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Banana ice cream
Mash the bananas until smooth. Mix in the milk,
cream and sugar. Pour the mixture into the freeze
bowl with the paddle running. Allow to freeze until
the desired consistency is achieved.
Chocolate mint ice cream
Peppermint extract
Grated chocolate
Place the milk and sugar into a saucepan. Place
over a low heat and stir until the sugar has dissol-
ve, then leave until cold. Stir the cream and pep-
permint essence into cooled milk. Pour the mixture
into freeze bowl with the paddle running. When the
mixture starts to freeze add the grated chocolate
down the chute. Allow to freeze until the desired
consistency is achieved.


Champion Nordic guarantees that this product is free from manufacturing defects in
terms of materials and workmanship during a period of 2 years in Sweden, Norway,
Denmark and Finland. This warranty period begins on the day the product is purchas-
ed or delivered. Champion Nordic has no obligation to repair or replace products that
are not accompanied by a valid proof of purchase. This warranty applies only to pro-
ducts purchased and used for home use and does not cover damage resulting from
abuse, failure to comply with the instructions from Champion Nordic, cases in which
the product has been modified or subjected to unauthorized repair, improper packa-
ging on the part of the owner, normal wear and tear, or improper handling on the part
of a transport company.
Correct Disposal of this product
This marking indicates that this product should not be disposed with other
household wastes throughout the EU. To prevent possible harm to the
environment or human health from uncontrolled waste disposal, recycle it
responsibly to promote the sustainable reuse of material resources.
1 pcs
200 ml
100 ml
50 g
200 ml
50 g
200 ml
2-4 drops
50 g
Champion ®
Makadamgatan 14 I 254 64 Helsingborg I Sweden
Raspberry frozen yoghurt
Fresh raspberries
200 g
100 g
200 ml
Mash the raspberries or puree them. Add the sugar
and yoghurt and mix together. Pour the mixture
into the freeze bowl with the paddle running. Allow
to freeze until the desired consistency is achieved.
Strawberry ice cream
Fresh strawberries
250 g
100 g
Thickened cream
100 ml
Lemon juice
Juice from 1/2 small
size lemon
Puree the strawberries until smooth, add the
remaining ingredients. Pour the mixture into the
freeze bowl with the paddle running. Allow the
mixture to freeze until the desired consistency is

