Cleaning And Maintenance - Vector e-bike Manual

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If you use a brush, chemicals or strong detergents for cleaning, the parts could get scratched or
damaged. Also, avoid applying wax to the outer parts.
Do not use wheel cleaners with a high acid content. If you use these products, do not leave the cleaner
on the affected area for longer than indicated in the instructions. Also, rinse the area thoroughly with
water, dry it immediately.
Improper cleaning can damage plastic parts. Only a soft clean cloth or a sponge with water to clean the
plastic. However, if the plastic parts cannot be cleaned well with water, a mild detergent can be diluted
in it. All detergent residue must be removed with plenty of water, as this is detrimental to plastic parts.
Do not use chemicals products for plastic parts. Do not use cloths or sponges that have been in contact
with strong or abrasive cleaners, solvents or thinners, fuel (gasoline), deoxidants or antioxidants, brake
fluid, antifreeze or electrolytes.
Do not use pressure washers or steam cleaners; water could enter and deteriorate elements or
electrical components of the Moto-Bike.
If service maintenance is not carried out or if it is performed incorrectly, it can increase the risk of
personal injury or a fatal accident during the maintenance or use of the Moto-Bike.
Always perform the service maintenance of your Moto-Bike at a Vector Official Service provider.
If you do not have the original tools or experience to perform a particular job, you should give it to a
Vector Official Service provider.
Turn off the Moto-Bike and disconnect the battery for any maintenance work. With the engine running,
moving parts can damage parts of the body and electrical components can cause shock, eye injury,
burns or fire.
If you notice any damage to the front fork or it does not work smoothly, it must be checked or repaired
by a Vector Official Service provider.
To avoid personal injury or damage in the Moto-Bike, firmly support the vehicle.


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