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Hobie T1 Manual page 40


40 | Sailing Basics
Docking your sailboat properly will prevent damage. Always dock and rig on
the leeward side of a dock (the side the wind reaches last). Come in slowly and
always be aware of the wind direction so you can properly de-power the boat
when needed. The stronger the wind the more difficult the docking will be. Until
you feel confident, you may want to practice with a friend who will remain on the
dock and help slow you down if necessary.
Beach Landings
Landing on a flat sandy beach is simple. The idea is to reach the beach in the
point of sail nearest straight into the wind as possible. This will assure that you
can properly de-power the sail once beached.
Approaching a beach when the wind is blowing from the beach out toward the
water will require some planning so that you maintain power. Turn into shore
just before the hulls or rudders touch bottom. Plan so the final tack toward the
location you choose to land is the tack that is nearest straight into the wind. Get
a little closer to the beach than you need on the previous tack to account for wind
shifts in direction and speed. This will give you a little room for error and will
allow you to point a little further away from the wind after the tack to gain speed
before heading up into the beach to de-power at the last moment.
When approaching a beach when the wind is blowing onshore, sail in toward
the beach from either side of the landing spot. Sail in just short of touching the
bottom with the rudders. Allow some distance to turn the boat out toward the
water and into the wind just out from the landing spot. Turn sharply to head into
the wind and stall the boat. Raise the rudders and drift back onto the beach.
Always keep the boat pointed into the wind while beached and keep the sail
trimmed out and un-cleated.

