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Muscles Used: Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Adductors, Abductors, Gluteal muscles, Calves
Start with Yokes adjusted to shoulder height and width. Add appropriate color and number of bands to Yokes, securing safety
stops and attach handles. Position client so that handles are shoulder height and just in front of the body facing away from ma-
chine. Have client step forward with one leg dropping the back knee towards the SBR platform. As the client lunges, make sure
to check body position to ensure front knee stays aligned with toes. Check that heel of back foot is coming off of the SBR
Variations: The hands can remain stationary at the shoulders or the client can perform a chest press as shown. Can also be per-
formed with the optional SBR Vest and/or SBR Belt.

Bicep Curl

Muscles Used: Biceps, Core, Shoulder Stabilizers
Adjust SBR Chest Plate to closely match level of client's hips. Adjust Arms to place Yokes below the level of the client's hands
and roughly the width of the client's shoulders. Add correct color and number of bands, securing safety stops. Facing away
from the SBR Spine, have client bend their knees slightly and grab the handles. With correct knee and back mechanics, have
client start with arms fully extended. Have client slowly flex their arms until the hands are just in front of the shoulders. There
should be no motion throughout the torso or lower body. Keep neck neutral.
Variations: Standing on a BOSU® Ball, Single Arm, Reverse Grip, Standing further forward on the platform to increase the
stretch through the biceps.
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