• A�er cleaning, make sure the product, wind wheel and
the other parts must dry completely before connec�ng
to the power supply.
• If the fan will not be used for a long �me, store it in a
cool, dry, safety place and far away from children. Do
not store the appliance in hot place and under sunshine.
Disassembling & Installa�on Instruc�ons for wind wheel:
1. Turn off the fan and unplug the machine.
2. Push the back bu�on, the rear grill will loosen, and take
it down. (See Pic 3)
3. Rotate the bo�om nut clockwise to loosen the nut and
then take out the wind wheel sidling-upward. (See Pic 4)
4. Clean and wind wheel carefully and dried it up
completely before use.
5. Put the wind wheel back to the machine, rotate the
bo�om nut an�clockwise to �ghten the wind wheel.
Then pu�ng back the rear grill and the fan can be use
normally. (See Pic 5)
Pic 3
Pic 4
Pic 5