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USSC 6041 How To Use And Maintain page 7


Before cleaning your stove the below listed tools will need to be assembled.
Each tool is followed by a brief description of its purpose. Since the Ash-Vac
and chimney brush are unique items, their pictures are to the right.
Paint Brush
3.5" chimney brush
Bucket with Warm
Flathead Screwdriver
The USSC 6041 Multi-Fuel Stove operates on a negative pressure venting system. Essentially,
this means the stove draws air from the room it is in and pulls it through the stove for oxygen.
The air is then pushed out of the exhaust stovepipe. At no time after the air enters the stove is
air returned back into the room since the entire stove and stovepipes are sealed. Because of
this, it is important to clean the stove weekly in order to maintain proper airflow, thus oxygen, to
the flame. When the air is restricted the pellets will not burn efficiently, resulting in poor heat
output of the stove.
Action One: Remove the door from stove to provide access to ash pan and vermiculite (Figure 1)
Action Two: Remove cotter pin from agitator Annotated by Yellow circle in Figure 2.
Action three: Remove burn pan by turning agitator until two prongs are facing down and three
up. Lift up on the left side of burn pan and the entire assembly should lift out.
Action Four: Remove vermiculite (Figure 3) by carefully pulling bottom out approximately 2
inches and then pull down until vermiculite clears out of catch bar.
Figure 1
Assemble Cleaning Items
Use to brush fly ash from the inner walls of the burn
Specially designed vacuum cleaner with filter to pick up
fine ash. Housing is a metal tank, has an aluminum
wand and both filters and hose are fire retardant.
Hard bristled brush used to clean ash from inside of
the exhaust pipe.
Used for soaking ash pan to loosen up hardened ash.
Used to scrape hardened ash from ash pan.
Cleaning the Burn Chamber
Step One: Remove Ash Pan and Vermiculite
Figure 2
Chimney Brush
Figure 3

