Motorola. No right to copy a licensed program in whole or in part is granted, except as permitted under copyright law. The user shall not modify, merge, or incorporate any form or portion of a licensed program with other program material, create a derivative work from a licensed program, or use a licensed program in a network without written permission from Motorola.
TABLE OF CONTENTS Warranty ............................ii Revision History ..........................iii About This Guide Introduction ............................. xi Configurations..........................xi Chapter Descriptions ........................xi Notational Conventions........................xii Related Documents ........................xiii Recommended Services Information....................xiii Chapter 1: Getting Started Introduction ............................ 1-1 Interfaces ............................
Page 8
MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Chapter 4: User Preferences & Miscellaneous Options Introduction ............................ 4-1 Phantom Scan Session ......................... 4-1 Scanning Sequence Examples ...................... 4-2 Errors While Scanning ........................4-2 User Preferences Parameter Defaults ................... 4-2 User Preferences ........................... 4-4 Set Default Parameter ......................4-4 Parameter Bar Code Scanning ....................
Page 9
Table of Contents Bookland ISBN Format ......................5-12 Decode UPC/EAN/JAN Supplementals ................... 5-13 User-Programmable Supplementals ..................5-16 UPC/EAN/JAN Supplemental Redundancy ................5-16 UPC/EAN/JAN Supplemental AIM ID Format ................5-17 Transmit UPC-A Check Digit ....................5-18 Transmit UPC-E Check Digit ....................5-18 Transmit UPC-E1 Check Digit ....................
Page 10
MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Set Lengths for Discrete 2 of 5 ....................5-48 Codabar (NW - 7) .......................... 5-50 Enable/Disable Codabar ......................5-50 Set Lengths for Codabar ......................5-50 CLSI Editing ..........................5-52 NOTIS Editing .......................... 5-52 Codabar Upper or Lower Case Start/Stop Characters Detection ..........5-53 MSI ..............................
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Chapter 8: Installing the MX101 Customer Side Scanner Introduction ............................ 8-1 Installing the MX101 on the Customer’s Right Side of the Tower Cover ........8-2 Installing the MX101 on the Customer’s Left Side of the Tower Cover ......... 8-7 Affixing the MX101 Identification Label to the MP6000 ..............8-9 Chapter 9: Maintenance, Troubleshooting, and Signal Descriptions Introduction ............................
ABOUT THIS GUIDE Introduction The MX101 Product Reference Guide provides general instructions for setting up, operating, maintaining, and troubleshooting the MX101 digital scanner. Configurations MX101-SR00004ZZWR- Customer Side Scanner Chapter Descriptions Topics covered in this guide are as follows: • Chapter 1, Getting Started provides information about the scanner’s features, and setting up, installing, and...
MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE • Chapter 9, Maintenance, Troubleshooting, and Signal Descriptions provides suggested digital scanner maintenance, troubleshooting, technical specifications, and signal descriptions (pinouts). • Appendix A, Standard Default Parameters provides a table of all host devices and miscellaneous defaults.
Software type and version number Motorola responds to calls by e-mail, telephone or fax within the time limits set forth in service agreements. If your problem cannot be solved by the Motorola Solutions Global Customer Support Center, you may need to...
CHAPTER 1 GETTING STARTED Introduction The MX101 combines superior 1D and 2D omnidirectional bar code scanning with an advanced feature set in a compact design. The digital scanner was designed to integrate seamlessly into the MP6000 multi-plane imaging scanner, and is optimized for scanning customer cell phones and loyalty cards.
1 - 2 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Interfaces The MX101 digital scanner connects to the MP6000 via a single USB cable, and defaults to the SNAPI interface type. Unpacking Remove the scanner, rear cover, and USB cable from the packing and inspect for damage. If the scanner was damaged in transit, contact Motorola Solutions Global Customer Support Center.
Getting Started 1 - 3 Features The MX101 is integrated into the multi-plane imaging scanner tower on either the left or right side. The multi-plane imaging scanner requires a custom tower cover replacement. The scanner has the following features: •...
5, Imaging Preferences, and Chapter 5, Symbologies for information about programming the digital scanner using bar code menus. Chapter 8, Installing the MX101 Customer Side Scanner for instructions to install: • the MX101 into the MP6000 multi-plane imaging scanner. •...
CHAPTER 2 DATA CAPTURE Introduction This chapter provides beeper and LED definitions, techniques involved in capturing bar codes, general instructions and tips about scanning, and decode range information.
2 - 2 MX101 Product Reference Guide Beeper and Decode LED Signals The digital scanner has a visual green LED indicator and issues different beep sequences, and patterns to indicate status. Table 2-1 defines beep sequences that occur during both normal scanning and while programming the digital scanner.
Data Capture 2 - 3 Scanning For standard operation, the scanner automatically decodes bar codes that are presented in its field of view. Scanning Figure 2-1 Decode Ranges Decode Ranges Table 2-2 Typical Working Ranges Symbol (from side of MP6000) Specification Near UPCA...
CHAPTER 3 USB INTERFACE Introduction The scanner connects directly to a USB port on the MP6000. No additional power supply is required. Throughout this guide, the asterisks ( ) indicate the default values. Indicates Default Symbol Native API (SNAPI) with Imaging Interface Feature/Option...
MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE USB Host Parameter When the MX101 connects to the MP6000, the MP6000 manages the device using the best fit host type to maximize communication between the two devices. Host types should not change. The default host type is SNAPI with Imaging.
