase:INDPendent?  Functional description: The switch setting of independent mode of time base.  Return format: Query return 1 or 0,it presents ON or OFF.  For example: :TIM:INDP ON...
  • Page 23 UNI-T  For example: :FUNCtion:OPERation ADD use plus operator:src1+src2 :FUNCtion:OPERation? query return ADD :FUNCtion:DIGital<n>:THReshold  Command format: :FUNCtion:DIGital<n>:THReshold <value> :FUNCtion:DIGital<n>:THReshold?  Functional description: Set the logic threshold of specified channel, if great than the logic threshold take value as 1, less than the logic threshold take value as 0, n take value as 1, 2, 3, 4.
  • Page 24 UNI-T :FUNCtion:FFT:WINDow  Command format: :FUNCtion:FFT:WINDow {RECTangular|HANNing|HAMMing|BMAN} :FUNCtion:FFT:WINDow?  Functional description: FFT windowing to intercept signal. RECT, HANN, HAMM, BMAN is rectangular window, Hanning window, Hamming window and Blacman window respectively.  Return format: Query return {RECTangular|HANNing|HAMMing|BMAN}.  For example:...
  • Page 25 UNI-T :FUNCtion:SOUR1 CHAN1 set channel 1 as source 1 :FUNC:FFT:FREQ? query return 1.000e003 :FUNCtion:FILTer:TYPE  Command format: :FUNCtion:FILTer:TYPE {LP|HP|BP|BS} :FUNCtion:FILTer:TYPE?  Functional description: Set filter mode, LP、HP、BP、BS presents low-pass filter, high-pass filter, band-pass filter and band-stop filer respectively.  Return format:...
  • Page 26 UNI-T  Return format: Query return 6.000e001,unit is Hz.  For example: :FUNC:SOUR1 CHAN1 set channel 1 as source 1 :FUNC:FILT:FREQ:LOW 60Hz set the low frequency limit of filter as 60Hz :FUNC:FILT:FREQ:LOW? query return 6.000e001 :FUNCtion:LOGic:INVert  Command format: :FUNCtion:LOGic:INVert {{1|ON}|{0|OFF}} :FUNCtion:LOGic:INVert? ...
  • Page 27 UNI-T MEASure Command This command is for oscilloscope basic measurement, return test result by scientific notation method. :MEASure:ALL  Command format: :MEASure:ALL {{1 | ON} | {0 | OFF}} :MEASure:ALL?  Functional description: The switch setting of all measurement function.
  • Page 28 UNI-T :MEASure:PDUTy?  Command format: :MEASure:PDUTy? [<source>]  Functional description: Measuring positive duty ratio of the specified channel waveform, <source> take value as CHANnel1, CHANnel2, CHANnel3 or CHANnel4. Ignore means the current channel.  Return format: Query return 5.000e001,unit is %.
  • Page 29 UNI-T :MEASure:NDELay?  Command format: :MEASure:NDELay? [<source1>,<source2>]  Functional description: Measuring <source1> and <source2> relative to time delay of fall edge, <source> take value as CHANnel1, CHANnel2, CHANnel3 and CHANnel4.  Return format: Query return-1.000e-004,unit is s.  For example:...
  • Page 30 UNI-T :MEASure:VPP?  Command format: :MEASure:VPP? [<source>]  Functional description: Measuring peak-to-peak value of the specified channel waveform, <source> take value as CHANnel1, CHANnel2, CHANnel3 and CHANnel4. Ignore means the current channel.  Return format: Query return 3.120e000,unit is V.
  • Page 31 UNI-T :MEASure:VTOP?  Command format: :MEASure:VTOP? [<source>]  Functional description: Measuring the top value of the specified channel waveform, <source> take value as CHANnel1, CHANnel2, CHANnel3 and CHANnel4. Ignore means the current channel.  Return format: Query return 3.120e000,unit is V.
  • Page 32 UNI-T Query return1.120e000,unit is V. :MEASure:VRMS?  Command format: :MEASure:VRMS? [<interval>][,<source>]  Functional description: Measuring the root mean square value of the specified channel waveform, <source> take value as CHANnel1, CHANnel2, CHANnel3, CHANnel4 and MATH. If there has no designated <source>, the current channel as <source>...
