Table of Contents


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Varian, Inc.
2700 Mitchell Drive
Walnut Creek, CA 94598-1675/usa
4000 GC/MS
Hardware Operation Manual
©Varian, Inc. 2004-2007
Printed in U.S.A.
03-914998-00:Rev. 4


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Varian 4000 GC

  • Page 1 Varian, Inc. 2700 Mitchell Drive Walnut Creek, CA 94598-1675/usa 4000 GC/MS Hardware Operation Manual ©Varian, Inc. 2004-2007 Printed in U.S.A. 03-914998-00:Rev. 4...
  • Page 2 Any modification or any other reproduction, distribution, or use of this document or portions hereof is strictly prohibited without the express written permission of Varian, Inc. COPYRIGHT 2007. All rights reserved.
  • Page 3 Applicable Standards EN 61010-1:2001 EN 61326+A1 Model: 4000 MS Type of Equipment: Authorized Representative in the EU Print Name: G. A. Wassink Company Name: Varian B.V. Herculesweg 8 Address: P.O. Box 8033 Signed: 4330 EA Middelburg Position: Quality Manager The Netherlands...
  • Page 5 9000 series registration constitutes an objective third-party report to determine the level of a supplier's commitment to quality. In 1992, Varian, Inc., Analytical Instruments became registered to the most comprehensive of the ISO 9000 series standards — ISO 9001. ISO 9001 registration means that every stage of our quality system, including product development, manufacturing, final test, shipping, and parts and supplies has been rigorously examined against the most exacting set of internationally recognized standards.
  • Page 6 Registrierung bildet einen objektiven Bericht von dritter Seite, um den Grad der Qualitätsanstrengung eines Lieferanten zu bestimmen. 1992 wurden die Varian, Inc., Analytical Instruments nach den umfassendsten Standards der ISO 9000 Serie registriert — ISO 9001. Die ISO 9001 Registrierung bedeutet, daß jedes Stadium unseres Qualitätssystems, einschließlich Produktentwicklung, Herstellung, Endkontrolle, Versand, sowie Teile...
  • Page 7 évaluation objective d'un tiers afin de déterminer le niveau d'engagement d'un fournisseur dans le domaine de la qualité. En 1992, Varian, Analytical Instruments a reçu l'homologation ISO 9001, normes des plus complètes de la série IS0 9000. En d'autres termes, chaque étape du processus de qualité, notamment le développement produit, la fabrication, le test final, l'expédition et les fournitures de pièces a étés oumis à...
  • Page 8 ISO 9000 costituisce un'attestazione imparziale di terzi del grado d'impegno di una determinata azienda nei confronti della qualità. Nel 1992 la Varian, Inc., Analytical Instruments ha ottenuto l'omologazione allo standard più completo della serie ISO 9000, l'ISO 9001. L'omologazione ISO 9001 significa che ogni singola fase del nostro sistema di qualità...
  • Page 9 Varian, Inc., Analytical Instruments fue registrada en 1992 con la norma más exhaustiva de la serie ISO 9000: la ISO 9001. La certificación por la norma ISO 9001 significa que todas las etapas de nuestro sistema de calidad, como el desarrollo del producto, la fabricación, las pruebas finales, la expedición, así...
  • Page 10 Customer to return the defective workmanship for the periods specified and in accessory or instrument to Varian or to send it to a accordance with the terms on the face of Varian's designated service facility.
  • Page 11 Garan- garantie wird die Reparatur der Instrumentstörungen tien der Verkäuflichkeit und Eignung für einen be- sein, die sich nach Varian's Ansicht auf Defekte in den sonderen Zweck, Gebrauch oder Anwendung und Originalteilen oder bei der Herstellung zurückführen läßt...
  • Page 12 Varian diffusera des mises à jour des de Varian au client d'origine. Cependant, lorsque le logiciels, le cas échéant, et si de l'avis de Varian, elles client a acquitté les frais d'installation ou que celle-ci est constituent la mesure corrective la plus appropriée en la inclue dans le prix d'achat, la période de garantie...
  • Page 13 In assenza d'un contratto di licenza e salvo diverso magnetico, fotomoltiplicatori, filamenti, guarnizioni per accordo scritto tra la Varian e il Cliente, vale il periodo di vuoto, e tutte le parti esposte all'azione dei campioni o garanzia indicato nell'offerta della Varian. La Varian delle fasi mobili.
  • Page 14 Esta garantía no tendrá efecto en los casos de accidente, Varian, u otro tipo de hardware en el que Varian certifique abuso, alteración, utilización incorrecta, negligencia, que funcionan según lo descrito en Manual de rotura, mantenimiento o uso inadecuados, modificaciones instrucciones, y que esté...
  • Page 15 NOTES CAUTIONS WARNINGS accordance with this instruction manual and any additional information which may be provided by Varian. Address any questions regarding the safe and proper use of your equipment to your local Varian office. NOTE Information to aid you in obtaining...
  • Page 16 It is the responsibility of the Customer to inform Varian Customer Support Representatives if the instrument has been used for the analysis of hazardous biological, radioactive, or toxic samples, prior to any instrument service being performed or when an instrument is being returned to the Service Center for repair.
  • Page 17 Flash Chromatography GC Safety Practices The operator should be familiar with the physico- Exhaust System chemical properties of the components of the mobile No special exhaust ducting is necessary for GC phase. detectors installed in a well-ventilated room except Keep solvents from direct...
  • Page 18 Varian, Inc. Analytical Instruments Sales Offices For Sales or Service assistance and to order Parts and Supplies, contact your local Varian office. Argentina France...
  • Page 19 HINWEIS ACHTUNG WARNUNG, Sie Ihr Gerät in Übereinstimmung mit dieser Arbeitsanleitung und allen möglichen zusätzlichen Informationen von Varian betreiben. Alle Fragen bezüglich Sicherheit und Handhabung Ihres Gerätes richten Sie an Ihr Varian Büro. ACHTUNG WARNUNG HINWEIS Eine Information, um einen optimalen Weist auf Situationen, die zu mäßiger...
  • Page 20 Es muß mit geeigneten Gasen und/oder Lösungsmitteln und innerhalb der im Handbuch spezifizierten maximalen Werte für Druck, Flüsse und Temperaturen betrieben werden. Der Kunde ist vor der Durchführung irgendeines Geräteservices verpflichtet den Varian WARNUNG Kundendienstvertreter zu informieren, wenn das Instrument für Analysen gefährlicher biologischer, radioaktiver oder toxischer Proben benutzt worden ist.
  • Page 21 Öffnen Sie niemals eine unter Druck stehende GC Sicherheitspraktiken Lösungsmittelleitung oder ein Ventil. Halten Sie Abgassystem zuerst die Pumpe an und lassen Sie den Druck auf Für GC Detektoren, die in einem gut durchlüfteten Null abfallen. Raum installiert sind, ist keine spezielle Abgasführung Benutzen Sie splittersichere Reservoirs, die für erforderlich, außer wenn die Detektoren zum Testen einen Druck von 3,4 bis 4,1 bar ausgelegt sind.
  • Page 22 Verfügbarkeit von Ersatzteilen Serviceverfügbarkeit Varian bietet seinen Kunden auch Es ist Varian’s Grundsatz, Ersatzteile für alle Instrumente und die wichtig- nach dem Auslaufen der Garantie sten Zubehöre für einen Zeitraum von fünf (5) Jahren nach dem Fertigung- eine Vielfalt von Serviceleistungen sauslauf dieser Geräteserie verfügbar zu haben.
  • Page 23 AVERTISSEMENTS. matériel conformément aux instructions du présent manuel et à toute autre information émanant de Varian. S’adresser au bureau régional Varian pour toute question relative à la sécurité ou à l’utilisation correcte du matériel. NOTE Information destinée à tirer le Attire l’attention sur une situation...
  • Page 24 Le client est tenu d’informer le service Varian d’assistance à la clientèle que son matériel ATTENTION a été utilisé pour l’analyse d’échantillons biologiques dangereux, radioactifs ou toxiques avant que n’en soit effectué...
  • Page 25 Ne jamais déconnecter un conduit de solvant ou Mesures de sécurité en CPG une vanne sous pression. Arrêter préalablement la Système d’échappement pompe et laisser la pression descendre à zéro. Les détecteurs CPG installés dans une pièce bien Utiliser des réservoirs incassables à 50-60 psi. ventilée ne nécessitent pas de conduits spéciaux d’échappement excepté...
  • Page 26 Points de vente des instruments analytiques Varian Contactez votre point de vente régional Varian pour toute question commerciale ou de service d’assistance à la clientèle ou pour passer commande de pièces et de fournitures.
  • Page 27 . E’ importante che lo strumento venga utilizzato rispettando le istruzioni fornite in questo CAUTELA ATTENZIONE manuale o che verranno fornite successivamente dalla Varian. Per ogni eventuale chiarimento sull’uso o sulla sicurezza, si prega di contattare la Varian di Leinì (TO). ATTENZIONE...
  • Page 28 E’ responsabilità del Cliente informare il Servizio Tecnico Varian, prima di qualsiasi ATTENZIONE intervento di riparazione, se lo strumento è stato utilizzato per l’analisi di campioni biologicamente pericolosi, radioattivi o tossici.
  • Page 29 Procedure di Sicurezza in GC Non smontare mai una linea del solvente od una Scarico dei Gas valvola quando il sistema è sotto pressione. Per i rivelatori GC non è richiesto alcun sistema Fermare prima la pompa ed aspettare che la particolare di scarico dei gas, se lo strumento è...
  • Page 30 Disponibilità delle Parti di Ricambio Servizi Tecnico E’ politica della Varian il fornire le parti di ricambio per lo strumento ed La Varian, alla scadenza del periodo i suoi accessori per un periodo di cinque (5) anni a partire dalla data di di garanzia, è...
  • Page 31 PRECAUCION ATENCION instrumento de acuerdo con este Manual de Operación y cualquier otra información que le proporcione Varian. Remita a la Oficina Local de Varian cualquier cuestión que tenga respecto al correcto uso de su equipo. ¡PRECAUCION! ATENCI N Ó...
  • Page 32 Debe ser operado usando gases y/ó disolventes apropiados y con unos niveles máximos de presión, flujos y temperaturas, según se describe en este manual. El Usuario tiene la obligación de informar al Servicio Técnico de Varian cuando el ATENCI N Ó...
  • Page 33 Nunca abra una línea ó una válvula bajo presión. GC Prácticas de Seguridad Apague la bomba antes y deje que la presión baje a Sistema de Extracción cero. No se necesita un sistema de extracción para los Utilice depósitos irrompibles que sean capaces de detectores GC instalados en un laboratorio bien operar a 50-60 psi.
  • Page 34 Disponibilidad de Recambios Disponibilidad de Servicio Es Política de Varian disponer de Recambios para cualquier instrumento y la mayoría de los accesorios por un periodo de cinco (5) años después del Varian ofrece una gran variedad de último instrumento fabricado. Los recambios durante esos cinco años sistemas de Servicio para mantener estarán disponibles, pero siempre bajo el sistema “Según disponibilidad”.
  • Page 35: Table Of Contents