CHAPTER 4 USER PREFERENCES & MISCELLANEOUS OPTIONS Introduction You can program the digital scanner to perform various functions, or activate different features. This chapter describes each user preference feature and provides programming bar codes for selecting these features. The digital scanner ships with the settings shown in Table 4-1 on page 4-2 (also see Appendix A, Standard...
4 - 2 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Scanning Sequence Examples In most cases, scanning one bar code sets the parameter value. For example, to set the beeper tone to high, scan the High Frequency (beeper tone) bar code listed under Beeper Tone on page 4-8.
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User Preferences & Miscellaneous Options 4 - 3 User Preferences Default Table Table 4-1 Parameter Page Parameter Default Number Number Range Restrict F1h 75h Disable 4-14 Presentation Mode Field of View F1h 61h Medium Field of View 4-15 Fuzzy 1D Processing F1h 02h Enable 4-16...
4 - 4 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE User Preferences Set Default Parameter You can reset the scanner to two types of defaults: factory defaults or custom defaults. Scan the appropriate bar code below to reset the scanner to its default settings and/or set its current settings as custom defaults.
User Preferences & Miscellaneous Options 4 - 5 Parameter Bar Code Scanning Parameter # ECh To disable the decoding of parameter bar codes, including the Set Defaults parameter bar codes, scan the Disable Parameter Scanning bar code below. To enable decoding of parameter bar codes, scan Enable Parameter Scanning.
4 - 6 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Lock/Unlock Parameter Scanning Lock: Parameter # F2h 22h Unlock: Parameter # F2h 23h This feature locks parameter settings with a 4-digit code to prevent the user from changing parameter values by scanning parameter bar codes. This provides an added level of security not offered via Disable Parameter Scanning.
User Preferences & Miscellaneous Options 4 - 7 Beep After Good Decode Parameter # 38h Scan a bar code below to select whether or not the scanner issues a beep signal after a good decode. If selecting Do Not Beep After Good Decode, beeper signals still occur during parameter menu scanning and to indicate error conditions.
4 - 8 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Beeper Tone Parameter # 91h To select a decode beep frequency (tone), scan the Low Frequency, Medium Frequency, or High Frequency bar code. Low Frequency (02h) Medium Frequency (Optimum Setting) (01h) High Frequency...
User Preferences & Miscellaneous Options 4 - 9 Beeper Volume Parameter # 8Ch To select a beeper volume, scan the Low Volume, Medium Volume, or High Volume bar code. Low Volume (02h) Medium Volume (01h) High Volume (00h)
4 - 10 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Beeper Duration Parameter # F1h 74h To select the duration for the beeper, scan one of the following bar codes. Short (00h) Medium (01h) Long (02h) Suppress Power-up Beeps Parameter # F1h D1h Select whether or not to suppress the scanner’s power-up beeps.
User Preferences & Miscellaneous Options 4 - 11 Trigger Modes Parameter # 8Ah • Presentation Mode - When the scanner detects an object in its field of view, it triggers and attempt to decode. The range of object detection does not vary under normal lighting conditions. This applies to decode mode only.
4 - 12 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Timeout Between Decodes, Same Symbol Parameter # 89h Use this option in Presentation Mode to prevent multiple reads of a symbol left in the scanner’s field of view. The timeout begins when you remove the symbol from the field of view.
User Preferences & Miscellaneous Options 4 - 13 Motion Detect Range Parameter # F2h 3Bh This parameter controls the distance, or range, at which the scanner detects object motion and then triggers while in Presentation Mode. Full Range (02h) Medium Range (05h) Short Range (0Ah)
4 - 14 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Range Restrict Parameter # F1h 75h Attribute # 629 Range restriction can be enabled by setting a parameter value greater than zero and disabled when setting a value of zero. When enabled it allows for reducing the reading range of a UPC family bar code to a restricted range in inches.
User Preferences & Miscellaneous Options 4 - 15 Presentation Mode Field of View Parameter # F1h 61h In Presentation Mode, the scanner searches for a bar code in the region around the aiming pattern’s center. To search for a bar code in a smaller region around the aiming pattern in order to speed search time, select , or to search a larger area, select Small Field of View Full Field of View...
4 - 16 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Fuzzy 1D Processing Parameter # F1h 02h This option is enabled by default to optimize decode performance on 1D bar codes, including damaged and poor quality symbols. Disable this only if you experience time delays when decoding 2D bar codes, or in detecting a no decode.
User Preferences & Miscellaneous Options 4 - 17 Mobile Phone/Display Mode Parameter # F1h CCh This mode improves bar code reading performance with target bar codes displayed on mobile phones and electronic displays. Disable Mobile Phone/Display Mode (00h) Enable Mobile Phone/Display Mode (03h) Validate Concatenated Parameter Bar Codes Parameter # F1h B4h...
4 - 18 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Illumination Brightness Parameter # F1h 9Dh This feature sets the brightness of the illumination by altering LED power. The default is 10, which is maximum LED brightness. For values from 1 to 10, LED brightness varies from lowest to highest level of brightness. The default is 6.
4 - 20 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Miscellaneous Scanning Parameters Transmit Code ID Character Parameter # 2Dh A Code ID character identifies the code type of a scanned bar code. This is useful when decoding more than one code type. In addition to any single character prefix already selected, the Code ID character is inserted between the prefix and the decoded symbol.
