Mitsubishi Electric MELSEC iQ-R Series User Manual

Mitsubishi Electric MELSEC iQ-R Series User Manual

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Camera Recording Package User's Manual


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Summary of Contents for Mitsubishi Electric MELSEC iQ-R Series

  • Page 1 Camera Recording Package User's Manual...
  • Page 3: Safety Precautions

    SAFETY PRECAUTIONS (Read these precautions before using this product.) Before using this product, please read this manual and the relevant manuals carefully and pay full attention to safety to handle the product correctly. The precautions given in this manual are concerned with this product only. For the safety precautions of the programmable controller system, refer to the user's manual for the CPU module used.
  • Page 4: Conditions Of Use For The Product

    CONDITIONS OF USE FOR THE PRODUCT (1) Mitsubishi programmable controller ("the PRODUCT") shall be used in conditions; i) where any problem, fault or failure occurring in the PRODUCT, if any, shall not lead to any major or serious accident; ii) where the backup and fail-safe function are systematically or automatically provided outside of the PRODUCT for the case of any problem, fault or failure occurring in the PRODUCT.
  • Page 5: Introduction

    Before using this product, please read this manual and the relevant manuals carefully and develop familiarity with the functions and performance of the Mitsubishi Electric programmable controllers to handle the product correctly. Please make sure that the end users read this manual.
  • Page 6: Table Of Contents

    When the MELSEC iQ-R series CPU module is used....... . .
  • Page 7 Overview ................50 Labels .
  • Page 8: Relevant Manuals

    System configuration, parameter settings, and online operations of GX Works3 e-Manual [SH-081215ENG] e-Manual refers to the Mitsubishi Electric FA electronic book manuals that can be browsed using a dedicated tool. e-Manual has the following features: • Required information can be cross-searched in multiple manuals.
  • Page 9: Terms

    TERMS Unless otherwise specified, this manual uses the following terms. Term Description Recording event A sequence of operations from when a video file is generated to the video file is saved into a desired storage based on the settings in a network camera Recording trigger A trigger that executes video recording Video Verification Tool...
  • Page 10: Chapter 1 Overview

    OVERVIEW Overview of Camera Recording Package The Camera recording package is a solution to realize a recording system by using dedicated FBs for a network camera connected with an Ethernet port. This product provides the FB library for operating the system mentioned earlier and the setting procedure of the network camera.
  • Page 11: Fb Library List

    FB Library List The following table lists the FB libraries included in this product. Function name Name Description Time setting M+CameraRecord_AXIS_SetTime_R Sets the clock data of the CPU module to the network camera connected to the Ethernet port. Recording direction M+CameraRecord_AXIS_EventTrigger_R Records video before and after the recording trigger is turned on into the network camera connected to the Ethernet port.
  • Page 12: Chapter 2 System Configuration

    SYSTEM CONFIGURATION This section describes the system configuration in which the Camera recording package is used. No. Device name Description Programmable controller Page 11 Compatible Programmable Controllers Network camera • Ethernet-connectable camera ( Network cameras supporting the Camera recording package (FA-A-0306)) •...
  • Page 13: Compatible Programmable Controllers

    Compatible Programmable Controllers The following table lists the programmable controllers capable of using the FBs of the Camera recording package. MELSEC iQ-R Module Model Programmable controller CPU R00CPU R01CPU R02CPU R04CPU R08CPU R16CPU R32CPU R120CPU R04ENCPU R08ENCPU R16ENCPU R32ENCPU R120ENCPU *1 These CPU modules cannot be used together with a recorder module.
  • Page 14: Compatible Network Cameras

    Compatible Network Cameras For the network cameras that can communicate using the FBs of the Camera recording package, refer to the following.  Network cameras supporting the Camera recording package (FA-A-0306) 2 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 2.2 Compatible Network Cameras...
  • Page 15: Chapter 3 Procedures Before Operation

    PROCEDURES BEFORE OPERATION This section describes the procedures before the operation of the video recording system using the Camera recording package. Configure the settings on the network camera side. ( Page 15 Network Camera Settings) Configure the settings on the programmable controller side. ( Page 26 Ethernet Port Settings) Connect the devices shown in the system configuration.
  • Page 17: Chapter 4 Installation And Settings

    INSTALLATION AND SETTINGS Network Camera Settings This section describes the network camera settings. (The actual setting windows may differ from those in the procedure.) Initial start-up settings for network camera Use a web browser to configure the network camera. When the network camera is started up for the first time, network settings such as the IP address setting are required.
  • Page 18 When the web server is accessed, the administrator password setting window is displayed. Set a password and the language, and click the [Create login] button. • The password should be within 4 to 64 characters. • Do not use "$" in the password. Log in to the network camera.
  • Page 19 Configure the settings as follows. • Set "IPv4" to "Manual IP and manual DNS", and set desired network parameters. Set the IP address and subnet mask in the same segment as the programmable controller and network storage. • Turn off "Automatic date and time" and set the time manually. •...
  • Page 20 The live view window is displayed. Adjust the installation position of the network camera by checking the image, and click the [Done] button. 4 INSTALLATION AND SETTINGS 4.1 Network Camera Settings...
  • Page 21: Date And Time Settings

