The Maintenance And Remote Terminal - ADC HRU-419 HiGain User Manual

Remote unit
Table of Contents


If you set the TLOS-LB switch to enable prior to entering a loopback state,
the HRU transmits the AIS signal towards the CPE and returns the network
signal back to the network. The HLU displays the message "TLOS" in its
four-character front panel LCD. This condition remains until a valid T1 signal
is received from the CPE or until the 3-in 5- in-band loopdown command is
issued. Once the TLOS-initiated loopback has occurred, it cannot reoccur
until the CPE T1 signal has been reapplied and then removed. This "latching"
feature prevents the HRU from oscillating into and out of TLOS loopback
when a loopdown command is issued in the absence of a T1 signal from the
CPE. To set the TLOS-LB, do one of the following:
To enable the TLOS-LB, move the switch to ENA.
To disable the TLOS-LB, move the switch to DIS.
I-CPE (JP4). The I-CPE switch allows you control the current settings for
the interface at the customer premises equipment. The default is 0. To set the
I-CPE, do one of the following:
To set the CPE current to 0 mA, move the I-CPE switch to 0.
To set the CPE current to 60 mA, move the I-CPE switch to 60.
This section covers both the Maintenance Terminal menus (for non-doubler
applications) and the Remote Terminal menus (for doubler applications). The
screens for either application are identical, except for the Set Clock option
which is set from the Maintenance Terminal menu only. After you have
connected the HRU-419 to a maintenance terminal, you must configure the
maintenance terminal to the following communication settings.
1200 to 9600 baud (9600 baud is recommended)
No parity
8 data bits
1 stop bit
Hardware Flow Control set to None
VT Terminal Emulation
HRU-419 List 1
September 25, 1998


Table of Contents

Table of Contents