User Preferences & Miscellaneous Options 4 - 21 Prefix/Suffix Values Key Category Parameter # P = 63h, S1 = 62h, S2 = 64h Decimal Value Parameter # P = 69h, S1 = 68h, S2 = 6Ah You can append a prefix and/or one or two suffixes to scan data for use in data editing. To set a value for a prefix or suffix, scan the prefix or suffix bar code below, then scan a four-digit number (i.e., four bar codes from Appendix D, Numeric Bar Codes) that corresponds to that value.
4 - 22 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Scan Data Transmission Format Parameter # EBh To change the scan data format, scan one of the following eight bar codes corresponding to the desired format. NOTE If using this parameter do not use ADF rules to set the prefix/suffix...
4 - 24 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Report Version Scan the bar code below to report the version of software currently installed in the scanner. Report Software Version Report Scanner Manufacturing Information Scan the bar code below to report the part number, serial number, and manufacture date of the scanner.
CHAPTER 5 SYMBOLOGIES Introduction This chapter describes symbology features and provides the programming bar codes for selecting these features. Before programming, follow the instructions in Chapter 1, Getting Started. The scanner is shipped with the settings shown in Table 5-1 on page 5-2 (also see Appendix A, Standard Default Parameters...
5 - 2 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Scanning Sequence Examples In most cases, scanning one bar code sets the parameter value. For example, to transmit bar code data without the UPC-A check digit, simply scan the Do Not Transmit UPC-A Check Digit bar code under...
5 - 8 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Disable All Code Types To disable all symbologies, scan the bar code below. This is useful when enabling only a few code types. Disable All Code Types...
5 - 10 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Enable/Disable UPC-E1 Parameter # 0Ch UPC-E1 is disabled by default. To enable or disable UPC-E1, scan the appropriate bar code below. NOTE UPC-E1 is not a UCC (Uniform Code Council) approved symbology. Enable UPC-E1...
5 - 12 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Bookland ISBN Format Parameter # F1h 40h If Bookland EAN is enabled, select one of the following formats for Bookland data: • Bookland ISBN-10 - The scanner reports Bookland data starting with 978 in traditional 10-digit format with the special Bookland check digit for backward-compatibility.
Symbologies 5 - 13 Decode UPC/EAN/JAN Supplementals Parameter # 10h Supplementals are bar codes appended according to specific format conventions (e.g., UPC A+2, UPC E+2, EAN 13+2). The following options are available: • If you select Ignore UPC/EAN with Supplementals, and the scanner is presented with a UPC/EAN plus supplemental symbol, the scanner decodes UPC/EAN and ignores the supplemental characters.
5 - 16 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE User-Programmable Supplementals Supplemental 1: Parameter # F1h 43h Supplemental 2: Parameter # F1h 44h If you selected a Supplemental User-Programmable option from Decode UPC/EAN/JAN Supplementals on page 5-13, select User-Programmable Supplemental 1 to set the 3-digit prefix. Then select the 3 digits using the numeric bar codes beginning on page D-1.
Symbologies 5 - 17 UPC/EAN/JAN Supplemental AIM ID Format Parameter # F1h A0h Select an output format when reporting UPC/EAN/JAN bar codes with Supplementals with Transmit Code ID Character on page 4-20 set to AIM Code ID Character • - transmit UPC/EAN with supplementals with separate AIM IDs but one transmission, i.e.: Separate ]E<0 or 4><data>]E<1 or 2>[supplemental data] •...
5 - 18 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Transmit UPC-A Check Digit Parameter # 28h The check digit is the last character of the symbol used to verify the integrity of the data. Scan the appropriate bar code below to transmit the bar code data with or without the UPC-A check digit. It is always verified to guarantee the integrity of the data.
Symbologies 5 - 19 Transmit UPC-E1 Check Digit Parameter # 2Ah The check digit is the last character of the symbol used to verify the integrity of the data. Scan the appropriate bar code below to transmit the bar code data with or without the UPC-E1 check digit. It is always verified to guarantee the integrity of the data.
5 - 20 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE UPC-E Preamble Parameter # 23h Preamble characters are part of the UPC symbol, and include Country Code and System Character. There are three options for transmitting a UPC-E preamble to the host device: transmit System Character only, transmit System Character and Country Code (“0”...
Symbologies 5 - 21 UPC-E1 Preamble Parameter # 24h Preamble characters are part of the UPC symbol, and include Country Code and System Character. There are three options for transmitting a UPC-E1 preamble to the host device: transmit System Character only, transmit System Character and Country Code (“0”...
5 - 22 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Convert UPC-E to UPC-A Parameter # 25h Enable this to convert UPC-E (zero suppressed) decoded data to UPC-A format before transmission. After conversion, the data follows UPC-A format and is affected by UPC-A programming selections (e.g., Preamble, Check Digit).
Symbologies 5 - 23 EAN-8/JAN-8 Extend Parameter # 27h Enable this parameter to add five leading zeros to decoded EAN-8 symbols to make them compatible in format to EAN-13 symbols. Disable this to transmit EAN-8 symbols as is. Enable EAN/JAN Zero Extend (01h) Disable EAN/JAN Zero Extend (00h)
5 - 24 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Coupon Report Parameter # F1h DAh Traditional coupon symbols (old coupon symbols) are composed of two bar codes: UPC/EAN and Code128. A new coupon symbol is composed of a single Databar Expanded bar code. The new coupon format offers more options for purchase values (up to $999.99) and supports complex discount offers such as a second purchase...