    Date and time settings Set the date and time of the network camera. These settings are not required if they have already been set at initial startup. From the live view window, select [Settings]  [System]  [Date and time]. Turn off "Automatic date and time"...
  • Page 22: Recording Event Settings

    Recording event settings Configure the recording event settings. These settings use a virtual input as a trigger to save generated video files into a desired network storage. Profile settings From the live view window, select [Settings]  [Stream]  [Stream profiles]. From the "Stream profiles"...
  • Page 23 ■Profile specifications Set the profile to any of the following. Compression format Resolution Frame rate • 1920  1080 (16:9) • H.264 120, 100, 60, 50, 30, 25, 15, 10 • 1280  720 (16:9) • MJPEG • 640  480 (4:3) •...
  • Page 24 Rule settings From the live view window, select [Settings]  [System]  [Events]. Click the [+] button to create a rule. Set any name for the rule. In "Condition", select "Virtual input". In "Port", select any number from 1 to 32. The value set in "Port"...
  • Page 25 Set "Action". Content to be set varies depending on the recording method. Video recording before and after the recording trigger Video recording while the recording trigger is on • Select "Record video". Select "Record video while the rule is active". •...
  • Page 26 Save destination settings Set the save destination of video files. Select [Settings]  [System]  [Storage], and click the [Set up] button under "Network storage". Enter the IP address of the network storage in "Host" and the common folder name in "Share". 4 INSTALLATION AND SETTINGS 4.1 Network Camera Settings...
  • Page 27 When login to the network storage is required, select "The share requires login" and enter the login ID of the network storage in "Username" and the password in "Password". Click the [Connect] button to display the network storage status. If the connection fails, review the settings from step 2 or check the communication method between the network camera and network storage.
  • Page 28: Ethernet Port Settings

    Ethernet Port Settings Configure the Ethernet port settings using GX Works3. Own node settings [Navigation window]  [Parameter]  Module to be used  [Module Parameter]  [Basic Settings]  [Own Node Settings] Set the IP address and subnet mask of a module to be used. Set the IP address in the same segment as the network camera.
  • Page 29 External device configuration Set the network camera to be connected. [Navigation window]  [Parameter]  Programmable controller  [Module Parameter]  [Basic Settings]  [External Device Configuration] From "Module List", select "Active Connection Module" and drag and drop it to "List of devices" or "Device map area". For the selected "Active Connection Module", configure the following.
  • Page 30: Clock Settings

    This setting is not required if the time synchronization by the NTP server has been set on the network camera side. For details on the time setting function (SNTP client) of the MELSEC iQ-R series CPU modules, refer to the following.
  • Page 31: Creating A Program

    Creating a Program Create a program using the FB library. When the MELSEC iQ-R series CPU module is used This section describes how to register the FB library to the library list and create a program using GX Works3. Registering the FB library Register the FB library to be used to the library list.
  • Page 32 Creating a program Create a program using an FB. From "Library" on the "Element Selection" window, drag and drop the applicable FB to the editor. Enter the input labels and output labels of the created FB. • For M+CameraRecord_AXIS_SetTime_R (Time setting) This FB is executed once when the operating status of the CPU module is changed to RUN to set the time information of the CPU module to the network camera.
  • Page 33 • For M+CameraRecord_AXIS_EventTrigger_R (Recording direction) This FB is executed at the timing of recording to execute a recording event of the network camera. i_bEN o_bOK Virtual input port status of the camera Recording duration (1) Video recording duration (2) Pre-trigger recording time (Prebuffer) (3) Post-trigger recording time (Postbuffer) Input label Setting details...
  • Page 34 • For M+CameraRecord_AXIS_VirtualInputControl_R (Virtual input port control) This FB executes a recording event of the network camera with the virtual input port status on or off. • To start recording, execute the FB with i_bVirtualInputState (Virtual input port status) on. •...
  • Page 35 Input label Setting details i_bEN Connects with a device used as a recording trigger. On: The FB is activated (a recording event is executed). Off: The FB is stopped. i_uConnectionNo Sets the connection number. i_sUsername Sets the user name registered in the network camera. i_sPassword Sets the password registered in the network camera.
  • Page 36: Playback Of Video Files