  • Page 33 UNI-T :MEASure:PREShoot? [<source>]  Functional description: Measuring preshoot of the specified channel waveform, <source> take value as CHANnel1, CHANnel2, CHANnel3 and CHANnel4. Ignore means the current channel.  Return format: Query return1.230e-002,unit is V. :MEASure:FREQuency?  Command format: :MEASure:FREQuency? [<source>] ...
  • Page 34 UNI-T Measuring period of the specified channel waveform, <source> take value as CHANnel1, CHANnel2, CHANnel3 and CHANnel4. Ignore means the current channel.  Return format: Query return 5.000e-003,unit is s. :MEASure:PWIDth?  Command format: :MEASure:PWIDth? [<source>]  Functional description: Measuring positive pulse width of the specified channel waveform, <source> take value as CHANnel1, CHANnel2, CHANnel3 and CHANnel4.
  • Page 35 UNI-T  Return format: Query return 5.000e-003,unit is s. :MEASure:FFR?  Command format: :MEASure:FFR? <source1>,<source2>  Functional description: Measuring time between the first fall edge of <source1> and the first rise edge of <source2>, <source> take value as CHANnel1, CHANnel2, CHANnel3 and CHANnel4.
  • Page 36 UNI-T :MEASure:LFR?  Command format: :MEASure:LFR? <source1>,<source2>  Functional description: Measuring time between the first fall edge of <source1> and the last rise edge of <source2>, <source> take value as CHANnel1, CHANnel2, CHANnel3 and CHANnel4.  Return format: Query return 5.000e-003,unit is s.
  • Page 37 UNI-T  For example: :TRIGger:MODE NE N edge trigger :TRIGger:MODE? query return NE :TRIGger:FORCe  Command format: :TRIGger:FORCe  Functional description: Execute the command if the oscilloscope has no apporiate trigger term. Force the oscilloscope to produce a trigger signal to trigger and display the input waveform.
  • Page 38 UNI-T :TRIGger:LEVel  Command format: :TRIGger:LEVel <level> :TRIGger:LEVel?  Functional description: Set the trigger level value of NORMal mode. <level> value must set based on the conversion of voltage base and screen information.  Return format: Query return <level> value, unit is V.
  • Page 39 UNI-T :TRIG:LEV:HIGH? query return 2.000e000 :TRIGger:SOURce  Command format: :TRIGger:SOURce <source> :TRIGger:SOURce?  Functional description: Set single information source trigger, input channel(CHANnel1, CHANnel 2, CHANnel 3, CHANnel 4), external trigger( EXT, EXT5), AC Line. Only EDGE/ PULSe / VIDeo support AC Line, EXT and EXT5.
  • Page 40 UNI-T Edge Trigger :TRIGger:EDGE:SLOPe  Command format: :TRIGger:EDGE:SLOPe {POSitive|NEGative|ALTernation} :TRIGger:EDGE:SLOPe?  Functional description: Set edge trigger mode,POSitive, NEGative and ALTernation.  Return format: Query return edge trigger mode { POSitive | NEGative | ALTernation }.  For example: :TRIGger:EDGE:SLOP POS...
  • Page 41 UNI-T Query return{ POSitive | NEGative }.  For example: :TRIGger:PULSe:POL POS set pulse polarity as POSitive :TRIGger:PULSe:POL? query return POSitive :TRIGger:PULSe:TIME  Command format: :TRIGger:PULSe:TIME <time> :TRIGger:PULSe:TIME?  Functional description: Set time interval of pulse width trigger.  Return format:...
  • Page 42 UNI-T :TRIGger:VIDeo:STANdard?  Functional description: Set the video standard.  Return format: Query return{ NTSC | PAL | SECam }.  For example: :TRIGger:VIDeo:STANdard NTSC set the video standard as NTSC :TRIGger:VIDeo:STANdard? query return NTSC :TRIGger:VIDEO:LINE  Command format: :TRIGger:VIDEO:LINE <value>...