5 - 26 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Code 128 Enable/Disable Code 128 Parameter # 08h To enable or disable Code 128, scan the appropriate bar code below. Enable Code 128 (01h) Disable Code 128 (00h) Set Lengths for Code 128 Parameter # L1 = D1h, L2 = D2h The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check...
Symbologies 5 - 27 Set Lengths for Code 128 (continued) Code 128 - One Discrete Length Code 128 - Two Discrete Lengths Code 128 - Length Within Range Code 128 - Any Length Enable/Disable GS1-128 (formerly UCC/EAN-128) Parameter # 0Eh To enable or disable GS1-128, scan the appropriate bar code below.
5 - 28 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Enable/Disable ISBT 128 Parameter # 54h ISBT 128 is a variant of Code 128 used in the blood bank industry. Scan a bar code below to enable or disable ISBT 128. If necessary, the host must perform concatenation of the ISBT data.
Symbologies 5 - 29 ISBT Concatenation Parameter # F1h 41h Select an option for concatenating pairs of ISBT code types: • If you select Disable ISBT Concatenation, the scanner does not concatenate pairs of ISBT codes it encounters. • If you select Enable ISBT Concatenation, there must be two ISBT codes in order for the scanner to decode and perform concatenation.
5 - 30 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Check ISBT Table Parameter # F1h 42h The ISBT specification includes a table that lists several types of ISBT bar codes that are commonly used in pairs. If you set ISBT Concatenation to Enable, enable Check ISBT Table to concatenate only those pairs found in this table.
5 - 32 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Convert Code 39 to Code 32 Parameter # 56h Code 32 is a variant of Code 39 used by the Italian pharmaceutical industry. Scan the appropriate bar code below to enable or disable converting Code 39 to Code 32.
Symbologies 5 - 33 Set Lengths for Code 39 Parameter # L1 = 12h, L2 = 13h The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check digit(s) the code contains. Set lengths for Code 39 to any length, one or two discrete lengths, or lengths within a specific range.
5 - 34 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Code 39 Check Digit Verification Parameter # 30h Enable this feature to check the integrity of all Code 39 symbols to verify that the data complies with specified check digit algorithm. Only Code 39 symbols which include a modulo 43 check digit are decoded. Enable this feature if the Code 39 symbols contain a Modulo 43 check digit.
Symbologies 5 - 35 Code 39 Full ASCII Conversion Parameter # 11h Code 39 Full ASCII is a variant of Code 39 which pairs characters to encode the full ASCII character set. To enable or disable Code 39 Full ASCII, scan the appropriate bar code below. Enable Code 39 Full ASCII (01h) Disable Code 39 Full ASCII...
5 - 36 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Code 39 Buffering - Scan & Store Parameter # 71h This feature allows the scanner to accumulate data from multiple Code 39 symbols. Selecting the Scan and Store option (Buffer Code 39) temporarily buffers all Code 39 symbols having a leading space as a first character for later transmission.
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Symbologies 5 - 37 Clear Buffer NOTE The Clear Buffer contains only the dash (minus) character. In order to scan this command, set Code 39 lengths to include length 1. Transmit Buffer There are two methods to transmit the Code 39 buffer. Scan the Transmit Buffer bar code below, which includes only a start character, a plus (+), and a stop character.
5 - 38 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Code 93 Enable/Disable Code 93 Parameter # 09h To enable or disable Code 93, scan the appropriate bar code below. Enable Code 93 (01h) Disable Code 93 (00h) Set Lengths for Code 93 Parameter # L1 = 1Ah, L2 = 1Bh The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check...
Symbologies 5 - 39 Set Lengths for Code 93 (continued) Code 93 - One Discrete Length Code 93 - Two Discrete Lengths Code 93 - Length Within Range Code 93 - Any Length...
5 - 40 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Code 11 Code 11 Parameter # 0Ah To enable or disable Code 11, scan the appropriate bar code below. Enable Code 11 (01h) Disable Code 11 (00h) Set Lengths for Code 11 Parameter # L1 = 1Ch, L2 = 1Dh The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check...
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Symbologies 5 - 41 Set Lengths for Code 11 (continued) Code 11 - One Discrete Length Code 11 - Two Discrete Lengths Code 11 - Length Within Range Code 11 - Any Length...
5 - 42 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Code 11 Check Digit Verification Parameter # 34h This feature allows the scanner to check the integrity of all Code 11 symbols to verify that the data complies with the specified check digit algorithm. This selects the check digit mechanism for the decoded Code 11 bar code.
Symbologies 5 - 43 Transmit Code 11 Check Digits Parameter # 2Fh This feature selects whether or not to transmit the Code 11 check digit(s). Transmit Code 11 Check Digit(s) (Enable) (01h) Do Not Transmit Code 11 Check Digit(s) (Disable) (00h) NOTE Code 11 Check Digit Verification must be enabled for this parameter to function.
5 - 44 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Interleaved 2 of 5 (ITF) Enable/Disable Interleaved 2 of 5 Parameter # 06h To enable or disable Interleaved 2 of 5, scan the appropriate bar code below, and select an Interleaved 2 of 5 length from the following pages.
Symbologies 5 - 45 Set Lengths for Interleaved 2 of 5 (continued) I 2 of 5 - One Discrete Length I 2 of 5 - Two Discrete Lengths I 2 of 5 - Length Within Range I 2 of 5 - Any Length...