    Playback of Video Files Use Video Verification Tool to playback video files. Operating together with GX Works3, Video Verification Tool allows videos to be checked.  Video Verification Tool Operating Manual Storage location of video files Video files are stored into a location that conforms to the following format. share\axis-ACCCXXXXXXXX\20200221\09\20200221_092633_CED6_ACCCXXXXXXXX\20200221_09 Description Explanation...
  • Page 37: Chapter 5 Operation Examples

    OPERATION EXAMPLES FB Library Application Example This section describes examples of video recording before and after the recording trigger using the FB library. System configuration The following figure shows a system configuration for the examples. No. Device name Setting details R04CPU •...
  • Page 38: Program Example

    Program example M+CameraRecord_AXIS_SetTime_R (Time setting) ■Local label ■Program Label name Setting value Description i_uConnectionNo Sets the connection number to 1. i_sUsername "User1234" Sets the user name to "User1234". i_sPassword "Pass1234" Sets the password to "Pass1234". When bSetTime_EN (FB execution command) is turned on, the time of the CPU module is set to the network camera. •...
  • Page 39 M+CameraRecord_AXIS_EventTrigger_R (Pre- and Post-trigger recording) ■Local label ■Program Label name Setting value Description i_uConnectionNo Sets the connection number to 1. i_sUsername "User1234" Sets the user name to "User1234". i_sPassword "Pass1234" Sets the password to "Pass1234". i_uVirtualInputPortNo Sets the virtual input port number to 9. When bEventTrigger_EN (FB execution command) is turned on, the recording is instructed to the network camera.
  • Page 40 M+CameraRecord_AXIS_VirtualInputControl_R (Recording during trigger-on) ■Local label ■Program Label name Setting value Description i_uConnectionNo Sets the connection number to 1. i_sUsername "User1234" Sets the user name to "User1234". i_sPassword "Pass1234" Sets the password to "Pass1234". i_uVirtualInputPortNo Sets the virtual input port number to 9. i_bVirtualInputPortState Turns on (enables) the virtual input port status.
  • Page 41: Chapter 6 Troubleshooting

    TROUBLESHOOTING This chapter describes details on various errors that occur in use of the Camera recording package, and determined causes and actions for those errors. When the FB ends with an error ■When the error code C1B1H is output Item to check Action and cause In the programmable controller settings, After setting the constant scan time to 500ms or lower or leaving it blank, execute the FB again.
  • Page 43: Chapter 7 Fb Library Details

    FB LIBRARY DETAILS M+CameraRecord_AXIS_SetTime_R Overview This FB sets the clock data of the CPU module to the network camera manufactured by Axis Communications that is connected to the MELSEC iQ-R series CPU module. M+CameraRecord_AXIS_SetTime_R B:i_bEN o_bENO:B UW:i_uConnectionNo o_bOK:B S:i_sUsername o_bErr:B...
  • Page 44: Fb Details

    FB details Relevant modules and software ■CPU module MELSEC iQ-R series programmable controller CPU ( Page 11 Compatible Programmable Controllers) ■Engineering tool GX Works3 Version 1.065T or later Basic specifications Item Description Programming language Ladder diagram, ST Number of steps...
  • Page 45 Restrictions and precautions • The FB does not include the error recovery processing. Prepare the error recovery processing separately to suit the actual system and the expected operation. • The FB cannot be used in an interrupt program. • Using the FB in a program that is to be executed only once, such as a subroutine program or a FOR-NEXT loop, has a problem that i_bEN (Execution command) can no longer be turned off and normal operation is not possible;...
  • Page 46: Error Codes

    Timing chart of I/O signals ■When the FB completed successfully i_bEN o_bENO Command send processing Performed Not performed Not performed o_bOK o_bErr o_uErrId ■When the FB completed with an error i_bEN o_bENO Command send processing Not performed Not performed Performed o_bOK o_bErr o_uErrId...
  • Page 47: M+Camerarecord_Axis_Eventtrigger_R

    M+CameraRecord_AXIS_EventTrigger_R Overview This FB executes the recording event set to the network camera manufactured by Axis Communications that is connected to the MELSEC iQ-R series CPU module. M+CameraRecord_AXIS_EventTrigger_R B:i_bEN o_bENO:B DUT:i_uConnectionNo o_bOK:B S:i_sUsername o_bErr:B S:i_sPassword o_uErrId:UW UW:i_uVirtualInputPortNo Labels Input labels...
  • Page 48: Fb Details

