Chapter 4: Detailed Operation; Main Menu (Signal Status Meters); Main Audio I/O Meters - Linear Acoustic User Manual

Mobile audio/loudness manager
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Linear Acoustic User Guide

Chapter 4: Detailed Operation

This chapter discusses in detail the structure of the Linear Acoustic, how
to use the front panel interface to access the menus, accessing and saving factory and user
processing presets, and GPI and Metadata setup.
Most of it is rather obvious, and a bit of experimentation will quickly make you comfort-
able navigating through the submenus. If in doubt, use the Left Arrow to back out towards
the Main menu. The menus and submenus are structured to access more complex func-
tionality as you go deeper into the hierarchy. See the page the end of this chapter for a
menu tree.

Main Menu (Signal Status Meters)

Audio I/O Meters
Shows the main audio I/O for the unit, plus the status of ALT (alternate program) func-
tionality. Signal presence meters for each audio channel applied to the processing engines
are followed by outputs from the processing and downmix engines. The left display shows
audio present on the 1/2, 3./4, and 5/6 inputs with corresponding downmixed output on
1/2 and 7/8. The right display shows ALT mode active where audio present on Input 7/
8 is processed as the second program and is output on 7/8.
I n
O u t
NOTE: The can operate as two independent processors (ALT Active)
or can replace the secondary output with primary audio (ALT not active). This
is useful to maintain continuity when alternate program audio is not present.
Audio Input and Output Meters
The next two menus show output and ALT status with channel labels. Note that for, the 5.1 channel input (L,R,C,S,Ls,Rs) is the input to the downmixer and is
only active when the Mobilizer type is Downmix (No MB) or MB1 and is not active in
MB1&MB2 (stereo).
O u t
Figure 4-1 Main Audio I/O Meters


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