5 - 46 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE I 2 of 5 Check Digit Verification Parameter # 31h Enable this feature to check the integrity of all I 2 of 5 symbols to verify the data complies with either the specified Uniform Symbology Specification (USS), or the Optical Product Code Council (OPCC) check digit algorithm.
Symbologies 5 - 47 Convert I 2 of 5 to EAN-13 Parameter # 52h Enable this parameter to convert 14-character I 2 of 5 codes to EAN-13, and transmit to the host as EAN-13. To accomplish this, the I 2 of 5 code must be enabled, and the code must have a leading zero and a valid EAN-13 check digit.
5 - 48 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Discrete 2 of 5 (DTF) Enable/Disable Discrete 2 of 5 Parameter # 05h To enable or disable Discrete 2 of 5, scan the appropriate bar code below. Enable Discrete 2 of 5 (01h)
Symbologies 5 - 49 Set Lengths for Discrete 2 of 5 (continued) D 2 of 5 - One Discrete Length D 2 of 5 - Two Discrete Lengths D 2 of 5 - Length Within Range D 2 of 5 - Any Length...
5 - 50 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Codabar (NW - 7) Enable/Disable Codabar Parameter # 07h To enable or disable Codabar, scan the appropriate bar code below. Enable Codabar (01h) Disable Codabar (00h) Set Lengths for Codabar Parameter # L1 = 18h, L2 = 19h The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check...
Page 101
Symbologies 5 - 51 Set Lengths for Codabar (continued) Codabar - One Discrete Length Codabar - Two Discrete Lengths Codabar - Length Within Range Codabar - Any Length...
5 - 52 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE CLSI Editing Parameter # 36h Enable this parameter to strip the start and stop characters and insert a space after the first, fifth, and tenth characters of a 14-character Codabar symbol. Enable this feature if the host system requires this data format.
Symbologies 5 - 53 Codabar Upper or Lower Case Start/Stop Characters Detection Parameter # F2h 57h Select whether to detect upper case or lower case Codabar start/stop characters. Lower Case (01h) Upper Case (00h)
5 - 54 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Enable/Disable MSI Parameter # 0Bh To enable or disable MSI, scan the appropriate bar code below. Enable MSI (01h) Disable MSI (00h) Set Lengths for MSI Parameter # L1 = 1Eh, L2 = 1Fh The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check...
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Symbologies 5 - 55 Set Lengths for MSI (continued) NOTE Due to the construction of the MSI symbology, it is possible for a scan line covering only a portion of the code to transmit as a complete scan, yielding less data than is encoded in the bar code. To prevent this, select specific lengths (MSI - One Discrete Length, Two Discrete Lengths) for MSI applications.
5 - 56 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE MSI Check Digits Parameter # 32h With MSI symbols, one check digit is mandatory and always verified by the reader. The second check digit is optional. If the MSI codes include two check digits, scan the Two MSI Check Digits bar code to enable verification of the second check digit.
Symbologies 5 - 57 MSI Check Digit Algorithm Parameter # 33h Two algorithms are possible for the verification of the second MSI check digit. Select the bar code below corresponding to the algorithm used to encode the check digit. MOD 10/MOD 11 (00h) MOD 10/MOD 10 (01h)
5 - 58 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Matrix 2 of 5 Enable/Disable Matrix 2 of 5 Parameter # F1h 6Ah To enable or disable Matrix 2 of 5, scan the appropriate bar code below. Enable Matrix 2 of 5 (01h)
Symbologies 5 - 59 Set Lengths for Matrix 2 of 5 Parameter # L1 = F1h 6Bh, L2 = F1h 6Ch The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check digit(s) the code contains. Set lengths for Matrix 2 of 5 to any length, one or two discrete lengths, or lengths within a specific range.
5 - 60 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Matrix 2 of 5 Check Digit Parameter # F1h 6Eh The check digit is the last character of the symbol used to verify the integrity of the data. Scan the appropriate bar code below to transmit the bar code data with or without the Matrix 2 of 5 check digit.
Symbologies 5 - 61 Korean 3 of 5 Enable/Disable Korean 3 of 5 Parameter # F1h 45h To enable or disable Korean 3 of 5, scan the appropriate bar code below. NOTE The length for Korean 3 of 5 is fixed at 6. Enable Korean 3 of 5 (01h) Disable Korean 3 of 5...
Symbologies 5 - 63 Postal Codes US Postnet Parameter # 59h To enable or disable US Postnet, scan the appropriate bar code below. Enable US Postnet (01h) Disable US Postnet (00h) US Planet Parameter # 5Ah To enable or disable US Planet, scan the appropriate bar code below. Enable US Planet (01h) Disable US Planet...
5 - 64 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Transmit US Postal Check Digit Parameter # 5Fh Select whether to transmit US Postal data, which includes both US Postnet and US Planet, with or without the check digit. Transmit US Postal Check Digit...
Symbologies 5 - 65 Transmit UK Postal Check Digit Parameter # 60h Select whether to transmit UK Postal data with or without the check digit. Transmit UK Postal Check Digit (01h) Do Not Transmit UK Postal Check Digit (00h) Japan Postal Parameter # F0h, 22h To enable or disable Japan Postal, scan the appropriate bar code below.
5 - 66 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Australia Post Parameter # F0h, 23h To enable or disable Australia Post, scan the appropriate bar code below. Enable Australia Post (01h) Disable Australia Post (00h)
Symbologies 5 - 67 Australia Post Format Parameter # F1h, CEh To select one of the following formats for Australia Post, scan the appropriate bar code below: • (or Smart mode) - Attempt to decode the Customer Information Field using the N and C Autodiscriminate Encoding Tables.