    FB details Relevant modules and software ■CPU module MELSEC iQ-R series programmable controller CPU ( Page 11 Compatible Programmable Controllers) ■Engineering tool GX Works3 Version 1.065T or later Basic specifications Item Description Programming language Ladder diagram, ST Number of steps...
  • Page 49 Restrictions and precautions • The FB does not include the error recovery processing. Prepare the error recovery processing separately to suit the actual system and the expected operation. • The FB cannot be used in an interrupt program. • Using the FB in a program that is to be executed only once, such as a subroutine program or a FOR-NEXT loop, has a problem that i_bEN (Execution command) can no longer be turned off and normal operation is not possible;...
  • Page 50 Timing chart of I/O signals ■When the FB completed successfully i_bEN o_bENO Command send processing Performed Not performed Not performed o_bOK o_bErr o_uErrId ■When the FB completed with an error i_bEN o_bENO Command send processing Not performed Not performed Performed o_bOK o_bErr o_uErrId...
  • Page 51: Error Codes

    Error codes Error code Description Action C1E0H • Effective range error (Connection No./User name/Password) Review and correct the input label, and execute the FB again. i_uConnectionNo is not set within 1 to 16, i_sUsername not set within 4 to 14 characters, and i_sPassword not set within 4 to 64 characters. C1E1H •...
  • Page 52: M+Camerarecord_Axis_Virtualinputcontrol_R

    M+CameraRecord_AXIS_VirtualInputControl_R Overview This FB enables or disables the execution trigger of the recording event set to the network camera manufactured by Axis Communications that is connected to the MELSEC iQ-R series CPU module. M+CameraRecord_AXIS_VirtualInputControl_R B:i_bEN o_bENO:B DUT:i_uConnectionNo o_bOK:B S:i_sUsername o_bErr:B...
  • Page 53: Fb Details

    FB details Relevant modules and software ■CPU module MELSEC iQ-R series programmable controller CPU ( Page 11 Compatible Programmable Controllers) ■Engineering tool GX Works3 Version 1.065T or later Basic specifications Item Description Programming language Ladder diagram, ST Number of steps...
  • Page 54 Restrictions and precautions • The FB does not include the error recovery processing. Prepare the error recovery processing separately to suit the actual system and the expected operation. • The FB cannot be used in an interrupt program. • Using the FB in a program that is to be executed only once, such as a subroutine program or a FOR-NEXT loop, has a problem that i_bEN (Execution command) can no longer be turned off and normal operation is not possible;...
  • Page 55 Timing chart of I/O signals ■When the FB completed successfully i_bEN o_bENO Command send processing Performed Not performed Not performed i_bVirtualInputPortState Virtual input port status of the camera o_bOK o_bErr o_uErrId ■When the FB completed with an error i_bEN o_bENO Command send processing Not performed Performed...
  • Page 56: Error Codes

    Error codes Error code Description Action C1E0H • Effective range error (Connection No./User name/Password) Review and correct the input label, and execute the FB again. i_uConnectionNo is not set within 1 to 16, i_sUsername not set within 4 to 14 characters, and i_sPassword not set within 4 to 64 characters. C1E1H •...
  • Page 57 MEMO 7 FB LIBRARY DETAILS 7.3 M+CameraRecord_AXIS_VirtualInputControl_R...
  • Page 58: Index

    INDEX ......10 Network camera ......10 Network storage .
  • Page 59: Instruction Index

    INSTRUCTION INDEX ..45 M+CameraRecord_AXIS_EventTrigger_R ..41 M+CameraRecord_AXIS_SetTime_R . . 50 M+CameraRecord_AXIS_VirtualInputControl_R...
  • Page 60: Revisions

    Japanese manual number: BCN-P5999-1303-A This manual confers no industrial property rights or any rights of any other kind, nor does it confer any patent licenses. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation cannot be held responsible for any problems involving industrial property rights which may occur as a result of using the contents noted in this manual.
  • Page 61: Warranty

    WARRANTY Please confirm the following product warranty details before using this product. 1. Gratis Warranty Term and Gratis Warranty Range If any faults or defects (hereinafter "Failure") found to be the responsibility of Mitsubishi occurs during use of the product within the gratis warranty term, the product shall be repaired at no cost via the sales representative or Mitsubishi Service Company.
  • Page 62: Trademarks

    TRADEMARKS AXIS and AXIS COMMUNICATIONS are registered trademarks or trademarks of Axis AB in various jurisdictions. Microsoft and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. The company names, system names and product names mentioned in this manual are either registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies.
  • Page 64 BCN-P5999-1324-A(2006)MEE MODEL: R-CAMREC-U-E HEAD OFFICE : TOKYO BUILDING, 2-7-3 MARUNOUCHI, CHIYODA-KU, TOKYO 100-8310, JAPAN NAGOYA WORKS : 1-14 , YADA-MINAMI 5-CHOME , HIGASHI-KU, NAGOYA , JAPAN When exported from Japan, this manual does not require application to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry for service transaction permission. Specifications subject to change without notice.

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