  • Page 43 UNI-T Slope Trigger :TRIGger:SLOPe:QUALifier  Command format: :TRIGger:SLOPe:QUALifier {GREaterthan | LESSthan | EQUal} :TRIGger:SLOPe:QUALifier?  Functional description: Set the term of slope time, GREaterthan, LESSthan and EQUal.  Return format: Query return{GREaterthan | LESSthan | EQUal}.  For example: :TRIGger:SLOPe:QUALifier GRE...
  • Page 44 UNI-T :TRIGger:SLOPe:TIME 1 set the time interval of slope trigger as 1s :TRIGger:SLOPe:TIME? query return1.000e000 :TRIGger:SLOPe:THReshold  Command format: :TRIGger:SLOPe:THReshold {LOW|HIGH|LH} :TRIGger:SLOPe:THReshold?  Functional description: Set the threshold mode of slope trigger.  Return format: Query return{LOW|HIGH|LH}.  For example:...
  • Page 45 UNI-T Query return{POSitive | NEGative}.  For example: :TRIGger:RUNT:POL POS set the pulse polarity as POSitive :TRIGger:RUNT:POL? query return POSitive :TRIGger:RUNT:LEVel  Command format: :TRIGger:RUNT:LEVel {LOW | HIGH} :TRIGger:RUNT:LEVel?  Functional description: Set the trigger mode of low level. ...
  • Page 46 UNI-T Exceed-amplitude Trigger :TRIGger:WINDow:SLOPe  Command format: :TRIGger:WINDow:SLOPe {POSitive|NEGative|ALTernation} :TRIGger:WINDow:SLOPe?  Functional description: Set edge trigger mode,POSitive, NEGative and ALTernation.  Return format: Query return edge trigger mode {POSitive|NEGative|ALTernation}.  For example: :TRIGger:WINDow:SLOP POS set the window trigger as POSitive...
  • Page 47 UNI-T :TRIGger:WINDow:TIME 1 set the time interval of window trigger as 1s :TRIGger:WINDow:TIME? query return1.000e000 :TRIGger:WINDow:POSition  Command format: :TRIGger:WINDow:POSition {ENTER|EXIT|TIME} :TRIGger:WINDow:POSition?  Functional description: Set the position of window trigger.  Return format: Query return {ENTER|EXIT|TIME}.  For example:...
  • Page 48 UNI-T Query return {NEGative | POSitive}.  For example: :TRIGger:DELay:ARM:SOUR NEG set edge trigger source as NEGative :TRIGger:DELay:ARM:SOUR? query return NEGative :TRIGger:DELay:TRIGger:SOURce  Command format: :TRIGger:DELay: TRIGger :SOURce {CHANnel1 | CHANnel2| CHANnel3| CHANnel4} :TRIGger:DELay: TRIGger :SOURce?  Functional description: Set the delay trigger source.
  • Page 49 UNI-T :TRIGger:DELay:QUALifier  Command format: :TRIGger:DELay:QUALifier { GREaterthan | LESSthan | INRange | OUTRange } :TRIGger:DELay:QUALifier?  Functional description: Set the time interval term of delay trigger, GREaterthan, LESSthan, INRange and OUTRange.  Return format: Query return{ GREaterthan | LESSthan | INRange | OUTRange }.
  • Page 50 UNI-T :TRIGger:DELay:SELect  Command format: :TRIGger:DELay:SELect <SOURce<n>> :TRIGger:DELay:SELect  Functional description: For switch selected source, SOURce<n>presents source,n take value as1, 2. SOURce1 presents the focus source;SOURce2 presents trigger source.  Return format: Query return{ SOURce1 | SOURce2 }.  For example:...
  • Page 51 UNI-T  For example: :TRIGger:TIMEOUT:SLOP POS set the edge trigger as POSitive :TRIGger:TIMEOUT:SLOP? query return POSitive Duration Trigger :TRIGger:DURation:MODE  Command format: :TRIGger:DURation:MODE { NORMAL | UPPER | LOW } :TRIGger:DURation:MODE?  Functional description: Set the time mode of duration trigger.
  • Page 52 UNI-T  Functional description: Set the time interval term of delay trigger, GREaterthan, LESSthan and INRange.  Return format: Query return{ GREaterthan | LESSthan | INRange }.  For example: :TRIGger:DURation:QUALifier GRE set the slope terms as GREaterthan :TRIGger:DURation:QUALifier? query return GREaterthan...
