Read Command - Racal Instruments 1260-14C Manual

1260 vxi switching card, open collector digital i/o module
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User Manual 1260-14C

READ command

Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE |
READ <address>.<ports>[,Y][,B | ,H]
READ <address>.<ports>,W[,B | ,H]
READ <address>.<ports>,X<bit>[,X<bit>...]
READ <address>.<ports>,Z,[,H]
<address>::= Module address of the 1260-14C (1-12)
One or more consecutive ports to read from.
A single port is specified as a decimal number from 0 to 11.
A group of ports is specified as two decimal numbers from
0 to 11 separated by a hyphen, (-), with the least significant
port to the right and the most significant port to the left.
For example, the command READ 1.3-5,Y would return
values for ports 3, 4 and 5.
read in the bit mode. The user may specify multiple
bits by separating each X<bit> with commas. Bit 0
is the LSB and bit 7 the MSB.
A "B" specifies that the output format for the data is binary.
Note that this format is unavailable in the fast byte mode to
keep the output on a single 80-character line.
An "H" specifies that the output format for the data is
A "Y" causes a byte-wide (8-bit) read of the port. This is
the default if no width is specified. See Example 1 above
for a sample of a byte-wide READ command.
A "W" causes a word-wide (16-bit) read of a pair of ports.
Word-wide operations are specified on even-numbered
ports only, and read the least significant 8 bits from the
even port and the most significant 8 bits from the following
odd-numbered port.
This command performs an asynchronous read
from a single port or a group of consecutive ports. No handshaking
is required for this operation. This command will only read those
ports defined as asynchronous ports. It will not read from a
synchronous port. A read from a write-enabled port will return the
value that the port is currently driving. As soon as the command is
received, an immediate read of the specified port(s) occurs. The
data for each requested port is sent to the user in the order of
lowest to highest port, and with the exception of the fast mode,
data is returned in a form identical to that of a PDATAOUT.
Read operations may be performed as either a bit, byte or word-
The individual bit number (0-7) to
Module Specific Syntax 3-9


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