Symbologies 5 - 69 UPU FICS Postal Parameter # F1h 63h To enable or disable UPU FICS Postal, scan the appropriate bar code below. Enable UPU FICS Postal (01h) Disable UPU FICS Postal (00h)
5 - 72 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE GS1 DataBar Limited Security Level Parameter # F1h D8h The scanner offers four levels of decode security for GS1 DataBar Limited bar codes. There is an inverse relationship between security and scanner aggressiveness. Increasing the level of security may result in reduced aggressiveness in scanning, so only choose the level of security necessary.
5 - 74 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Composite Composite CC-C Parameter # F0h 55h Scan a bar code below to enable or disable Composite bar codes of type CC-C. Enable CC-C (01h) Disable CC-C (00h) Composite CC-A/B Parameter # F0h 56h Scan a bar code below to enable or disable Composite bar codes of type CC-A/B.
Symbologies 5 - 75 Composite TLC-39 Parameter # F0h 73h Scan a bar code below to enable or disable Composite bar codes of type TLC-39. Enable TLC39 (01h) Disable TLC39 (00h) UPC Composite Mode Parameter # F0h 58h If you enable Composite CC-A/B on page 5-74, select an option for linking UPC symbols with a 2D symbol during transmission as if they were one symbol:...
5 - 76 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Composite Beep Mode Parameter # F0h, 8Eh To select the number of decode beeps when a composite bar code is decoded, scan the appropriate bar code. Single Beep After Both are Decoded (00h)
5 - 78 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Code 128 Emulation Parameter # 7Bh Enable this parameter to transmit data from certain MicroPDF417 symbols as Code 128. AIM Code ID Character (01h) on page 4-20 must be enabled for this parameter to work.
Symbologies 5 - 79 Data Matrix Parameter # F0h, 24h To enable or disable Data Matrix, scan the appropriate bar code below. Enable Data Matrix (01h) Disable Data Matrix (00h) Data Matrix Inverse Parameter # F1h 4Ch This parameter sets the Data Matrix inverse scanner setting. Options are: •...
5 - 80 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Decode Mirror Images (Data Matrix Only) Parameter # F1h 19h Select an option for decoding mirror image Data Matrix bar codes: • Always - decode only Data Matrix bar codes that are mirror images •...
Symbologies 5 - 81 Maxicode Parameter # F0h, 26h To enable or disable Maxicode, scan the appropriate bar code below. Enable Maxicode (01h) Disable Maxicode (00h) QR Code Parameter # F0h,25h To enable or disable QR Code, scan the appropriate bar code below. Enable QR Code (01h) Disable QR Code...
5 - 82 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE QR Inverse Parameter # F1h 4Bh This parameter sets the QR inverse scanner setting. Options are: • - the scanner decodes regular QR bar codes only. Regular Only • - the scanner decodes inverse QR bar codes only.
5 - 84 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Redundancy Level Parameter # 4Eh The scanner offers four levels of decode redundancy. Select higher redundancy levels for decreasing levels of bar code quality. As redundancy levels increase, the scanner’s aggressiveness decreases. Select the redundancy level appropriate for the bar code quality.
5 - 86 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Security Level Parameter # 4Dh The scanner offers four levels of decode security for delta bar codes, which include UPC/EAN and Code 93. Select increasing levels of security for decreasing levels of bar code quality. There is an inverse relationship between security and scanner aggressiveness, so choose only that level of security necessary for any given application.
Symbologies 5 - 87 Intercharacter Gap Size Parameter # F0h, 7Dh The Code 39 and Codabar symbologies have an intercharacter gap that is typically quite small. Due to various bar code-printing technologies, this gap can grow larger than the maximum size allowed, preventing the scanner from decoding the symbol.
5 - 88 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Macro PDF Features Macro PDF is a special feature for concatenating multiple PDF symbols into one file. The scanner can decode symbols that are encoded with this feature, and can store more than 64 Kb of decoded data stored in up to 50 MacroPDF symbols.
Symbologies 5 - 89 Macro PDF Transmit / Decode Mode Symbols Parameter # BCh Select one of the options below for handling Macro PDF decoding. In Buffer All Symbols the scanner can handle sets of up to 50 maximum-sized Macro PDF symbols. In all other modes there is no limit to the size of the MacroPDF set.
5 - 90 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Transmit Macro PDF Control Header Parameter # B8h When enabled, this activates transmission of the control header, which contains the segment index and the file ID, in Macro PDF symbols. For example, the field may be: \92800000\725\120\343. The five digits after the \928 are the segment index (or block index), and \725\120\343 is the file ID.
Symbologies 5 - 91 Flush Macro Buffer This flushes the buffer of all decoded Macro PDF data stored to that point, transmits it to the host device, and aborts from Macro PDF mode. Flush Macro PDF Buffer Abort Macro PDF Entry This clears all currently-stored Macro PDF data in the buffer without transmission and aborts from Macro PDF mode.
CHAPTER 6 123SCAN2 Introduction 123Scan² is an easy-to-use, PC-based software tool that enables the quick and easy setup of Motorola scanners. 123Scan² uses a wizard tool to guide users through a streamlined set up process. Once parameters are set, the values are saved to a configuration file that can be distributed via e-mail, electronically downloaded via a USB cable, or used to generate a sheet of programming bar codes that can be scanned.
