Classe Audio Delta STEREO Owner's Manual page 19

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Global Standby By setting all your components to Global Standby you can bring your entire
system in and out of standby by pressing the standby button of any unit or
remote. All CAN-Bus software updates automatically set the updated unit
to Global Standby. If you want a particular unit to be excluded from Global
Standby, deselect Global Standby for that unit.
Global Dim By setting all your components to Global Dim you can adjust the touchscreen
and LED brightness for your entire system by changing the brightness of a single
touchscreen. All CAN-Bus software updates automatically set the updated unit
to Global Dim. If you want a particular unit to be excluded from Global Dim,
deselect Global Dim for that unit.
Other status The Other Status screen displays information about the target unit's internal
temperature sensors. Readings for Heatsink 1 & 2 are displayed in degrees
Note: This feature is only available when the target amplifier is in operate mode.
name You can set the name that will appear next to the unit model and facilitate the
identification of units in large systems.
Event Log Reserved for amplifiers, this feature records protection circuit events and can
only be accessed when the target amplifier is in standby.
Note: For the amp to be put into standby while allowing the unit with the
touchscreen to remain in operate, Global Standby for the amp must be de-selected
(not highlighted) so the amp can be manually put into standby.
The protection circuit shuts down the amplifier or channel if it overheats or if
its output could damage your speakers. The Event Log details the circumstances
surrounding the amp going into protection and should be referred to in
situations that require the intervention of your dealer or Classé customer
The Delta STEREO Event Log can report the following events interpreted as
• DC Output — DC from the source has exceeded the amplifier's
• Over Current — The peak current has exceeded the safe operating
• CBE — Comm Board Error. here has been an internal
• Over Temp — The internal temperature has exceeded the safe
• Fan Failure — The fan has been disconnected or is unable to spin.
Protection events are rare and generally occur due to issues that are external
to the amp. They should be interpreted positively. The amp is doing what it's
designed to do.
ability to correct for it. The amplifier will shut down to protect the
limit, i.e. a short circuit.
communication error.
operating limit.


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