Fire System Diagnostics; Fire System Shut Off Sequence; Fire System Detect Mode - Accurex XRRS Series Installation, Operation And Maintenance Manual

Fire ready hood
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Fire System Diagnostics

Pressing, then releasing the "TEST" button on the fire
system control board will start a diagnostic test, putting
the system into "test mode". This is a way to verify
that the entire system is working properly and the fuel
shutoff function is working without discharging the fire
suppression wet chemical.
The same tests that are performed after pressing and
releasing the "RESET" button are performed when
pressing and releasing the "TEST" button.
Upon entering test mode and failing any particular
test, a sequence of audible chirps will sound which
represent a failure code (as well as a quick flash of the
red indicator on the fire suppression control board).
If multiple tests fail then you will hear multiple series
of beeps with a pause in between each to identify
multiple failure codes. Upon failing any part of the test,
the control board will revert to a slowly flashing red
indicator. If all six tests pass, the unit will enter a shut
off sequence. (See next section, Fire System Shut Off
Audible Diagnostic Failure Codes
Number of
Corresponding Fire System Component Issue
Sensor 1 / Remote Pull
Sensor 2
Battery Voltage Low
Low Pressure

Fire System Shut Off Sequence

A shut off sequence will cause:
1. 10 second audible alarm
2. Disconnect fuel from range
3. Following the 10 second audible alarm, the unit will
issue one chirp every minute to alert the owner that
the fire suppression system needs to be serviced.
Six items can cause a shut off sequence:
1. Low battery indication has persisted for at least 4.5
2. A test sequence was executed successfully (see
Arming the System, page 18)
3. The pull-pin was removed from its socket while in fire
detect mode
4. An open circuit was detected on one of the fire
suppression temperature sensors while in fire detect
5. An open circuit was detected on the solenoid while in
fire detect mode
6. Low pressure on tank cylinder detected while in fire
detect mode

Fire System Detect Mode

Upon pressing the "RESET" button on the fire
suppression control board (and passing successfully
passing all six diagnostic tests), the fire suppression
control board will display a solid green indicator for two
seconds, then the unit will enter into fire detect mode.
Powering the fire suppression control board by
inserting the battery OR pressing and releasing the
"RESET" button will cause the same action.
During fire detect mode the fire suppression control
board will silently run all six diagnostic tests. If at any
time one of these test fails (with the exception of a
low battery), the fire suppression control board will
begin a shut off sequence (see above, "Fire System
Shut Off Sequence"). Upon a low battery, there will be
a short chirp to indicate that the battery needs to be
replaced, which occurs every minute. After 4.5 hours of
a low battery indication, the unit will enter the shut off
During fire-detect mode, the main unit monitors two
sensors to detect high temperature indicating a fire.
If a fire is indicated, the fire system control board will
issue a fire alarm sequence (see page 26, "Fire Alarm
Fire Ready Hood


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