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Cisco DMP-4400G-K9 Quick Start Manual page 17


Alternatively, if you have many DMPs and will manage them
centrally, you can use the fully licensed DMM-DSM software on
your DMM appliance to change both of these passwords globally
for all of the DMPs that you have added to a DMP group. Before
you can use DMM-DSM in this way, however, you must first
complete the
Setting Up Centralized Ma
managed DMPs.
When you use DMM-DSM to change a password on your
DMP, the text string that you enter in DMM-DSM must
use the correct syntax for URI encoding. The syntax in
URI encoding for submitting a string requires that you
enter a plus sign (+) instead of a space wherever the value
for a queryable object should contain a space. For
example, if the queryable object is "user" and its value is
"John Smith," you would enter "user=John+Smith" in
your string. If any values in the string should contain an
actual plus sign, you must encode the plus sign explicitly
as %2B.
Exclamation points (!), question marks (?), ampersands
(&), and asterisks (*) are forbidden in values.
To understand URI encoding and its recommended syntax
for submitting query strings, see RFC 1630 at
for each of your centrally



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