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Power Wheels Jeep Junior 74240 Owner's Manual With Assembly Instructions page 15

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e Rules for Safe Driving
f Règles de conduite sécuritaire
S Normas de seguridad al manejar
e • Adult supervision is required. Children do not have the judgement necessary to avoid many accidents. Be sure that
children operating this vehicle can do so safely and that they are supervised at all times.
• Never use near steps, driveways, steep inclines, roadways, alleys, swimming pool areas or other bodies of water.
• Always wear shoes or sneakers when operating this vehicle.
• Never allow more than one rider.
• The rider should sit on the seat when the vehicle is in operation.
f • Les enfants doivent être surveillés par un adulte; ils n'ont pas le jugement nécessaire pour éviter certains accidents.
Veiller à ce que les enfants qui conduisent ce véhicule puissent le faire de façon sécuritaire, et les surveiller en
tout temps.
• Ne jamais utiliser près d'un escalier, dans une entrée de garage en pente, sur une pente raide ou une route, dans
une allée ou près d'une piscine, d'un lac ou d'un cours d'eau.
• L'enfant doit toujours porter des chaussures ou des espadrilles.
• Ne jamais permettre à plus d'un enfant de monter dans le véhicule.
• L'enfant doit être bien assis lorsque le véhicule est en mouvement.
S • Se recomienda la supervisión de un adulto. Los niños no siempre saben cómo evitar accidentes. Verifique que los
niños que se suban a este vehículo sepan hacerlo de manera segura y que estén supervisados en todo momento.
• Nunca utilice el vehículo cerca de escaleras, paseos, bajadas empinadas, calles, callejones, áreas con piscina u otros
cuerpos de agua.
• Siempre se debe utilizar zapatos o zapatillas cuando se utilice este vehículo.
• Nunca permita que suba más de un niño al vehículo.
• El conductor debe sentarse en el asiento cuando el vehículo está en operación.
P • É necessária a supervisão de um adulto. Crianças não possuem discernimento necessário para evitar muitos
acidentes. Certifique-se que as crianças que operarem este veículo o façam de forma segura e estejam
supervisionadas em todos os momentos.
• Nunca utilize próximo a degraus, entradas de garagem, inclinações íngremes, ruas, becos, áreas de piscina ou
próximo à água.
• Sempre calce sapatos ou tênis quando estiver operando o veículo.
• Nunca deixe mais de uma pessoa dirigir o veículo.
• O motorista deve permanecer sentado quando o veículo estiver em operação.
e Teach Safety Rules
to Children
While children can quickly develop the skill
necessary to drive this vehicle, it is important
to remember that their judgement skills are
still very immature. Unsupervised driving by
children can lead to serious injury. Before
children use the vehicle an adult should
carefully evaluate the driving area as well as
the children's skill level and ability to drive it
safely. Children are not always able to
recognize or anticipate hazards, even when
they have been taught about them. There
is no acceptable substitute for adult
Teach appropriate safety rules to your child
before allow-ing operation of this vehicle.
These rules should also be reviewed with
neighborhood children or other playmates
who want to drive this vehicle.
1. Do not allow any child to drive the vehicle
in the street or near moving (motorized)
2. Do not allow any child to drive near
bodies of water (such as pools or creeks),
obstructions (such as furniture, low tree
limbs or play equipment), or drop-offs
(such as stairs or decks).
3. Do not allow any child to drive the vehicle
in the dark. A child could encounter
unexpected obstacles and have an
accident. Operate the vehicle only in the
daytime or in a well-lit area.
4. Teach your child to avoid driving on steep
inclines or slopes. Restrict your child's dri-
ving to areas that are fairly level with gen-
tle inclines or slopes of no more than 10°.
• While driving down a steep slope, the
vehicle may gain unsafe speed, even if
the handlebar button is released to stop.
• While driving across a steep slope, the
vehicle may tilt and tip over. The wheels
could lose traction, Causing the vehicle
to slip.
• While driving up a steep incline, the
motor may stop and the vehicle could roll
backwards at an unsafe speed.
5. Always wear shoes or sneakers when
operating this vehicle.
6. Never put anything near any moving parts.
Rotating parts such as motors, gear boxes
and wheels can snag fingers, hair, etc.,
causing serious injury. Do not allow opera-
tion of the vehicle when it is on its side or
in an upside-down position.
P Normas para Dirigir
com Segurança
7. Do not operate the vehicle near flamma-
ble vapors (gasoline, paint thinner,
acetone, liquid wax, etc.). The vehicle's
electrical switches, like most electrical
switches, emit an internal spark when first
turned on or turned off. The presence of
flammable liquids or vapors could cause
an explosion or a fire. Keep all flammable
products in tightly sealed containers and
away from the vehicle.
8. Do not allow a child to operate the vehicle
without proper adult supervision. To pre-
vent unsupervised motorized use of the
vehicle, remove the batteries when the
vehicle is not in use.
f Règles de sécurité à
enseigner aux enfants
Bien que les enfants apprennent rapidement
à conduire ce véhicule, il ne faut pas oublier
que leur jugement reste très peu développé.
Un enfant laissé sans surveillance pourrait
se blesser gravement. Avant de laisser un
enfant conduire ce véhicule, l'adulte devrait
évaluer soigneusement le terrain ainsi que
les compétences de l'enfant. Les enfants ne
peuvent pas toujours reconnaître ou prévoir
les situations dangereuses, même lorsqu'on
leur a appris à le faire. Rien ne remplace la
surveillance d'un adulte.