  • Page 53 UNI-T :TRIGger:SHOLd:SLOPe  Command format: :TRIGger:SHOLd:SLOPe {POSitive|NEGative} :TRIGger:SHOLd:SLOPe?  Functional description: Set edge trigger mode of setup hold, POSitive and NEGative.  Return format: Query return {POSitive|NEGative}.  For example: :TRIGger:SHOLd:SLOPe POS set setup hold trigger as POSitive :TRIGger:SHOLd:SLOPe? query return POSitive :TRIGger:SHOLd:PATTern ...
  • Page 54 UNI-T :TRIGger:SHOLd:TIME:STEP  Command format: :TRIGger:SHOLd:TIME:STEP <step> :TRIGger:SHOLd:TIME:STEP?  Functional description: Set time interval of setup hold trigger to adjust stepped value.  Return format: Query return the current stepped value, unit is s.  For example: :TRIGger:SHOLd:TIME:STEP 0.001 set time interval of setup hold trigger as 1ms :TRIGger:SHOLd:TIME:STEP? query return 1.000e-003...
  • Page 55 UNI-T N Edge Trigger :TRIGger:NEDGE:SLOPe  Command format: :TRIGger:NEDGE:SLOPe {POSitive|NEGative } :TRIGger:NEDGE:SLOPe?  Functional description: Set edge trigger mode, POSitive and NEGative.  Return format: Query return edge trigger mode {POSitive|NEGative }.  For example: :TRIGger:NEDGE:SLOP POS set edge trigger as POSitive...
  • Page 56 UNI-T  Return format: Query return{ HIGH | LOW | X | POSitive | NEGative }。  For example: :TRIGger:PATTern:PATTern HIGH set the code pattern as 1 :TRIGger:PATTern:PATTern? query return HIGH CURSor Command This command is to set cursor parameter, to measure waveform data on the screen.
  • Page 57 UNI-T :CURSor:SOURce <source> :CURSor:SOURce?  Functional description: Set cursor source of manual cursor mode, <source> take value as CHANnel<n>, n take value as 1, 2, 3, 4.  Return format: Query return{ CHANnel1 | CHANnel2 | CHANnel3 | CHANnel4 }.
  • Page 58 UNI-T STORage Command This command is to set and read waveform data and system setup. :STORage:TYPE  Command format: :STORage:TYPE { SETUP | WAVE} :STORage:TYPE?  Functional description: Set storage mode, SETUP and WAVE.  Return format: Query return{ SETUP | WAVE}.
  • Page 59 UNI-T :STORage:SAVE  Command format: :STORage:SAVE  Functional description: Based on the current storage mode to save waveform or set it. :STORage:LOAD  Command format: :STORage:LOAD  Functional description: Based on the current storage mode to call out setup data.
  • Page 60 UNI-T REF Command This command is to set and read reference waveform. :REF:LOCation  Command format: :REF:LOCation <location> :REF:LOCation?  Functional description: Set load internal storage position of reference waveform, <location> 0~255,stepped as 1.  Return format: Query return the current internal storage position.
  • Page 61 UNI-T Query return{FLASH | UDISK}.  For example: :REF:DISK:SELect FLASH reference waveform extract from internal storage :REF:DISK:SELect? query return FLASH ACQuire Command This command is to set sampling mode. :ACQuire:TYPE  Command format: :ACQuire:TYPE {NORMal | AVERage | PEAKdetect | ENVelope | HRESolution } :ACQuire:TYPE? ...
  • Page 62 UNI-T Set average count of average sampling mode, <count> stepped in Nth power of 2, take value from 2~8192 , 1≤N≤30.  Return format: Query return the current average count.  For example: :ACQ:AVER:COUN 32 set average count as 32...
  • Page 63 UNI-T  Functional description: Set display format of sampling point, VECTors and DOTS.  Return format: Query return{ VECTors | DOTS }.  For example: :DISPlay:FORMat VECT set display format as VECTors :DISPlay:FORMat query return VECTors :DISPlay:GRID:BRIGhtness  Command format:...
