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Operation - Team FX-CBmobile Operating Instruction

Cb mobile radio


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  • ENGLISH, page 7
On/Off [ VOL ]
To switch on/off the radio, turn the volume switch (1) [VOL] clockwise / counterclock-
wise over the threshold.
Channel selection [UP] [DN]
User the channel selector keys [] (17) and [] (18) at the microphone or at
the radio (9) / (10) for channel selection. The actual channel number is displayed
on the LCD (7)
For signal transmission, press and hold the PTT key at the microphone. The TX
symbol appears in the LCD. For best quality, speak normally at a distance of 2 - 4 in-
ches. Speaking too loudly will cause distortion and makes the signal difficult to under-
stand. While the set is in the transmit mode there is no key entry possible and the
receiver is muted.
On completion of the transmission release the PTT key and the radio will switch
back to receiving mode.
Squelch [ SQ ]
The radio is equipped with an automatic (ASQ) and a manual squelch (SQ). Both
can be adjusted.
The strong background noise, which occurs always on free channels, can be
suppressed by the squelch function, which has an automatic and a manual
By turning the squelch control (8) [ SQ / ASQ ] slowly clockwise you will find a
point where the noise disappears. The squelch control should only be turned up
far enough to stop the background noise on a signal-free channel. Turning the
control further clockwise will increasingly suppress stronger interfering signals
as well as weak stations.
The automatic squelch [ ASQ ] (9) uses a preset average value. It can be acti-
vated by turning the squelch control counterclockwise all the way to the end.
The automatic squelch mode is indicated by the ASQ symbol (ASQ) in the LCD.
Voice Activated Transmission [ VOX ]
The FX-CBmobile is equipped with and internal VOX function that operates in-
dependently from the VOX microphone. Connect a Kenwood compatible 2-pin
(2.5/3.5 mm plug) earphone-microphone to the connector (12).
Activate/deactivate the VOX function by pressing the VOX button (3) shortly.The
display shows the VOX symbol (3) in the display.


Depending on the correct distance to the microphone and the level of the back-
ground noise, the signal transmission is started automatically.
The use the VOX function applies to the new regulations for operation of electronic
communication devices while driving. Signal transmission is possible with both
hands on the wheel.
Suitable accessories can be found on our web page
Key lock [LOCK]
Pressing the LOCK (3) key for approximately 1 second will activate/deactivate
the key lock. The symbol LC will be shown shortly. Except for the PTT key and
the combined volume and on/off control, all elements are blocked.
LCD Color [ COL ]
Press the COL key (4) shortly to switch between seven LCD background colors.
The background color can be deactivated.
LCD Brightness [ DIM ]
Press the DIM key (4) long to switch between the two available brightness levels.
Priority Channel 9 / 19 [ 9/19 ]
Press the 9/19 key (5) shortly to switch to priority channel 9. Press the key again
to advance to priority channel 19 and a third time to return to the channel in re-
gular mode.
The active priority channel mode is indicated by the symbol PTY in the display.
Channel switch by use of the channel selector keys is deactivated in priority
Scan [ SCAN ]
Press the SCAN key (5) long to activate/deactivate the channel scan function.
The current frequency band will be scanned until a signal is detected. The sym-
bol SC appears in the the display.