6 - 2 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE 123Scan Requirements • Host computer with Windows XP SP2 or Windows 7 • Scanner • USB cable. For more information on123Scan², go to: For a 1 minute tour of 123Scan², go to:
CHAPTER 7 ADVANCED DATA FORMATTING Introduction Advanced Data Formatting (ADF) is a means of customizing data before transmission to the host device. Use ADF to edit scan data to suit requirements. Implement ADF by scanning a related series of bar codes which program the scanner with ADF rules.
MX101 identification label. The MX101 CSS optional modular unit replaces the MP6000 tower cover. The unit can be installed on either the left, or right side of the MP6000. Remove all hardware from the packaging.
MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Installing the MX101 on the Customer’s Right Side of the Tower Cover To install the MX101 on the customer’s right side (default) of the MP6000: Lift the MP6000 out of the checkstand, if already installed. Remove the MP6000 tower bezel by squeezing inward on both the left and right sides of the lower part of the tower bezel, pushing its side snaps to disengage.
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Removing the Scan Window Cover Figure 8-4 Determine the side of the MP6000 to which the MX101 should be installed. The default is the customer’s right side (the side of the MX101 tower cover already open for the scan module to be inserted).
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8 - 4 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Snap the scan window cover into place on the tower, over the scan window. Adding the Scan Window Cover Figure 8-6 Connect the USB cable to the top USB port (recommended) on the MP6000. Route the cable into the side cable slots as shown.
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Installing the MX101 Customer Side Scanner 8 - 5 Route the cable, looping through the right side cable slots as shown below. (Cable wire should be tight.) Cable Slots Service Loop Cable Slots Routing the Cable Figure 8-8 Connect the cable to the micro USB port at the bottom of the scan module. Ensure the cable is clipped into the scan module plastic directly below the USB port.
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8 - 6 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Slide the CSS tower cover back into place. Ensure the cable service loop folds up into the blank space in the CSS tower cover, on the opposite side of the scan module. Snaps should click together. When the tower cover is replaced, the module locks into the grommet compression ribs on the MP6000.
Installing the MX101 Customer Side Scanner 8 - 7 Installing the MX101 on the Customer’s Left Side of the Tower Cover To install the MX101 on the left side of the MP6000: Push out the CSS blank side cover on the left side of the CSS tower cover, and replace the cover into the opening on the right side of the tower cover.
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8 - 8 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Connect the cable to the micro USB port on the bottom of the scan module. Ensure the cable is clipped into the scan module plastic directly below the USB port. Slide the CSS tower cover back into place. Ensure the cable service loop folds up into the blank space in the CSS tower cover, on the opposite side of the scan module.
8 - 9 Affixing the MX101 Identification Label to the MP6000 The MX101 identification label included in the MX101 packaging must be affixed to the MP6000 as shown below. Failure to affix the label to the MP6000 voids the MX101 warranty.
CHAPTER 9 MAINTENANCE, TROUBLESHOOTING, AND SIGNAL DESCRIPTIONS Introduction This chapter provides suggested digital scanner maintenance, troubleshooting, and pinout signal descriptions. Maintenance Cleaning the scan window is the only maintenance required. A dirty window can affect scanning accuracy. • Do not allow abrasive material to touch the window. •...
9 - 2 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Table 9-1 Problem Possible Causes Possible Solutions Digital scanner emits short low/short The USB bus may put the digital Normal during host reset. medium/short high beep sequence scanner in a state where power to...
Maintenance, Troubleshooting, and Signal Descriptions 9 - 3 Report Software Version Bar Code When contacting Motorola Solutions support, a support representative may ask you to scan the bar code below to determine the version of software installed in the digital scanner. Report Software Version...
MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Digital Scanner Signal Descriptions Micro-B Digital Scanner Cable Pinouts Figure 9-1 The signal descriptions in Table 9-2 apply to the connector on the MX101 digital scanner. USB Connector Pin-outs Table 9-2 Signal Function 5VDC USB 5V...
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Maintenance, Troubleshooting, and Signal Descriptions 9 - 5...
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APPENDIX A STANDARD DEFAULT PARAMETERS Standard Default Parameters Table Table A-1 Parameter Page Parameter Default Number Number User Preferences Set Default Parameter Restore Defaults Parameter Bar Code Scanning Enable Lock Parameter Scanning F2h 22h Disable Unlock Parameter Scanning F2h 23h Disable Beep After Good Decode Enable...
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A - 2 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Standard Default Parameters Table (Continued) Table A-1 Parameter Page Parameter Default Number Number Mirrored Image F1h 70h Disable 4-16 Mobile Phone/Display Mode F1h CCh Enable 4-17 Validate Concatenated Parameter Bar Codes F1h B4h...
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Standard Default Parameters A - 3 Standard Default Parameters Table (Continued) Table A-1 Parameter Page Parameter Default Number Number User-Programmable Supplementals 5-16 Supplemental 1: F1h 43h Supplemental 2: F1h 44h UPC/EAN/JAN Supplemental Redundancy 5-16 Decode UPC/EAN/JAN Supplemental AIM ID F1h A0h Combined 5-17 Transmit UPC-A Check Digit...
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A - 4 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Standard Default Parameters Table (Continued) Table A-1 Parameter Page Parameter Default Number Number Set Length(s) for Code 39 12h, 13h Length Within Range: 2 to 55 5-33 Code 39 Check Digit Verification Disable...
