Trouble Shooting Electrical System - Delta Environmental Products ECOPOD-N Series Safety Instructions Installation And Service Manual

Fixed film wastewater treatment system
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Procedure for Visual and Olfactory
Evaluation of System
Check to be sure that the air system is working properly. This
will be evident in the reactor as the liquid will be forcefully
agitated. A septic (rotten egg) odor could mean that the sys-
tem is not getting enough air. If the air system is not working,
partially working or working very little (slight bubbles), check
the following:
a. Check to be sure the air pump is working.
• Check timer if one is used;
• Bypass timer and temporarily connect directly to source;
• Check the electrical source;
• If electrical source is okay, check service guide on pump
unit for troubleshooting information;
• Wash air filter on pump;
• Consult manufacturer for servicing information.
b. Check to be sure tank is not severely out of level. Air
follows a path of least resistance. The pressure differences
can be enough to prevent or restrict air flow.
c. Check for broken or cracked air lines both outside and
inside the tank.
d. Ants will destroy an air pump. Check to see if there is an
ant nest around the air pump.
e. Air pump should be protected from rising water.
f. Always check to see if inlet and outlet lines are correctly
Internal Assembly Malfunction
Primary treated wastewater from the primary tank should not
enter directly into the dilution zone because of improperly
installed or loose seals or gaskets where pipe goes through
the tank wall. Check the size of holes to be sure that there is
no clearance for matter to pass through the wall around the
Check to be sure all internal piping and connections are tight.
Design Overload
The system could be hydraulically overloaded (there is too
much water going through the system for the size of the
The system could be biologically overloaded (there is too
much waste for the size of the system).
Improper Installation Or Settling
You should follow the manufacturer installation procedures
very carefully.
Where settling is common, approximately 2 inches of sand
should be placed and tamped in the bottom of the hole.
Proper installation is the first step in preventing call backs for
service problems.
Whenever possible, it is important to spend time with the
homeowner. Be sure they have an operations book. A few
minutes invested in the beginning will avoid service calls later.
No Harsh Chemicals Should Be Put Into The System
Water in the reactor tank should be the relatively clear in both
the reactor and dilution zone. Blue or gray/blue water indi-
cates heavy use of detergents or other chemicals. If water
appears sudsy, there is too much detergent being used.
Water in the dilution zone should be clear. Water is dis-
charged into the discharge tee at a minimum of 6-8 inches
below water surface. You MAY not be able to see clear water
by looking into the tank. Samples must be taken at the
sample port.
Oils and grease should be kept to a minimum. Grease tends
to form in white balls.

Trouble Shooting Electrical System

Air pump does not run:
a. Check main service for power;
b. Check and/or replace fuse with same rating as is in control
Alarm does not occur when air pump is off:
a. Malfunctioning pressure-switch – replace.
b. Malfunctioning light or buzzer – replace.
Alarm occurs continuously even when air pump is running:
a. Air-leak in main air system or air tubing to pressure switch
– repair leak or replace air line.
b. Malfunctioning pressure-switch – replace.
c. High water level in tank – inspect for cause.
d. Short in float switch wire or float switch – repair or replace.
NOTE: All replacement parts are available from your local dealer.
n CAUTION: Electrical shock or hazard may occur if unit is not
serviced properly. The manufacturer recommends that a licensed
electrician be called when electrical problems occur.

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