AOpen FM56-ITU/2 Manual page 46

Table of Contents


Serial Number
Sets and stores eight serial numbers in hex format used for serial Plug
and Play and for ISA Plug and Play which use the Rockwell 11575 Plug and Play
AT%7<8 hex numbers><same 8 hex numbers>
Plug and Play Vendor ID and Product Number
Sets and stores Vendor ID and product number for serial Plug and Play
and for ISA Plug and
Play which use the Rockwell 11575 Plug and Play device.
AT%8<3 ASCII characters><4 hex numbers><same 3 ASCII
characters><same 4 hex numbers><cr>
Line Signal Quality
Reports the line signal quality (DAA dependent). Returns the higher
order byte of the
EQM value. Based on the EQM value, retrain or fallback/fall forward
may be initiated
if enabled by %E1 or % E2.
Modem-to-Modem Flow Control (XON/OFF)
In non-error correction mode, the modem enables or disables the
generation or recognition of modem-to-modem XON/XOFF flow control according
to the parameter supplied. The parameter value, if valid, is written to S41 bit 3. In
error correction mode, the setting of modem-to-modem XON/XOFF flow control
is ignored.however,the serial port flow control settings(AT&K) remain active
during a reliable link. Due to the buffering system used in the modem,
modem-to-modem flow control is normally disabled.
AT&\G0 Disables modem-to-modem XON/XOFF flow control.(Default)
AT&\G1 Enables modem-to-modem XON/XOFF flow control.
Break Control
Controls the response of the modem to a break received from the
DTE or the remote modem or the \B command according to the parameter
supplied. The parameter value, if valid, is written to S40 bits 3, 4, and 5. The
response is different in three separate states.
The first state is where the modem receives a break from the DTE
when the modem is operation in data transfer mode:
Enter on-line command mode, no break sent to the remote
Clear data buffers and send break to remote modem.
Same as \K0.
Send break to remote modem immediately.
Same as \K0.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents