Keyestudio KS0436 Kit Manual page 264

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paste the code below on the Ardunio IDE.
4) Select UPLOAD to program the sketch on the UNO Board.
#include <IRremote.h>
int RECV_PIN = 8;
int LED1 = 13;
unsigned long on1 = 0x00FF6897;
unsigned long off1 = 0x00FF9867;
int AIN1=2;
int AIN2=3;
int STBY=4;
int BIN1=5;
int BIN2=11;
int PWMA=10;// enable pin 1
int PWMB=6;// enable pin 2
unsigned long advance1 = 0x00FF629D;
unsigned long back1 = 0x00FFA857;
unsigned long stop1 = 0x00FF02FD;
unsigned long left1 = 0x00FF22DD;
unsigned long right1 = 0x00FFC23D;
IRrecv irrecv(RECV_PIN);
decode_results results;


Table of Contents

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