  • Page 64 UNI-T Display format of grid, FULL(display grid and coordinate)、GRID(display grid)、CROSS (display coordinate)、NONE(not display grid and coordinate).  Return format: Query return{ FULL | GRID | CROSS | NONE}.  For example: :DISPlay:GRID:MODE FULL set display grid and coordinate :DISPlay:GRID:MODE? query return FULL :DISPlay:CLEar ...
  • Page 65 UNI-T Set return format of waveform AD data. This command is only valid for AD data. BYTE:return 8 bits value, single byte binary data WORD:return 16 bits valule, short type binary data ASCII:return waveform AD data character string, single AD value turn to ASCII character string, each data point separated by comma mark.
  • Page 66 UNI-T :WAVeform:VOLtage:FORMat BYTE return format of waveform data is single byte mode :WAVeform:VOLtage:FORMat? query return BYTE :WAVeform:SOURce  Command format: :WAVeform:SOURce {CHANnel<n> } :WAVeform:SOURce?  Functional description: Set signal source of the cuurent query waveform data  Return format: Query return{ CHANnel1 | CHANnel2 | CHANnel3 | CHANnel4 }.
  • Page 67 UNI-T  For example: The execute order to obtain the specified data source the waveform data as following, :WAVeform:FORMat BYTE The return format of waveform data is AD single byte mode :WAVeform:SOURce CHAN1 Set channel 1 as singal source of query waveform data...
  • Page 68 UNI-T :WAV:XINC? query return 3.000e-003 :WAVeform:XORigin?  Command format: :WAVeform:XORigin?  Functional description: Query the time from trigger point to XREF of the specified waveform data.  Return format: Query return time value,unit is s.  For example: :WAV:XOR? query return 3.000e-002 :WAVeform:XREFerence? ...
  • Page 69 UNI-T  Return format: Query return offset, unit is V.  For example: :WAV:YOR? query return 1.000e001 :WAVeform:YREFerence?  Command format: :WAVeform:YREFerence?  Functional description: Query reference position in Y direction, the system is fixed at half the height of the screen.
  • Page 70 UNI-T :SBUS:MODE?  Functional description: Select bus encoding mode, OFF presents encoding function is turn off.  Return format: Query return{ RS232 | I2C | SPI | CAN | USB | OFF }.  For example: :SBUS:MODE I2C select I2C bus encoding mode...
  • Page 71 UNI-T :SBUS:SQUare?  Functional description: The switch setting of pseudo square wave.  Return format: Query return 1 or 0,it presents ON or OFF.  For example: :SBUS:SQUare ON turn on pseudo square wave :SBUS:SQUare? query return 1 :SBUS:VERTical:POSition ...
  • Page 72 UNI-T :SBUS:TRIGger:COUPling  Command format: :SBUS:TRIGger:COUPling {DC|AC|LF|HF|NOISE} :SBUS:TRIGger:COUPling?  Functional description: Set coupling mode of bus trigger, DC, AC, LF, HF and NOISE.  Return format: Query return coupling mode {DC|AC|LF|HF|NOISE}.  For example: :SBUS:TRIGger:COUPling AC set coupling mode as AC...
  • Page 73 UNI-T  For example: :SBUS:RS232:BITorder LSBF set RS232 byte order as LSB :SBUS:RS232:BITorder? query return LSBFirst :SBUS:RS232:SOURce  Command format: :SBUS:RS232:SOURce { CHANnel1 | CHANnel2 | CHANnel3 | CHANnel4 } :SBUS:RS232:SOURce?  Functional description: Set encoding source of RS232. ...
  • Page 74 UNI-T  For example: :SBUS:RS232:PARity ODD et parity of RS232 bus as ODD :SBUS:RS232:PARity? query return 6 :SBUS:RS232:DATA:BIT  Command format: :SBUS:RS232:DATA:BIT {5 | 6 | 7 | 8 } :SBUS:RS232:DATA:BIT?  Functional description: Set data bit of RS232 bus.
  • Page 75 UNI-T Query return character string of 0x format of bus data.  For example: :SBUS:RS232:DATA "0x7F" set RS232 bus data as 0x7F :SBUS:RS232:DATA? query return 0x7F :SBUS:RS232:QUALifier  Command format: :SBUS:RS232:QUALifier {BEGFrame | ERRFrame | ECCError | DATA} :SBUS:RS232:QUALifier? ...
