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Frigidaire Thrifty 30 Instruction Book page 14


C O O K -M A S T E R C lock C on trol
Here is the Cook-Master Clock Con­
trol. Actually, it is two precision in­
struments in one. First, it's a depend­
able electric clock, the hands of which
are set by turning the knob in the
center o f the face. Second, and most
important, the Cook-Master will cook
whole meals for you while you're
away from home. The Cook-Master
automatically turns heat on and off
in the oven at the times Y O U specify.
Before you set the Cook-Master,
determine how long the food must
cook, and what time you want to eat.
For example, if your meal takes two
hours to cook at 35 0 ° F., and you
want to eat at 6 o'clock, the food must
start to cook at 4 o 'clock. To set Cook-
Master, follow these simple steps:
Step 1 : Turn knob (A ) to the right
until indicator hand (B ) points to the
time food must start cooking, (4 o '­
clock) .
CAUTION: For manual operation of the oven a red clot must appear at the small
window (E ). If for any reason a white dot is showing at (E ) indicating that
the oven is set for automatic operation, and you want to operate the oven man­
ually, do as follow s: Turn knob (A ) to the right until the indicator hand (B ) is
in line with, or just slightly past the hour hand, then release knob (A ) and the
white dot will disappear and be replaced by the red dot.
So e a sy to use . . .
C ooks foo d autom atically
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A .
' Step 2: Set Dual-Purpose Time-
Signal (C ) for the length of time the
food must cook, (2 h ours).
the required temperature {350 de­
grees) .
That's all you have to do!
Now, white dot (E ). has appeared,
showing that the Cook-Master is set
for automatic operation. At the end
o f the set cooking time (6 o' clo ck ),
the Time-Signal will chime. It will
continue to chime until you
knob to left as far as possible. After
you turn the Time-Signal OFF, be
sure to turn off Oven Control (D )
as well, or the heat will turn on again.
The white dot on the Cook-Master dis­
appears when the oven is turned on
by the Cook-Master. No reset o f Cook-
Master is necessary for manual oper­
ation o f oven.
(M o de l RT-38)
• .
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Step 3: Set Oven Control (D ) to