    Contents Introduction..........................5 Functional Description......................7 Overview..................................7 Transfer Line ................................9 Analyzer..................................10 Internal Ionization Configuration ........................10 External Ionization Configuration ........................12 Hybrid Configuration ............................14 Ion Trap ................................14 Detector................................16 Vacuum System................................17 Vacuum Manifold ...............................17 Foreline Pump..............................17 Turbomolecular Vacuum Pump .........................18 Ion Gauge................................18 Thermocouple Gauge ............................19 Pneumatics ................................19 Helium Flow ...............................20 Calibration Gas Flow............................20...
  • Page 36 Common Procedures..............................34 Turning Off the Mass Spectrometer........................34 Turning Off the Mass Spectrometer with Nitrogen Purge ..................36 Moving the Mass Spectrometer Away From the GC ..................37 Removing the Analyzer Assembly ........................37 Removing the Source/Ion Trap Assembly ......................40 Reinstalling the Source/Ion Trap Assembly .......................41 Reinstalling the Analyzer Assembly........................44 Turning On the Mass Spectrometer........................46 Checking the Vacuum Status..........................48...
  • Page 37 Filling/Refilling Reservoir Bulb ...........................99 Switching from Liquid to Gaseous CI Reagent Operation ................100 Troubleshooting ........................101 How to Isolate a GC/MS Problem...........................101 Checking the Data System .............................101 Checking the GC ..............................101 Checking the Mass Spectrometer ..........................101 Troubleshooting Problems with Spectra.........................102 No Spectrum Appears............................102 Loss of High Mass Peaks..........................103 Part of the Spectrum is Missing ........................103 Poor Resolution with Acceptable Air and Water Levels...................104...
  • Page 38 Analyzer, Attached to Top Flange........................122 Analyzer, Attached to Manifold ........................124 Chemical Ionization............................124 Vacuum ................................124 O-Rings ................................125 Miscellaneous/Other ............................125 Test Samples ..............................126 Varian Service ................................127 4 of 127...
  • Page 39: Introduction