  • Page 76 UNI-T Set data source of I2C bus.  Return format: Query return{ CHANnel1 | CHANnel2 | CHANnel3 | CHANnel4 }.  For example: :SBUS:I2C:DATA:SOURce CHANnel1 set channel 1 as I2C bus data source :SBUS:I2C:DATA:SOURce? query return CHANnel1 :SBUS:I2C:ASIZe  Command format:...
  • Page 77 UNI-T Set I2C bus address, parameter is character string of 0x format, range is related with setup parameter of command SBUS:I2C:ASIZe, which is [0~2^addressbit – 1].  Return format: Query return character string address value of 0x format.  For example:...
  • Page 78 UNI-T :SBUS:I2C:QUALifier?  Functional description: Set I2C bus term.  Return format: Query return{STARt | RESTart | STOP | LOSS | ADDRess | DATA | ADATA}.  For example: :SBUS:I2C:QUALifier STOP set I2C bus term as STOP :SBUS:I2C:QUALifier? query return STOP :SBUS:SPI:CS:SOURce ...
  • Page 79 UNI-T :SBUS:SPI:MISO:SOURce  Command format: :SBUS:SPI:MISO:SOURce { CHANnel1 | CHANnel2 | CHANnel3 | CHANnel4 | OFF} :SBUS:SPI:MISO:SOURce?  Functional description: Set host computer input and slave computer output source of SPI bus.  Return format: Query return{ CHANnel1 | CHANnel2 | CHANnel3 | CHANnel4 | OFF}.
  • Page 80 UNI-T :SBUS:SPI:CS:POLarity  Command format: :SBUS:SPI:CS:POLarity {NEGative | POSitive} :SBUS:SPI:CS:POLarity?  Functional description: Set the polarity of SPI bus chip selection, POSitive and NEGative.  Return format: Query return{NEGative | POSitive}.  For example: :SBUS:SPI:CS:POLarity POSitive set the polarity of SPI bus chip selection as POSitive...
  • Page 81 UNI-T the polarity of host computer input slave computer output source as POSitive :SBUS:SPI:MISO:POLarity? query return POSitive :SBUS:SPI:MOSI:POLarity  Command format: :SBUS:SPI:MOSI:POLarity {NEGative | POSitive} :SBUS:SPI:MOSI:POLarity?  Functional description: Set host computer output slave computer input polarity of SPI bus, POSitive and NEGative.
  • Page 82 UNI-T Query return{MOSI | MISO | ANY}。  For example: :SBUS:SPI:TRIGger:TYPE MOSI set trigger mode of SPI bus as MOSI :SBUS:SPI:TRIGger:TYPE? query return MOSI :SBUS:SPI:TRIGger:TIMeout  Command format: :SBUS:SPI:TRIGger:TIMeout <vlaue> :SBUS:SPI:TRIGger:TIMeout?  Functional description: Set timeout of SPI bus trigger, parameter type is integer.
  • Page 83 UNI-T  Functional description: Set SPI bus term.  Return format: Query return{CS | CS&MOSI | CS&MISO | CS&ANY | IDLE | IDLE&MOSI | IDLE&MISO | IDLE&ANY}.  For example: :SBUS:SPI:QUALifier CS set I2C bus term as CS :SBUS:SPI:QUALifier? query return CS :SBUS:SPI:FRAMelen ...
  • Page 84 UNI-T :SBUS:CAN:NEGative:SOURce  Command format: :SBUS:CAN:NEGative:SOURce { CHANnel1 | CHANnel2 | CHANnel3 | CHANnel4 } :SBUS:CAN:NEGative:SOURce?  Functional description: Set input negative source of CAN bus  Return format: Query return{ CHANnel1 | CHANnel2 | CHANnel3 | CHANnel4 }. ...
  • Page 85 UNI-T :SBUS:CAN:SIGNal:BAUDrate  Command format: :SBUS:CAN:SIGNal:BAUDrate <baudrate> :SBUS:CAN:SIGNal:BAUDrate?  Functional description: Set the baud rate of CAN bus signal, <baudrate> range 10000~1000000, unit is bps.  Return format: Query return the baud rate of signal.  For example: :SBUS:CAN:SIGNal:BAUDrate 100000...