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Standard Default Parameters A - 5 Standard Default Parameters Table (Continued) Table A-1 Parameter Page Parameter Default Number Number Disable 5-54 Set Length(s) for MSI 1Eh, 1Fh Length Within Range: 4 to 55 5-54 MSI Check Digits 5-56 Transmit MSI Check Digit Disable 5-56 MSI Check Digit Algorithm...
APPENDIX B PROGRAMMING REFERENCE Symbol Code Identifiers Symbol Code Characters Table B-1 Code Character Code Type UPC-A, UPC-E, UPC-E1, EAN-8, EAN-13 Code 39, Code 32 Codabar Code 128, ISBT 128, ISBT 128 Concatenated Code 93 Interleaved 2 of 5 Discrete 2 of 5, or Discrete 2 of 5 IATA Code 11 GS1-128 Bookland EAN...
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B - 2 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Symbol Code Characters (Continued) Table B-1 Code Character Code Type Korean 3 of 5 ISSN EAN, PDF417, Macro PDF417, Micro PDF417 Aztec, Aztec Rune Data Matrix QR Code, MicroQR Maxicode US Postnet US Planet...
Programming Reference B - 3 AIM Code Identifiers Each AIM Code Identifier contains the three-character string ]cm where: = Flag Character (ASCII 93) c = Code Character (see Table B-2) m = Modifier Character (see Table B-3) Aim Code Characters Table B-2 Code Character Code Type...
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B - 4 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE The modifier character is the sum of the applicable option values based on Table B-3. Modifier Characters Table B-3 Code Type Option Value Option Code 39 No check character or Full ASCII processing.
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Programming Reference B - 5 Modifier Characters (Continued) Table B-3 Code Type Option Value Option D 2 of 5 No options specified at this time. Always transmit 0. Example: A D 2 of 5 bar code 4123, is transmitted as ]S04123 UPC/EAN Standard data packet in full EAN format, i.e.
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B - 6 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Modifier Characters (Continued) Table B-3 Code Type Option Value Option PDF417, Reader set to conform to protocol defined in 1994 PDF417 Micro PDF417 symbology specifications. Note: When this option is transmitted, the receiver cannot reliably determine whether ECIs have been...
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Programming Reference B - 7 Modifier Characters (Continued) Table B-3 Code Type Option Value Option QR Code Model 1 symbol. Model 2 / MicroQR symbol, ECI protocol not implemented. Model 2 symbol, ECI protocol implemented. Model 2 symbol, ECI protocol not implemented, FNC1 implied in first position.
Sample Bar Codes C - 3 GS1 DataBar-14 NOTE DataBar-14 must be enabled to read the bar code below (see GS1 DataBar on page 5-70). 7612341562341 PDF417 Data Matrix Maxicode...
D - 2 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Numeric Bar Codes (continued) Cancel To correct an error or change a selection, scan the bar code below. Cancel...
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GLOSSARY Aperture. The opening in an optical system defined by a lens or baffle that establishes the field of view. API. An interface by means of which one software component communicates with or controls another. Usually used to refer to services provided by one software component to another, usually via software interrupts or function calls Application Programming Interface.
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Glossary - 2 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Bit. Binary digit. One bit is the basic unit of binary information. Generally, eight consecutive bits compose one byte of data. The pattern of 0 and 1 values within the byte determines its meaning.
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Glossary - 3 Code Length. Number of data characters in a bar code between the start and stop characters, not including those characters. Cold Boot. A cold boot restarts the mobile computer and erases all user stored records and entries. COM port.
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Glossary - 4 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Flash Disk. An additional megabyte of non-volatile memory for storing application and configuration files. Flash Memory. Flash memory is responsible for storing the system firmware and is non-volatile. If the system power is interrupted the data is not be lost.
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Glossary - 5 I/O Ports. interface The connection between two devices, defined by common physical characteristics, signal characteristics, and signal meanings. IOCTL. Input/Output Control. IP Address. (Internet Protocol address) The address of a computer attached to an IP network. Every client and server station must have a unique IP address.
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Glossary - 6 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE MIL. 1 mil = 1 thousandth of a meter. Misread (Misdecode). A condition which occurs when the data output of a reader or interface controller does not agree with the data encoded within a bar code symbol.
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Glossary - 7 Percent Decode. The average probability that a single scan of a bar code would result in a successful decode. In a well-designed bar code scanning system, that probability should approach near 100%. PING. (Packet Internet Groper) An Internet utility used to determine whether a particular IP address is online. It is used to test and debug a network by sending out a packet and waiting for a response.
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Glossary - 8 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE Scan Area. Area intended to contain a symbol. Scanner. An electronic device used to scan bar code symbols and produce a digitized pattern that corresponds to the bars and spaces of the symbol. Its three main components are: 1) Light source (laser or photoelectric cell) - illuminates a bar code,;...
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Glossary - 9 Symbol Aspect Ratio. The ratio of symbol height to symbol width. Symbol Height. The distance between the outside edges of the quiet zones of the first row and the last row. Symbol Length. Length of symbol measured from the beginning of the quiet zone (margin) adjacent to the start character to the end of the quiet zone (margin) adjacent to a stop character.
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Glossary - 10 MX101 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE ignored, because there is no time to retransmit. If UDP is used and a reliable delivery is required, packet sequence checking and error notification must be written into the applications. UPC. Universal Product Code. A relatively complex numeric symbology. Each character consists of two bars and two spaces, each of which is any of four widths.
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