    Introduction This hardware manual is composed of six sections. The first section is a functional description describing the operating principles of the spectrometer and details of the subsystems that make up the instrument. The next two sections describe the various maintenance procedures that need to be carried out to keep the instrument in proper working condition.
  • Page 40 6 of 127...
  • Page 41: Functional Description

    Functional Description Overview Each subsystem of the 4000 Mass Spectrometer is described. The mass spectrometer is like an analyzer contained in a vacuum manifold surrounded by electronics components that drive the analyzer operation and acquire the resulting data. Foreline Pump GC Oven Turbomolecular Pump...
  • Page 42 WARNING: SHOCK HAZARD HIGH VOLTAGES INSIDE. No user serviceable parts under screw-attached covers. Contact your local Varian, Inc. service representative for instrument repair and service. Thermocouple Electronics Compartment Electronic Flow...
  • Page 43: Transfer Line

    Transfer Line A stainless steel tube transfer line directly couples the GC to the mass spectrometer. The purpose of the transfer line is to keep the GC column warm as the column enters the mass spectrometer to avoid condensation of the sample, which could result in tailing.
  • Page 44: Analyzer

    Failing to remove the transfer line before removing the trap may result in damage to the transfer line tip. The power board supplies power to the cartridge heater via a transfer line heater cable. The heater cable projects out from one end of the transfer line. It then plugs into a soft-shell connector on the top of the power board panel.
  • Page 45 Center Ring 03-931737-01 Isolator 03-931611-01 Base 03-931738-01 Screw Filament Disk 12-168105-00 03-920174-01 Spring Gate 21-709281-00 03-931739-01 Screw 12-168001-00 Magnet Structure Retaining Plate 03-931677-02 03-931736-01 03-931696-01 Belleville Washer 14-998260-00, 3 pcs Captive Screw 03-931696-01 Internal Ionization Assembly The filament assembly consists of two filaments and a repeller plate. The two filaments are mounted side-by-side, with each filament approximately equidistant from the entrance hole of the oven’s electron focusing lens.
  • Page 46: External Ionization Configuration

    sample molecules (or of the reagent gas molecules in the case of chemical ionization). External Ionization Configuration In external ionization configuration, either positive or negative ions are generated outside the trap in an external source and then injected into the trap. The external source is also used to produce reagent ions for hybrid ionization, which then ionize the sample inside the trap.
  • Page 47 Retainer, Lens, Pins 03-931681-01 Screw Spring 12-168105-00 03-931758-01 Screw 03-931619-01 Filament Assembly CI Volume Holder 03-931510-01 03-931607-01 Screw 12-168304-00 Block CI Volume 03-931610-01 Gasket 03-931608-01 03-931680-01 EI Volume Lens 1 03-931684-01 03-931684-01 Screw Lens 3 12-168105-00 03-931686-01 Screw 12-168306-00 Screw 12-168105-00 Lens 2 03-931685-01...
  • Page 48: Hybrid Configuration

    Magnet Structure 03-931677-01 Collimating Magnets 77-299014-00 Magnet Disks Location 03-931761-01 External Source Assembled After the sample is ionized, three lenses are used to direct the resulting ions towards the ion trap using electrostatic focusing. In the case of EI, the first lens also extracts ions from the source.
  • Page 49 There is a single hole in the center of both the entrance and exit end cap electrodes. The hole in the entrance electrode allows the entry of ionizing electrons when the system is configured for internal ionization. The hole in the exit end cap allows the exit of ions to the detector.
  • Page 50: Detector

    in phase. These supplemental waveforms interact with the ions and cause ejection when they correspond to one of the secondary secular frequencies of ion motion. The end caps receive these signals by way of small banana plugs that are inserted into the electrodes. The plugs receive the signal in turn from springs attached to feedthroughs in the upper flange.
  • Page 51: Vacuum System

    relatively negative multiplier. In addition to allowing the detection of both positive and negative ions, the off axis conversion dynode eliminates detection of photons that would be seen by an on axis detector. The continuous-dynode electron multiplier consists of a lead-oxide/glass, funnel- like resistor.
  • Page 52: Turbomolecular Vacuum Pump

    The foreline pump used on the 4000 MS is a Varian DS-102 two-stage rotary vane pump with a pumping speed of 90 L/min and a vacuum potential of 1.5 x 10...
  • Page 53: Thermocouple Gauge

    The gauge uses thoria-coated iridium (ThO-Ir) filaments. These filaments are burnout resistant, and therefore exhibit high tolerance to air and water in the vacuum manifold. There is a time delay associated with heating the filament to allow it to stabilize. Stable readings will be obtained in 15 – 20 seconds. The ion gauge measures pressures between 0.1 and 10,000 Torr.
  • Page 54: Helium Flow

    Helium Flow In internal ionization and hybrid mode, helium damping gas is provided to the trap through the GC column flow. In external ionization mode, the helium damping gas must be provided separately. Helium enters through a Swagelok® fitting in the back of the instrument. It is then immediately routed through an electronic flow controller (EFC) that maintains a constant flow, set through the workstation in the Module Attributes tab dialog in Manual Control.
  • Page 55: Electronics

    Electronics HIGH VOLTAGES INSIDE. No user serviceable parts under screw-attached covers. Contact your local Varian, Inc., service representative for instrument repair and service. The electrical functions of the 4000 MS are distributed among eight boards (see block diagram) each carrying out some specific functions. In some cases, the boards are located as close as possible to the associated part of the spectrometer.
  • Page 56: Controller

    A power input sub-system distributes line voltage to various components as needed. Power Board Controller Board Electronic To Controller Flow Board Control RF Generator RF Coil Assembly & Detector Manifold Boards Ion Detection Board (Source Voltage (Conversion Supplies/Emission Trap Dynode, IG Regulator, End Source Multiplier)
  • Page 57: Power Board

    Various switched components in the system (such as solenoid valves) are controlled through latches. Analog control voltages are set by the scan processor through a set of digital to analog converters ranging in resolution from 10 bits for lens voltages to 16 bits for the trapping field RF level. A number of specialized functions are implemented on the controller using field programmable gate arrays.
  • Page 58: Manifold Electronics

    power board are at their proper levels, and that there are no faults. During normal operation, all green LEDs should be on. The power board supplies most of the regulated voltages for other electronic subsystems in the spectrometer. The voltages include +5 volts for digital components, ±15 volts for analog components (such as amplifiers), +24 volts for all the heaters except the manifold, 60 volts for the trapping field RF generator.
  • Page 59: Ion Detection Board

    compares the desired and actual amount of the RF voltage and adjusts the gain of an RF amplifier to cause the actual RF voltage to equal the desired RF voltage. Since the high voltage required at the ion trap exceeds the capabilities of conventional electronic amplifiers, a resonant LC circuit consisting of the RF coil and the ion trap capacitance is used.
  • Page 60: Main Power Circuit

