Introduction - Gamry Instruments MultiPort Operator's Manual

Electrochemical cell kit
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The Gamry Instruments MultiPort™ Cell Kit was designed for simple, reliable operation. The cell is normally
used to run electrochemical tests on standard cylindrical metal specimens. You can also customize the cell for
use with other sample types.
A commercial source of suitable cylindrical specimens is the P/N 410 series from Alabama Specialty Products.
They have cylindrical samples available in several hundred different metals. They can be contacted at:
Metal Samples Co., Inc.
152 Metal Samples Road
P.O. Box 8
Munford, AL 36268 USA
Telephone: (256) 358-4202
Fax: (256) 358-4515
Your Corrosion Cell kit was shipped with one Metal Samples, Inc. P/N 410 Series samples. The sample material
is C1018 mild steel.
A reference electrode is not included in the cell kit. Requirements for this electrode vary too
much from user to user to make its inclusion in the standard kit practical. Gamry Instruments sells three
types of reference electrodes (SCE, Ag|AgCl, and Hg|Hg
kit. Order your reference electrode separately.
The MultiPort uses four of the seven standard ports to implement its required functions. You can customize the
cell by rearranging some of Gamry's standard fittings, or making or buying additional fittings, electrodes,
sensors, or adapters.
Too often, temperature control is neglected in designing electrochemical experiments. Temperature is an
important variable in the rate of both heterogeneous and homogeneous chemical reactions. Comparing test
results recorded at different temperatures can be vital in gaining a full understanding of a chemical system. For
these reasons, Gamry sells a special jacketed version of the MultiPort cell body. When this cell is connected to a
circulating water bath, accurate temperature control of your experiments becomes possible.
Introduction--Checking for Shipping Damage
) that are suitable for use with your EuroCell


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