Figure 9 :: Serial Interface, Auxiliary Serial Port Basic Connection; Figure 10 :: Serial Interface, Auxiliary Serial Port With Hardware Trigger - Lightware SF02 Product Manual

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Laser rangefinder
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Auxiliary serial port
The auxiliary serial port on screw terminals 8 and 9 outputs an ASCII encoded string as a floating point representation of the distance
measured. The serial port uses 0 V / 3.3 V logic and is designed for direct connection to a similar serial port on the host controller.
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The baud rate is selectable using the menu system.
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The time when distance data is transmitted from the auxiliary serial port is controlled by one of two triggers. The first is a software
trigger provided by the host controller through its serial port and consists of the ASCII code for the letter <D>. When the SF02
receives this character it outputs the next available distance result which will happen in less than 100 ms.
There is an alternative hardware trigger on screw terminal 4 that can be controlled by a digital port pin on the host controller. This
trigger is active low and can be either a negative going pulse or can be held low in order to get a continuous stream of distance data
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from the auxiliary serial port.
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Figure 10 :: Serial interface, Auxiliary serial port with hardware trigger

SF02 Laser Rangefinder - Product Manual - Revision 4
Product manual

Figure 9 :: Serial interface, Auxiliary serial port basic connection

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© LightWare Optoelectronics (Pty) Ltd, 2013


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