    Main Power Circuit Line power of 90 - 130 Vac, 60 Hz ±3 Hz (or 180 - 230 Vac, 50 Hz ±3 Hz) first enters the rear panel of the mass spectrometer through J1, and then passes through a line filter and the circuit breaker. After the circuit breaker, power is split in two directions.
  • Page 61: Periodic Maintenance

    The oil change should be performed while the oil is warm but not immediately after stopping the pump. Materials Needed • 5/16" Allen Wrench • Varian GP Oil (88-299517-00) 27 of 127...
  • Page 62 • 1.0-liter (1 US qt) or larger container Gas Ballast Valve Filler Plug Drain Plug To change the pump oil: 1. To turn off and vent the MS, go to “Turning Off the Mass Spectrometer” (page 34). Disconnect the pump’s power cord from the rear of the MS. Dangerous high voltages are present.
  • Page 63 CAUTION The pump weighs at least 22 kg (48 lb.). Use proper lifting techniques to avoid physical injuries. Hazardous chemicals may be present in the used pump oil. Avoid contact with skin. Use proper eye and skin protection. 6. Remove the filler plug on top of the pump. 7.
  • Page 64: Flushing The Pump Oil

    Flushing the Pump Oil The pump should be flushed if the pump oil is particularly dirty. After draining the pump, (as described previously in steps 1 – 14) do the following: CAUTION Avoid breathing oil mist coming from the exhaust port during this operation. 1.
  • Page 65: Changing The Oil Mist Cartridge

    Changing the Oil Mist Cartridge Replace the cartridge of the oil mist eliminator on the exhaust port of the pump when you change the oil. The part number for a package of cartridges is 27- 101002-00. There are two in a package. Note: When the cartridge is saturated, excessive mist or oil sprays out, and the cartridge must be replaced.
  • Page 66: Checking Cooling Fans

    If the paper is sucked toward the fan guard, the fan is working. b. If the paper is not sucked toward the fan guard, the fan is broken. Contact your Varian Customer Support Representative to arrange for a replacement.
  • Page 67: Ms Maintenance Procedures

    MS Maintenance Procedures General Recommendations There are a number of considerations to take into account when maintaining a high-vacuum trace analysis instrument such as the 4000 MS. In particular, considerable care must be taken not to introduce contaminants into the system. Wash your hands before working on the system.
  • Page 68: Common Procedures

    • Thin blade knife (such as an X-acto® knife) • Pasteur pipettes • Gloves - powder-free Nitrile, or lint-free cotton or lint-free nylon • Chemical wipes such as Kimwipes® • De-ionized water • Isopropyl alcohol, methanol or methylene chloride • Acetone •...
  • Page 69 2. Once the shutdown is complete as indicated in the shutdown log window, exit the System Control program and then shut off the turbomolecular pump, foreline pump, and all electronics by turning off the main power switch on the back panel. 3.
  • Page 70: Turning Off The Mass Spectrometer With Nitrogen Purge

    4. Open the front-panel door and turn the vent valve one turn counterclockwise. 5. Listen for the sound of the turbo pumps spinning down and wait until the turbomolecular pump has completely stopped. Leave the vent open for about 10 minutes to allow the pressure to equilibrate. 6.
  • Page 71: Moving The Mass Spectrometer Away From The Gc

    WARNING: SHOCK HAZARD Dangerous high voltages are present. Unplug power cord. 5. Open the vent valve one turn counterclockwise with the Nitrogen flow on. NOTE: Opening this valve more than one turn risks damage to the equipment. 6. Listen for the turbomolecular pump to fully spin down, then wait one hour for the trap to cool down.
  • Page 72 WARNING: SHOCK HAZARD Dangerous voltages exposed when cover is removed. Unplug power cord. 3. Be sure the transfer line is cool. Retract the transfer line by grabbing the front nose and turning counterclockwise while pulling out. A mild amount of force may be needed to release residual vacuum.
  • Page 73 4. Press out on the release tabs to remove the controller to manifold cable (1). 5. Pull on the white pull-tab to remove the manifold lens cable (2). 6. Press down on the locking connector and pull out to remove the manifold power cable (3).
  • Page 74: Removing The Source/Ion Trap Assembly

    Removing the Source/Ion Trap Assembly 1. Using your thumb and forefinger, gently wiggle each connector attached to the external source or internal ionization assembly, while pulling the connector off the pins. It is best to keep the internal source filament adaptor attached to the flex cable if in internal ionization mode.
  • Page 75: Reinstalling The Source/Ion Trap Assembly

    Reinstalling the Source/Ion Trap Assembly Check to see that all the connection fingers are even as shown. If any fingers are substantially bent, bend them back in line with the other fingers. Connector Fingers Down 1. Place the Source/Ion Trap assembly on the analyzer flange with the connector fingers down.
  • Page 76 Heat Shield Position with External Ionization Shield - Heater Block Alignment Heat Shield Position with Internal Ionization Source 42 of 127...
  • Page 77 3. Check source connection pins for proper alignment and straighten as necessary. 43 of 127...
  • Page 78: Reinstalling The Analyzer Assembly

    4. Push the connectors onto the source pins. Each pin must be correctly aligned to prevent the pins from being bent. 5. If a pin is not aligned, use a pair of tweezers to move the pin into alignment. Reinstalling the Analyzer Assembly Prior to installing the analyzer, check for any particles inside the manifold or on the analyzer assembly.
  • Page 79 There are three tubes protruding from the bottom of the manifold. Verify that these tubes are pointing straight up. If they are bent more than 20 degrees or damaged, they need to be replaced. 1. Be sure the transfer line is still retracted. The analyzer assembly has four metal pins that need to align with four holes in the manifold.
  • Page 80: Turning On The Mass Spectrometer

    • The controller to manifold cable (1) • The manifold lens cable (2) • The manifold power cable (3) 3. Gently push the transfer line assembly towards the manifold to check that it slides all the way into the manifold and does not stop prematurely. If the transfer line stops, remove the analyzer and check the tip on the transfer line.
  • Page 81 2. Check that all cables are plugged in. 3. Check that the column from the GC is installed properly, the transfer line is locked in its operating position and the GC is operating. 4. Plug in the MS power cable into the rear of the instrument. 5.
  • Page 82: Checking The Vacuum Status

