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Viking HORIZON MIRAGE B-1 Technical Data page 4

Extended coverage 20 ft x 20 ft (6,1 m x 6,1 m) concealed sprinklers


Sprinkler 87 d
nance instructions and follow all
warnings and instructions.
K. RE-ASSEMBLY: The push-on fea-
ture of the cover plate assembly al-
lows easy installation of the cover
1. From below the ceiling, gently
place the base of the cover plate
assembly over the threaded body
of the sprinkler.
2. Push the cover plate assembly
onto the sprinkler until the unfin-
ished brass flange of the cover
plate base touches the ceiling.
NOTICE: The owner is responsible for
maintaining the fire protection system
and devices in proper operating condi-
tion. For minimum maintenance and in-
spection requirements, refer to the ap-
propriate National Fire Protection Asso-
ciation's pamphlet that describes care
and maintenance of sprinkler systems.
In addition, the Authority Having Juris-
diction may have additional mainte-
nance requirements that must be fol-
A. The sprinklers must be inspected on
a regular basis for corrosion, me-
chanical damage, obstructions,
paint, etc. The frequency of the in-
spections may vary due to corrosive
atmospheres, water supplies, and
activity around the device.
B. Sprinklers or cover plate assemblies
that have been field painted or me-
chanically damaged must be re-
plac ed immed ia te ly. Sprinklers
showing signs of corrosion shall be
tested and/or replaced immediately
as required. Installation standards re-
quire sprinklers to be tested and, if
necessary, replaced immediately af-
ter a specified term of service. For Vi-
Replaces page 87 a-d, dated August 4, 1998
(added new Model B-2 Part Number 10680).
king Horizon
Mirag e
Coverage Concealed Sprinklers, re-
fer to the Installation Standards and
the Authority Having Jurisdiction for
the specified period of time after
which testing and/or replacement is
required. Sprinklers and cover plate
assemblies that have operated can-
not be reassembled or re-used, but
must be replaced. When replace-
ment is necessary, use only new
sprinklers and cover plate assem-
C. The sprinkler discharge pattern is
critical for proper fire protection.
Nothing should be hung from the
sprinkler, attached to it, or otherwise
obstruct the discharge pattern. All ob-
structions must be immediately re-
moved or, if necessary, additional
sprinklers installed.
D. When replacing existing sprinklers,
the system must be removed from
service. Refer to the appropriate sys-
tem description and/or valve instruc-
tions. Prior to removing the system
from service, notify all Authorities
Having Jurisdiction. Consideration
should be given to employment of a
fire patrol in the affected area.
1. Remove the system from service,
drain all water, and relieve all
pressure on the piping.
2. Remove the cover plate assembly:
From below the ceiling, grasp the
cover plate and gently turn it coun-
3. Place a plastic protective shell
(from the spare sprinkler cabinet)
over the sprinkler to be removed.
The internal diameter of the spe-
cial Horizon
Sprinkler installation wrenches
are designed for use with the
sprinkler contained in the shell.
20 ft x 20 ft (6,1 m x 6,1 m)
4. Remove the sprinkler from the pip-
ing in which it is installed: Using
one of the special sprinkler
wrenches, turn the unit counter-
clockwise to remove the old sprin-
5. Install the new unit. Care must be
taken to ensure that the re-
placement sprinkler is the
proper model and style, with
the correct orifice size, tem-
perature rating, and response
characteristics. A fully stocked
spare sprinkler cabinet should be
provided for this purpose.
Use of the correct Horizon
be verified by checking the fusible
link for the following identification
Standard Response: No stripe or
Quick Response: Purple stripe or
EC & QREC: Yellow stripe or dot
Follow instructions provided in
"INSTALLATION" paragraph 7.
6. Place the system back in service
and secure all valves. Check the
replaced sprinklers and repair all
E. Sprinkler systems that have been
subjected to a fire must be returned to
service as soon as possible. The en-
tire system must be inspected for
damage and repaired or replaced as
necessary. Sprinklers that have been
exposed to corrosive products of
combustion or high ambient tempera-
tures, but have not operated, should
be replaced. Refer to the Authority
Having Jurisdiction for minimum re-
placement requirements.
February 11, 1999
Concealed Sprinkler can
Form No. F_061593



This manual is also suitable for:

Horizon mirage b-2084981048510680