– vessel anomalities
– people with electrical implants, such as a cardiac
– women who are pregnant.
Due to their condition the oscillometric measurement
method can produce incorrect readings. This represents
a risk for your health, since values may be interpreted
incorrectly. Always consult your physician to determine
what will be suitable for you.
This product does not and is not intended to provide a
medical diagnosis. Measurements results are for refer-
ence only. Self-diagnosis and treatment, e.g. regarding
medication, using measured results represent a risk for
your health. Always consult with a licensed physician
for determination of appropriate medication and dos-
age thereof. Follow the instructions of your physician or
licensed healthcare provider. If you have or suspect that
you have a medical problem, promptly consult your
physician. If you have an emergency please call 911
Only a physician or a trained health care professional
who is familiar with your medical history is able to ac-
curately interpret your blood pressure measurements.
Consult your physician before starting blood pressure
This product is not intended to serve as a substitute for
the advice of a physician or medical professional. This
product is not intended to substitute for regular medical
checkups. Contact your physician for specific informa-
tion about your blood pressure.
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04.07.19 09:1
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