    100% or in the ion gauge pressure (See Diagnostics Mode section in the 4000 GC/MS Operation Manual, 03-914999-00.) Small leaks are diagnosed by changes in the ion gauge reading and can be pinpointed using the leak check section in the internal or external service method.
  • Page 83: Baking Out The Mass Spectrometer

    Baking Out the Mass Spectrometer Any time the system is vented you should bake out the system to eliminate water and contaminants in the vacuum manifold. The vent knob, CI plunger and surrounding area may be extremely hot, especially during bakeout. Take appropriate precautions. To bake out the Mass Spectrometer, proceed as follows: 1.
  • Page 84: Cleaning Procedures

    Cleaning Procedures The cleanliness of the sources, ion trap and conversion dynode can have a significant impact on the performance of the mass spectrometer. The frequency of cleaning depends on the quantity and nature of the samples run, so no standard cleaning interval can be recommended.
  • Page 85 Removing the Lenses NOTE: The lens parts are anodized to insulate each from the other. The anodizing process creates a black coating on the surface of these aluminum parts. Scratches in the coating can create a conductive path after re-assembly. 1.
  • Page 86 Cleaning the Lenses To clean the lenses you will need the following items: • Cotton swabs • Isopropyl Alcohol or Methanol • Beakers • Ultrasonicator 1. Clean the center shiny part of each lens with a cotton swab and isopropyl alcohol or methanol.
  • Page 87 3. Loosen the ion volume retaining screw until the spring pushes the CI ion volume out. EI Volume 4. Turn the source assembly so the EI ion volume can fall out. If the ion volume does not fall out, loosen the source screw until it does fall out. Cleaning the EI/CI Ion Volumes To clean the ion volumes you will need the following items: •...
  • Page 88 5. If the volume is discolored, perform the following steps. • Dip a cotton swab in de-ionized water and then aluminum oxide. • Gently scrub any discolored areas with slurry of aluminum oxide and water NOTE: Do not allow the aluminum oxide to dry on the surface. •...
  • Page 89 Removing the Filaments 1. Remove the two filament screws. 2. Lift out the filament and place on a lint-free cloth. 3. Remove the lens insulator screw and lens insulator. 4. Turn the source over and remove the second filament. Cleaning the Source Block 1.
  • Page 90 2. Rinse thoroughly with de-ionized water. 3. Sonicate in de-ionized water for 2 minutes. 4. Sonicate in isopropyl alcohol or methanol for 2 minutes. 5. Dry the parts in air, or in an oven set to approximately 120 °C for 30 minutes. Cleaning the Filaments 1.
  • Page 91 Reinstalling the Filaments 1. Install the lens insulator and lens insulator screw. Be sure the step in the lens insulator fits into the cut-out in the source. 2. Place a filament assembly into the source with the notched side down. Be sure the assembly is fully seated in place.
  • Page 92 1. Align the EI volume as shown with large and small holes on opposite ends. These holes need to align with the ion volume screw and transfer line hole. 2. Slide the EI ion volume into the source block. 3. Slide the CI ion volume into the source block so that the slot is aligned with the ion volume screw.
  • Page 93 1. Reinstall lens 1. The pin should slide through the left hole in the insulator. 2. Reinstall lens 2. The pin should slide through the middle hole in the insulator. 3. Reinstall lens 3. The pin should slide through the right hole in the insulator. 59 of 127...
  • Page 94: Cleaning The Internal Ionization Assembly

    4. Reinstall the screw insulator and the lens screw through the lens and into the source. 5. Push the centering ring onto lens 3. 6. Reinstall the external source assembly and tighten the two source mounting screws. Maintain source symmetry in the assembly while tightening the screws.
  • Page 95 4. Remove the filament retention screw. 5. Remove the ceramic plate. 6. Remove the filament assembly. 7. Remove the gate retaining screw. 8. The Center Ring is clipped around the end of the lens. Push a capillary pick into the gap in the ring, lift and slide the ring over the edge of the gate. 9.
  • Page 96 Cleaning the Gate To clean the gate you will need the following items: • Cotton swabs • Isopropyl Alcohol or Methanol • Beaker • Ultrasonicator NOTE: The outside of the gate is anodized. Do not scratch the coating or the gate may short to the filament block.
  • Page 97 Re-assembling the Internal Ionization Assembly 1. Push the Center Ring over the gate so it snaps into the groove around the edge. 2. Place the Gate on the Internal Source Base. 3. Insert the Insulator into the screw hole. 4. Place the screw into the Insulator and tighten. 5.
  • Page 98: Cleaning Ion Trap Components

    6. Reinstall the ceramic plate over the protruding pins. 7. Be sure the filament assembly is seated fully flat in the Internal Source Base. 8. Push down on the ceramic plate while installing the holding screw and tighten. Cleaning Ion Trap Components Disassembling the Ion Trap 1.
  • Page 99 Cleaning the Silica Coated Electrodes CAUTION DO NOT use aluminum oxide, other abrasives or harsh laboratory cleaners because this will remove the silica layer on the trap! Use only mild detergent (pH between 6 and 7.5). The protective surface layer of the silica-coated ion trap electrodes is very thin (only about 1 μm) but durable and it is strongly bonded to the bulk stainless steel body.
  • Page 100 Re-assembling the Ion Trap 1. Place the first quartz spacer in the bottom half of trap oven. Be sure the quartz is properly seated in the oven. The outside edge should have the same spacing around the perimeter and the quartz should not move when touched.
  • Page 101 3. Place another quartz spacer on the end cap. Be sure the spacer is seated completely flat on the end cap. 4. Place the ring electrode on the quartz spacer. 5. Place another quartz spacer on the ring electrode. Be sure the spacer is seated completely flat on the electrode.
  • Page 102 6. Place the last end cap electrode on the quartz spacer cone side in. The banana plug should be on the same side as the lower end cap. 7. Place the last quartz spacer on the end cap electrode. Be sure the spacer is seated completely flat on the end cap.
  • Page 103 9. Reinstall the four screws and tighten them evenly until they stop. Reinstalling the Source 1. With the trap oven screws on the bottom, place the ceramic spacers in their countersunk holes. 2. Align the magnet structure with the three ceramic spacers, insert the screws and tighten.
  • Page 104 Internal Source External Source • Go to “Reinstalling the Source/Ion Trap Assembly” on page 41. • Go to “Reinstalling the Analyzer Assembly” on page 44. • Go to “Turning On the Mass Spectrometer” on page 46. 70 of 127...
  • Page 105: Replacing A Gc Column

