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Bauknecht GSF 4062 Quick Reference Manual page 2


How to use the dishwasher
1. After loading the dishwasher, close the
door properly and open the water
supply tap.
2. Press the On/Off button to switch the
dishwasher on. One of the programme
indicator lamps will switch on.
3. Select the desired programme by
pressing the corresponding button.
The corresponding indicator lamp
lights up. If required, select options (if
4. Press the Start button to start the
selected programme. The Start
indicator lamp will light up. Once set,
the programmed data cannot be
altered by pressing the programme
selector buttons.
Note: Once the Start button
has been pressed, the dishwasher
memorises the last programme selected.
This information remains in the memory
even during interruption of the power
To change the selected
programme, press the Start button
for about 5 seconds, until the Start
indicator lamp switches off.
Select a new programme using the
programme selector knob and
press the Start button.
Note: If the dishwasher is switched off
during a wash programme, when
switched on again the dishwasher
resumes the wash cycle from where it
was interrupted.
Only open the dishwasher door if
strictly necessary during a wash
cycle and exercise maximum
caution. Danger of scalding from
5. To indicate the end of the programme,
the Start indicator lamp switches off
and the End indicator lamp (if fitted)
switches on (for about 30 min.).
6. Once the Start indicator lamp has
switched off press the On/Off button to
switch the dishwasher off. All the
indicator lamps switch off.
7. Open the door (warning: beware of hot
steam). Unload the lower rack before
the upper one. Close the water tap.
Upper rack
Rack height adjustment:
(The dishwasher is delivered with the upper
rack in the top position).
The rack height can also be changed
when loaded.
Please read the user instructions carefully.
Upper and lower rack
To lower: pull out the two side
handles and gently lower the rack.
To raise: pull up the two side handles
until the rack clicks into place.
The rack must be level on both
Crockery Holders:
cups and long-stemmed glasses.
Up: plates.
Glass holder:
The glass holder can be moved
Below: small glasses.
Above: long-stemmed glasses.
Lower rack
Plate holders:
May be lowered to increase
available space (A).
May be removed to increase
available space(B).
To remove: pull the handle up.
Cutlery basket (C):
The cutlery basket can be removed to
increase (C) available space.

