Figure 12 :: Height Above Ground Represented By The Analog Voltage Output; Figure 13 :: Ground Proximity Alarm Warning - Lightware SF02 Product Manual

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Laser rangefinder
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Analog voltage output settings
Menu items <1> and <2> relate to the analog voltage output and are used to set the end point distances that correspond to the 0.0 V
and 3.3 V output voltages. These voltages are read by the ADC of the host controller and can be converted back into a distance by
using the formula:
d = measured distance
v = voltage measured by the ADC of the host
DL = 0.0V distance
DH = 3.3V distance
The range of values for both distance settings is from 0.00 meters to 40.00 meters. The analog voltage output updates at 12 readings
per second and has a 10 bit resolution.
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Figure 12 :: Height above ground represented by the analog voltage output

Alarm settings
The digital alarm output goes high whenever an object is detected that is closer than the distance setting shown in menu item <3>.
This distance can be set from 0.00 meters to 40.00 meters and the alarm output is updated 12 times per second. To prevent multiple
switching of the alarm output, menu item <4> provides for hysteresis on the alarm distance. This will change the alarm activation
and deactivation distances to:
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The hysteresis can be adjusted up to 1.00 meters.
SF02 Laser Rangefinder - Product Manual - Revision 4
Product manual
d = v / 3.3 * (DH - DL) + DL
activation distance = alarm distance - hysteresis
deactivation distance = alarm distance + hysteresis

Figure 13 :: Ground proximity alarm warning

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© LightWare Optoelectronics (Pty) Ltd, 2013


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