    Replacing a GC Column Tools and Materials Required: • 3/16" wrench • Ceramic scoring wafer • 5/16" wrench • Scribing tool • Graphite/Vespel® ferrule • Column measuring tool: 03-931805-01 (for internal mode) • Methanol • Lint free cloth Removing the Capillary Column from the System 1.
  • Page 106: Installing A New Capillary Column In The System

    9. Carefully remove the nut, ferrule, and column from the injector. 10. Slide the column nut, along with the ferrule, off the end of the column if desired. 11. Carefully lift the column support cage, along with the column, from the column hanger and remove from the oven.
  • Page 107 8. Install the GC end of the column into the GC injector (see GC manual for instructions). 9. Purge the column inside the GC oven with carrier gas for at least 15 minutes to remove residual air. 10. It is advised that you condition the column in the GC oven before connecting to the MS to prevent contamination.
  • Page 108 16. Bend the column slightly to break it at the mark. The column should break cleanly. 17. Using a Kimwipe® tissue dipped in methanol, carefully wipe the last 15 cm (6.0 in.) of the column. Be sure to wipe toward the end of the column so that the Kimwipe tissue fibers do not enter the opening at the column end.
  • Page 109: Replacing Consumable Components

    23. Position the transfer line so that the heater cable aligns with the slot on the right side of the transfer line. 24. Remove the analyzer assembly during this step to avoid damaging the transfer line tip. Insert the transfer line into the manifold, and install the clip on the transfer line into the holes provided.
  • Page 110 WARNING: SHOCK HAZARD Dangerous voltages are present. Unplug power cord. When removing the filament screws do not allow ceramic dust to fall into the ion trap. Use a flow of clean pressurized gas to blow off any dust observed. Removing Old Filament Assemblies 1.
  • Page 111: Conditioning The Filaments

    Installing a New Filament Assembly 1. Place the new filament into the source holder with the notched side down. Be sure the filament is seated firmly in place. 2. Place the two screws into the screw holes and tighten each screw evenly. Do not over tighten.
  • Page 112 WARNING: SHOCK HAZARD Dangerous voltages are present. Unplug power cord. Removing Old Filament Assembly 1. Remove the filament retention screw and place it on a lint-free cloth. 2. Lift off the ceramic plate and remove the filament assembly. Installing the New Filament Assembly 1.
  • Page 113: Replacing The Electron Multiplier

    4. Ensure that the filament assembly is seated flat in the filament block. 5. Reinstall the holding screw and tighten. • Go to “Reinstalling the Source/Ion Trap Assembly” on page 41. • Go to “Reinstalling the Analyzer Assembly” on page 44. •...
  • Page 114 4. Loosen both multiplier retainer screws one turn. 5. The retainer bracket will swing down and out of the way, in the direction of the arrow, allowing the multiplier to be lifted out. 6. Lift out the multiplier Installing the New Multiplier 1.
  • Page 115: Replacing The Damping Gas Getter

    4. Check the position of the multiplier so it is centered under the holding bracket. Be sure the notch in the multiplier cover is aligned with the throat of the multiplier. Visually check for any particles and remove if found. The cover is designed to have a tight fit and requires a small amount of force to push onto the mount.
  • Page 116: Filling The Calibration Compound Vial

    WARNING: SHOCK HAZARD Dangerous high voltages are present. Unplug power cord. 2. Follow the replacement procedure included with the Turbo Replacement Kit. 3. Turn On the Mass Spectrometer (page 46) but DO NOT Start System control. The turbomolecular pump will go through a SoftStart conditioning process that will take about 30 minutes.
  • Page 117: Changing Operational Configuration

    stored in the capped spare vial (03-931112-01) provided in the ship kit, or in a standard 2 mL autosampler vial. 4. While holding the vial vertically, carefully push the vial into the Cal Gas port on the manifold with a slight twisting motion. 5.
  • Page 118: Changing From Internal To External Configuration

    Changing from Internal to External Configuration 1. To switch sources from Internal to External, go to “Switching Between External and Internal Sources” on page 84. 2. To switch the transfer line position from entering the Ion Trap to entering the External source, go to “Changing the Transfer line Position from Internal to External”...
  • Page 119: Changing The Transfer Line Position From External To Internal

    2. Swap sources by loosening the three screws on the magnet structure, pulling out existing source while leaving the ceramic spacers in place and placing the source on a lint-free surface. 3. Take the screws from the source that was removed, and place them in the source being installed.
  • Page 120 4. Remove the external tip and replace it with the Internal measuring tool provided with the system. If you do not have an Internal measuring tool, you will need a ruler to measure the column length. 5. Using a sapphire-, or carbide-tipped scribing tool or ceramic scoring wafer, score the column once lightly at the end of the measuring tip and cleanly break the column.
  • Page 121: Changing The Transfer Line Position From Internal To External

    10. Change the position of the ionization mode switch on the manifold electronics enclosure to the left (internal) position. Changing the Transfer line Position from Internal to External 1. To move the 4000 MS away from the GC, go to page 37. 2.
  • Page 122 7. Route the transfer line heater cable through the white retainer clip on the side of the manifold and under the foreline line. Plug the cable into J37 on the bulkhead. 8. Change the position of the ionization mode switch on the manifold electronics enclosure to the right (External) position.
  • Page 123: Installing Or Removing The Hybrid Plug

    Installing or Removing the Hybrid Plug Operation in hybrid configuration requires a plug that prevents reagent gas from escaping the high pressure CI source through the unused transfer line hole in the CI Volume. The supplied plug is installed in the transfer line hole in the external source by inserting the plug and turning until the plug engages with the side of the source heater block.
  • Page 124 90 of 127...
  • Page 125: Chemical Ionization Options

    Chemical Ionization Options Introduction Chemical ionization (CI) provides mass spectral data that complement electron ionization (EI) data for chemical analysis. In the 4000 MS, there are three optional modes of CI operation depending upon the instrument configuration – Internal Configuration positive CI (PCI), External Configuration positive or negative CI (PCI/NCI) or Hybrid Configuration positive or negative CI (PCI/NCI).
  • Page 126: Hybrid Configuration Ci

    Hybrid Configuration CI When the 4000 MS is in Hybrid Configuration, the CI reagent gas (from an external gas cylinder) enters the external ion source through a length of restrictor tubing. In standard Hybrid High Pressure Source (HPS) Configuration, a high pressure CI volume is automatically inserted into the EI volume to create a high- pressure environment to enhance CI reactions.
  • Page 127: Ci Reagent Gas Requirements

