General Notes And Information - Medisana 48500 Instruction Manual

Tens pain therapy tdp
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Frequent ques-
tions and their
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General notes and information

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese healing method basing on the fact that
there are points in the body (= acupuncture points), which, when stimulated
directly, affect (e.g. animation, pain relief, increase of the energy flow etc.) cer-
tain body zones or body organs. This stimulation can be achieved with needles,
massage, pressure (= acupressure) or with electric pulses, e.g. TENS. Detailed
information can be found in the relevant specialist literature.
Can something happen to me, due to the current?
No, because the current strength of the electric pulses is so low that it remains
completely safe even with longer applications. However, the intensity should be
adjusted to the individual sensitivity.
Therefore, start each new application with the lowest intensity level and in-
crease it slowly according to the individual feeling. The application should never
be unpleasant.
I have no experience with stimulation current therapy yet. How can I use
the device without problems?
The MEDISANA TDP has been particularly developed to be easily used by
everyone. Even without special knowledge of the subject "stimulation current
therapy" you can treat yourself safely and easily with the preset programs.
How often can I use the electrodes?
According to the condition of your skin and if observing the application instruc-
tions you can use the electrodes up to 30 times.
Can I use other electrodes as well?
Yes, but you should only use original MEDISANA electrodes.
08.06.11 12:07


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