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Tricep Kickback - SBR Challenge Instruction Manual


Oblique Rotation from Shoulder to Opposite Knee
Muscles Used: Core Specifically The Obliques, Spinal Rotators, Latissimus Dorsi, Shoulder Stabilizers, Gluteal Muscles,
Start with Chest Plate at top of SBR Spine then adjust Arms so that Yokes are above client's hands when the client's arms are fully
extended and outside the midline of the clients torso. Add appropriate color and number of bands to Yokes securing safety
latches. Have client stand sideways to Spine with foot furthest away extended. Have client maintain a slight bend to knee in leg
closest to Spine to allow musculature in legs to make the rotational ROM. Have client rotate arms from slightly above shoulder
(or where client has capable ROM) around and down to opposite knee or hip. Keep the torso stationary.
Variations: Legs together, kneeling on an Airex® pad, adding torso rotation, sitting on a stability ball

Tricep Kickback

Muscles Used: Triceps, Core, Gluteus Maximus, Shoulder Stabilizers
Facing the Spine, have client bend at hips with bent knees then adjust SBR Chest Plate to closely match level of client's head.
Adjust Arms to place Yokes in a Y position and roughly the width of the client's shoulders. Add correct color and number of
bands securing safety latches. With correct knee and back mechanics, have client start with arms fully bent and elbows
stationary matching the angle of the torso. Have client slowly extend arms down towards floor. There should be no motion
throughout the torso or lower body. Keep neck neutral.
Variations: Standing on a BOSU® Ball, Single Arm, Reverse Grip
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