    CI Reagent Gas Requirements These paragraphs give the requirements for the reagent gases used for CI operation with the 4000 MS. The following reagent gases are recommended: methane and isobutane. Use high-purity reagent gas for maximum sensitivity and good spectral quality. Impurities can react with sample ions, creating confusing mass spectral data.
  • Page 128 2. Make sure that the electron multiplier, filament, and RF voltage are all off. The Multiplier, Filament (Ion Source), and RF text should be red or black - not green. NOTE: Two solenoid-operated valves control the flow of CI reagent gas into the manifold.
  • Page 129 6. On the back of the instrument, loosen the two screws that hold the plug in the CI Shutoff Manifold 2 to 3 turns. Remove the plug by pulling straight out and twisting. 7. Use the 4 mL/min restrictor tube for the supply line between the gas cylinder and the CI shutoff manifold.
  • Page 130: Checking The Reagent Gas Plumbing For Leaks

    Checking the Reagent Gas Plumbing for Leaks To check for air leaks in the reagent gas line connections and the presence of water vapor in the gas line, follow the procedure using a leak detection gas to troubleshoot for air leaks in the Troubleshooting section. Depending upon the results you obtain, you may need to modify the procedure as follows: If a large air leak exists, check the CI GAS fitting on the rear of the instrument and the fitting on the pressure regulator for tightness.
  • Page 131: Setting Flows Of Ci Reagents In Internal Configuration

    Setting Flows of CI Reagents in Internal Configuration After any leaks have been located and fixed, set the delivery pressure of the CI reagent by doing the following: 1. Ensure that the CI Gas solenoid valves are closed. If necessary, click on the CI icon in the Control and Status field of the Manual Control tab dialog in System Control.
  • Page 132: Ion Intensities For Standard Ci Reagents

    Ion Intensities for Standard CI Reagents The CI Adjust function gives recommendations of an acceptable level of CI reagent ions for each of the five standard CI reagents. The general principles used in implementing these tests are: Methane Adjust the reagent gas pressure so that the peak height at m/z 17 ) is about 25% of that at m/z 29 (C ).
  • Page 133: The Liquid Ci Inlet Option

    The Liquid CI Inlet Option Liquid CI is an effective tool for internal ionization CI. Because of the difficulty of getting sufficient CI reagent into the external source, Liquid CI is not recommended for external CI use. Once the Liquid CI inlet Assembly has been installed, it is possible to switch between using a pressurized CI Gas and using liquid CI reagents, without removing the assembly.
  • Page 134: Switching From Liquid To Gaseous Ci Reagent Operation

    Switching from Liquid to Gaseous CI Reagent Operation To switch from the Liquid CI Inlet back to a pressurized CI Gas (such as methane), the CI Gas line may be Reinstalled without removing the liquid CI inlet assembly. 1. Loosen the 2 screws that attach the liquid CI inlet restrictor to the back of the instrument.
  • Page 135: Troubleshooting

    Troubleshooting How to Isolate a GC/MS Problem In general, whenever you attempt to isolate a 4000 MS problem, you will check the system in the following order: • Data System • Gas Chromatograph • Mass Spectrometer Checking the Data System Please refer to the 4000 MS software release notes for relevant software troubleshooting procedures.
  • Page 136: Troubleshooting Problems With Spectra

    The MS Workstation includes diagnostics tests for isolating problems associated with the mass spectrometer. These tests may be used to isolate simple ion trap problems, e.g., air leaks, burned-out filaments, electronic failures, etc. A 4000 MS Service directory is included in the MS Workstation (C:\VarianWS\4000 MS Service).
  • Page 137: Loss Of High Mass Peaks

    Check the Turbomolecular Pump Diagnostics will report the turbomolecular pump speed. Make sure the pump speed reading is 100 ±2%. • If it is not, inspect cooling fans for proper operation. Check the RF Adjustment Check whether an RF adjustment is needed (particularly after you have changed the ion trap temperature).
  • Page 138: Poor Resolution With Acceptable Air And Water Levels

    • The trap temperature may be too high to allow you to observe all of the Cal Gas ions. Reduce trap oven temperature to 150 °C, and wait for thermal equilibrium. Check the RF Adjustment Check whether an RF ramp adjustment is needed. Check the RF Storage Level Check whether the RF storage level is incompatible with the scan range.
  • Page 139: Checking For Leaks

    Checking for Leaks A common issue in mass spectrometry is keeping the system as leak-tight as possible. Air leaks may result in reduced sensitivity, tuning problems, and decreased resolution; in addition, they may reduce the lifetimes of the capillary column, filaments, turbomolecular pump, and the electron multiplier. Check the system each day for air and water leaks before you begin running acquisitions.
  • Page 140: Fixing A Large Air Leak

    5. If there are no air or water leaks in your system, you should obtain the following approximate values. Actual values may vary from system to system. Base Amount 18:28 ratio 19:18 ratio 28 width <500 <5000 ~ 1:1 10 to 15% <...
  • Page 141: Fixing A Small-To-Moderate Air Leak

    Fixing a Small-To-Moderate Air Leak You may have more trouble finding and correcting a small-to-moderate air leak than a large one. Symptoms associated with small-to-moderate air leaks include the following: • The peak at mass 28 will have increased, becoming significantly larger than the mass 18 peak.
  • Page 142: Fixing High Water Levels

    NOTE: Use the Leak segment of the C:\VarianWS\4000 MS Service\4000 MS (Int or Ext) Service.mth method in Manual Control. If necessary, edit the mass range as appropriate for the detection gas selected. NOTE: Do not spray indiscriminately around the fittings. Typical leak detection gases such as Freon or argon diffuse very rapidly from the fitting you are testing toward a true leak.
  • Page 143: Gc Troubleshooting

    Saturated filters on the GC may produce an increase in the air/water background. Replace the filters at regular intervals, and whenever moisture or other background from the GC becomes a problem. GC Troubleshooting NOTE: Please refer to the GC Operator’s Manual for information about GC troubleshooting and diagnostics procedures not described in this section.
  • Page 144: Troubleshooting Common Chromatographic Problems

    The COLTEST test mixture contains the following compounds at levels of 1 to 5 ng/µL. Compound Formula Integer Quantitation Weight Mass Decane 1-octanol Undecane Nonanal 2,6-dimethylphenol 2-ethylhexanoic acid 2,6-dimethylaniline decanoic acid, methyl ester undecanoic acid, methyl ester Dicyclohexylamine dodecanoic acid, methyl ester Hexachlorobenzene You can also effectively separate the individual components in the mixture for...
  • Page 145: Correcting Tailing Sample Peaks For Particularly Active Components

