Deepace KC901M User Manual page 23

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3.8.1 Check battery status before going outdoors, particularly when working
outdoors for long hours, bring the charger as well (a external battery pack is more
helpful in the absence of socket). A shortcut to test if there remains enough power,
run the instrument and read the voltmeter; if the meter shows a voltage over 8.0 V, it
has at least half of the power left for use.
3.8.2 Be cautious of the instrument and prevent exposure to water or rains when
working outdoors. It is better be safeguarded in a waterproof Pelican case.
3.8.3 When it may be necessary to measure an amplifier or transmitter, prepare
enough attenuators. When the tested signal is suspected to be over the instrument's
limit, user must connect the attenuators in series.
3.8.4 When testing in places where antennas
broadcast and television
the result, it is advised to test
terminal power meter, and the meter should indicate
other antennas are working, it will
together, which will definitely do harm to the instrument.
3.8.5 When testing antennas near the high voltage power line or a substation,
please check that the coupled voltage on the port which under test with ac voltmeter.
The induced peak voltage shouldn't be over 15V. Also coaxial cable's shielding layer
should be grounded nearby.
3.8.6 If using a probe to measure RF signal on circuit board, it is imperative to
connect the external shielding layer of the cable with circuit board's ground together,
or else it probably will break KC901M.
3.8.7 Instrument can measure passive devices while it's charging. But user
should avoid using it on active devices in the same situation. If user insists on doing so,
please connect the ground of KC901M (the external layer of the coaxial connector) to
the ground of the DUT in equipotential connection to prevent the damages due to
the voltage difference between two.
3.8.8 If user needs to test at somewhere high, prepare enough firm safety ropes
and packing bags. Also set warning zone under the tower.
ensure interference will not have much effect on
the coupled power of the antenna
engender powerful emissions that may couple
- 22 -
may work
intensively, such as
beforehand with the
lower than 0.1W.
Besides, when


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