Gpi Control (Flashing "G"); Gpi Function (Gpi 1-4); Gpi Preset (Gpi 1-4); Downmix Setup - Linear Acoustic User Manual

Mobile audio/loudness manager
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Linear Acoustic User Guide

GPI Control (Flashing "g")

When enabled the unit is under GPI control and most changes are not allowed. This will
be indicated in the menus by a lower-case flashing "g" in the left corner of the display.

GPI Function (GPI 1-4)

Selects the function of each GPI input. Selections are:

GPI Preset (GPI 1-4)

Defines which of the stored presets a GPI will recall. Any of the sixteen stored presets are
available for selection.

Downmix Setup:

Type: LtRt/LoRo - The is able to create an LoRo or LtRt output from
an applied 5.1 channel signal for output on 1/2. Note that due to the required phase
encoding, selection of LtRt will increase the latency of the 7/8 output to 21 millisec-
onds. For mobile applications, LoRo is the recommended default.
Downmx Ctr Level - Allows adjustment of Center from 0dB to -6dB for LoRo mode
only, default is -3dB.
Downmx LFE Level - Allows adjustment of LFE from 0dB to OFF for LoRo mode
only, default is -10dB.
None: No function for this GPI (as the name would lead you to believe)
Pri Preset: GPI selects the preset defined below for the Primary processor.
Sec Preset: GPI selects the preset defined below for the Secondary processor.
ALT Off/On: Selects ALT (alternate audio program) audio present on input
7/8 and can be commanded to replace audio present there from downmix or
the secondary Mobilizer engine in 2+2 mode. This is useful for EAS.
ALT On/Off: Inverted version of above.
Mode 2/0 Off/On: When active, mutes Inputs 3-6. This is done if the source
audio is definitely 2 channels and prevents extraneous signals that might be
present on Inputs 3-6 from being added to the downmix. Useful if the Main
Input is being fed from a 4 channel source where 1/2 are the main program
and 3/4 are Natural Sound or tones.
Detailed Operation


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