    Correcting Tailing Sample Peaks for Particularly Active Components Possible Cause Solution Active sites in the injector insert Change or clean the injector insert. If necessary, or liner silanize it. Active sites or degraded phase Remove the front 15 cm of the column and reinstall it. present in the column If the retention times are changing, or if cutting the column does not fix the problem, replace the column.
  • Page 146: Lack Of Peak Size Reproducibility

    Lack of Peak Size Reproducibility Possible Cause Solution Leaking or partially Visually check that the syringe is pulling up the sample. plugged syringe Check that the nut is tight. Flush the syringe with solvent. Replace the syringe. Leak at the septum Replace the septum regularly and ensure that the septum nut is tight.
  • Page 147: Correcting Retention Time Differences Between Runs

    Correcting Retention Time Differences Between Runs Possible Cause Solution Unstable carrier gas flow Check the pneumatics for leaks. If necessary, replace the controller/regulator flow controller/ regulator. Column contamination or Condition or replace the column. degradation Injector leaks Replace the septum at regular intervals. Check that the septum nut and capillary column nut are tight.
  • Page 148 114 of 127...
  • Page 149: Miscellaneous Procedures And Instructions

    Other Documents Other documents that you may wish to consult regarding 4000 MS operation include the following: • 4000 GC/MS Internal Ionization Users Guide (03-954032-00) • 4000 GC/MS External Ionization Users Guide (03-954033-00) • 4000 GC/MS Hybrid Ionization Users Guide (03-954034-00) •...
  • Page 150 preparation devices or test equipment, we recommend a separate dedicated power source for their operation. NOTE: Do not use the free outlet for equipment that draws more than 2 amps. Interconnect Diagram for the 4000 MS Avoid using power supplies from sources that may be subject to RF interference, such as electric motors and elevators.
  • Page 151 4000 MS components are as follows: Component Amperes Mass Spectrometer Gas Chromatograph Varian 8400 AutoSampler Computer Monitor Laser Printer NOTE: With a 230V power source, the maximum amperage requirement of each of the above components is one-half of the amperage given above.
  • Page 152: Quality Of Power

    4000 MS. Occasionally, you may encounter line power sources of unacceptable quality; such power sources may adversely affect the operation of the 4000 GC/MS. The 4000 GC/MS is tested under EMC Standard 61326-A1 + A2. If voltage conditions exceed those standards, additional power conditioning or surge protection is advised.
  • Page 153: Humidity

    High humidity will also block the filters on cooling fans and accelerate wear of the heads in the diskette drives. Varian recommends that your laboratory be equipped with a temperature/humidity monitor. This will ensure that your laboratory is always in conformance with temperature and humidity specifications.
  • Page 154: Methane, Isobutane, Ammonia - Ci Reagent Gases (With Ci Option Only)

    Methane, Isobutane, Ammonia - CI Reagent Gases (with CI option only) 99.99% purity. One gas cylinder with a two-stage pressure regulator that has a stainless steel diaphragm and maximum inlet pressure of 30 psi (200 kPa). Cryogenics Systems equipped with SPI/1079 injectors or column oven cryogenics require one of the following: •...
  • Page 155: How To Move The 4000 Ms

    How to Move the 4000 MS To move the 4000 MS proceed as follows: 1. Using the shutdown procedure, shut down the GC and mass spectrometer. 2. Turn off the GC and computer. Then unplug the GC, mass spectrometer, and data system power cords.
  • Page 156: Parts And Supplies

    Parts and Supplies Electronics Part Number Description 03-925305-02 Assy, Chassis Fan, Analyzer Side 03-931410-01 Assy, Transferline Heater 03-931417-01 Assy , Cable, Power, Turbo 03-932403-01 Cable, Flat, 4000 EFC 03-930102-04 Valve, Solenoid,2-Way,BUNA-N W/Pins 03-930106-01 Valve, Solenoid,2-Way, Manifold Mount, Chemrez Seals 03-930107-03 Valve, Solenoid,3- Way , Manifold Mount, Vitron Seals 03-931325-01 Assy, Flex Circuit, Heaters...
  • Page 157 Part Number Description 03-931672-01 Thumbscrew, Trap Oven 03-931028-01 Trap Oven Half, Entrance (see Note below) 03-931028-02 Trap Oven Half, Exit (see Note below) 03-931027-03 Assy, Trap Heater, External Source 03-931677-01 Structure, Magnet, External, w/Magnet Holes 03-931677-02 Structure, Magnet, External, No Magnet Holes 03-920174-01 Filament, 4000MS, Internal Ionization 03-931675-93...
  • Page 158: Analyzer, Attached To Manifold

    Analyzer, Attached to Manifold Part Number Description 03-931012-01 Assy, Transfer line, 4000 MS 03-931640-01 Clamp, Turbo 03-931689-01 Assy, Vent Stem 03-931691-01 Electrode, Conversion, Dynode 03-931751.01 Multiplier, Channel, Model CEM 4755 03-931753-01 Strap, High Voltage, Multiplier 03-931757-01 Inlet, Helium, Manifold-Trap, Polyimide 03-931762-01 Knob, Vent 21-719935-00...
  • Page 159: O-Rings

    O-Rings Part Number Description 03-930109-25 O-ring, 1.176 ID, .070 DIA, Viton, Clean 03-930109-20 O-ring , 2-135, 1.925ID, 0.103 DIA, Viton (transfer line) 03-930109-24 Viton O-ring , Top Flange PCB, 2-148, 7.484 ID, Quad 03-930109-10 BUNA O-ring Clean 0.125 03-930109-07 O-ring , 2-108, 0.237 ID, 0.103 DIA, Viton 03-930109-27 O-ring , 1.049 ID, 0.103 IDA, Viton, Clean 03-930109-18...
  • Page 160: Test Samples

    Test Samples Part Number Description 03-930652-01 Perf. Eval. Std. GC/MS (Internal EI & CI) 03-930127-01 Test Std. 4000 MS In External EI (2 pg/µL OFN) 03-920305-00 Benzophenone External CI Sensitivity Sample (50 pg/µL) 03-931130-01 Test Std, 4000MS In External NCI (1 pg /µL DFB) 03-920353-00 Calibration Compound/Haz 03-920273-00...
  • Page 161: Varian Service

    Varian Service If you have a problem with your 4000 MS that you are unable to resolve using the procedures described, you may want to call a Varian Customer Support Representative. When you call, please be prepared to provide the following information: •...

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