Cradlepoint IBR350 User Manual page 61

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User Manual
WAN Device Status Change: An
attached WAN device has changed
status. The possible statuses are
plugged, unplugged, connected, and
Configuration Change: A change to the
router configuration.
Login Success: A successful login
attempt has been detected.
Login Failure: A failed login attempt
has been detected.
Account Locked: Account has been
locked due to excessive failed login
IP Address Banned: An IP address has
been banned.
VPN Tunnel Goes Down: Sends an alert
when a VPN tunnel goes down.
Feature License Expiration: Sends an
alert when a feature license is about to
Router SDK Application: A router SDK
Application may send an alert.
Full System Log: The system log has filled. This alert contains the contents of the system log.
Recurring System Log: The system log is sent periodically. This alert contains all of the system events since
the last recurring alert. It can be scheduled for daily, weekly and monthly reports (Frequency). You also
choose the Time you want the alert sent.
SMTP Mail Server
Since your router does not have its own email server, to receive alerts you must enable an SMTP server. This is
possible through most email services (Gmail, Yahoo, etc.)
Each SMTP server will have different specifications for setup, so you have to look those up separately. The
following is an example using Gmail:
Server Address:
Server Port: 587 (for TLS, or Transport Layer Security port; the router does not support SSL).
Authentication Required: For Gmail, mark this checkbox.
User Name: Your full email address
Password: Your Gmail password
From Address: Your email address
To Address: Your email address
Once you have filled in the information for the SMTP server, click on the "Verify SMTP Settings" button. You
should receive a test email at your account.
Delivery Options (Advanced)
Email Subject Prefix: This optional string is prefixed to the alert subject. It can be customized to help you
identify alerts from specific routers.
Retry Attempts: The number of attempts made to send an alert to the mail server. After the attempts are
exhausted, the alert is discarded.
Retry Delay: The delay between retry attempts.
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