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Waveshare Accessory Shield User Manual page 14


Accessory Shield User Manual
and Group B, of which Group A includes XBee-A, Accessory Shield-A and Arduino
development board-A, and Group B includes XBee-B, Accessory Shield-B and
Arduino development board-B.
Operation and phenomena:
Insert the XBee-A into the XBee interfaces of Accessory Shield-A, and insert
the XBee-B into the XBee interfaces of Accessory Shield-B respectively. Then,
connect the Accessory Shield-A to the Arduino development board-A, and the
Accessory Shield-B to the Arduino development board-B respectively. Power
up the Arduino development boards, and connect them to your PC via USB
Set Accessory Shield jumpers:
Connect TXD to TX;
Connect RXD to RX.
Notices: The USB interface, TX and RX pins of Arduino development
board will be used in the processes described below, so please make
sure that the program running on the Arduino development board does
not occupy any serial port. If it does, please download and rewrite a new
program, such as buzzer Demo, to the board.
Start X-CTU software to configure XBee module on your PC.
Select the corresponding COM port in PC Settings bar, and set relative
parameters, such as baud rate. The factory default settings of XBee module is
as followed:
Baud: 9600;
Data Bits: 8;
Flow Control: NONE;
Parity: NONE;
Stop Bits: 1.
To make sure XBee module can operate properly, the relative settings of it
V1.1.6, March 10