  • Page 86 UNI-T :SBUS:CAN:ID:MODE  Command format: :SBUS:CAN:ID:MODE {STANdard | EXTended} :SBUS:CAN:ID:MODE?  Functional description: Set ID frame format of CAN bus.  Return format: Query return{STANdard | EXTended}。  For example: :SBUS:CAN:ID:MODE STANdard set ID frame format as standars frame :SBUS:CAN:ID:MODE?
  • Page 87 UNI-T :SBUS:CAN:ID:EXTend "0xFFFFF" set ID expand frame data as 0xFFFFF :SBUS:CAN:ID:EXTend? query return 0xFFFFF :SBUS:CAN:ID: DIRection  Command format: :SBUS:CAN:ID:DIRection { READ | WRITE | ANY} :SBUS:CAN:ID:DIRection?  Functional description: Set ID direction of CAN bus.  Return format: Query return{ READ | WRITE | ANY}.
  • Page 88 UNI-T  For example: :SBUS:CAN:ID "0xFFFFF" set DATA as 0xFFFFF :SBUS:CAN:ID? query return 0xFFFFF :SBUS:USB:POSitive:SOURce  Command format: :SBUS:USB:POSitive:SOURce { CHANnel1 | CHANnel2 | CHANnel3 | CHANnel4 } :SBUS:USB:POSitive:SOURce?  Functional description: Set input positive source of USB bus. ...
  • Page 89 UNI-T Set speed of USB bus.  Return format: Query return{ LOW | FULL}.  For example: :SBUS:USB:SPEED LOW set speed as LOW :SBUS:USB:SPEED? query return LOW :SBUS:USB:QUALifier  Command format: :SBUS:USB:QUALifier {SYNC|RESET|PAUSE|RESUME|END|TOKEN|HANDSHAKE| DATA| ERRor } :SBUS:USB:QUALifier?  Functional description:...
  • Page 90 UNI-T  Functional description: Set endpoint number of USB token pack, range 0~15.  Return format: Query return token endpoint number.  For example: :SBUS:USB:TOKEN:ENDPoint 10 set endpoint number as 10 :SBUS:USB:TOKEN:ENDPoint? query return 10 :SBUS:USB:TOKEN: QUALifier  Command format:...
  • Page 91 UNI-T :SBUS:USB:TOKEN:FRAMenum <number> :SBUS:USB:TOKEN:FRAMenum?  Functional description: Set frame of SOF token pack of USB.  Return format: Query return frame of SOF token pack.  For example: :SBUS:USB:TOKEN:FRAMenum 20 set frame of SOF token pack as 20 :SBUS:USB:TOKEN:FRAMenum? query return 20 :SBUS:USB:HAND: TYPE ...
  • Page 92 UNI-T :SBUS:USB:DATA:QUALifier {EQUal|LESSthan|GREaterthan|NEQUal|LEQUal|GEQUal| INRange|OUTRange} :SBUS:USB:DATA:QUALifier?  Functional description: Set trigger term of USB data pack.  Return format: Query return{EQUal|LESSthan|GREaterthan|NEQUal|LEQUal|GEQUal|INRange|OUTRange}.  For example: :SBUS:USB:DATA:QUALifier EQUal set trigger term as EQUal :SBUS:USB:DATA:QUALifier? query return EQUal :SBUS:USB:DATA:OFFSet  Command format: :SBUS:USB:DATA:OFFSet <offset>...
  • Page 93 UNI-T :SBUS:USB:DATA:HIGH  Command format: :SBUS:USB:DATA:HIGH <string> :SBUS:USB:DATA:HIGH?  Functional description: Set high trigger data of USB data pack, parameter is character string of 0x format, data range 0x0~0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.  Return format: Query return character string of 0x format. ...
  • Page 94 UNI-T Appendix 1:<Key> Table Functional Description AUTO Auto setting to display waveform Control the operating status of oscilloscope, continuous to send the √ command, oscilloscope will switch between stop and run status TMENu Trigger menu SINGle Single trigger √ TFORe...

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