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Hydraulic elevator for disabled people


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Precautions ___________________________________________________
Whenever possible, do not install the lift to less than 1 m from a ladder, corner of the pool, waterfall,
playground slide, etc.
The water inlet must not exceed 5 bars of pressure, if it exceeds the 5 bars, a pressure regulator should
be installed.
Recommendations ______________________________________________
Place a shutoff valve before the connection of the hose that feeds the elevator.
Leave the cylinder without any pressure or load during the periods that the lift is not used.
Weekly perform a minimum of three maneuvers up and down to avoid the buildup of any incrustations on
the wall of the tube/bar, in order to avoid any internal damage.
After each day that we use the lift, close the lift water passage valve, and release the pressure of the
cylinder, in order to prevent the internal joints to perform an unnecessary effort.
Clean the surface with products suitable for stainless steel, to keep it in a perfect condition and therefore
preventing any kind of deterioration.

