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Section 3.3-Break-In Period - WILSON AUDIO Subsonic Installation And Care Manual


Wi l s o n Au d i o S u b s o n i c I n s t a l l a t i o n G u i d e
ization is pretty specific, but can also alter harmonic structures. Turning the "Q"
control counter clockwise to 0.2 results in a ver y broad, less frequency-selective
adjustment, which usually will not provide enough specific correction.
Section 3.3—Break-in Period
All audio equipment will sound its best after the components have been
broken-in for some period of use. While it should sound quite good out of the
box, the Controller will sound its best after approximately fifty hours of play-
Section 3.4—Twelve-volt Trigger Controls
Cer tain features of the WATCH Controller are controllable via a series of
twelve -volt triggers. This allows remote control access of these features by out-
side control systems, Audio/Video Controllers, etc. This provides more conve -
nient and seamless operation of the WATCH Controller within home theaters and
complex audio systems.
The twelve -volt triggers are connected via standard DC por ts located
adjacent to the audio inputs on the rear of the WATCH Controller. The following
features can be switched between two states: On/Off (Stand By); Line/Proces-
sor; High Pass Filter In/Out; Low Pass Filter In/Out.
To access control of one of these four features via its twelve -volt trigger,
A u t h e n t i c
E x c e l l e n c e

