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Care And Maintenance - Feathercraft Heron Owner's Manual

Folding kayaks


Care and Maintenance

The Frame
the tubular frame is very strong and corrosion resistant. We
recommend that the frame be disassembled after extensive use
(2 – 3 months). the inside and outside of the tubes should be
washed with fresh water. try to keep the inserts and extension
bars free of sand and grit.
Included in your repair kit is a small dropper tube of Boeshield t-9.
this product is made by Boeing and is an excellent lubricant
and protectant for aluminum.
Aerosal containers of Boeshield can be found at marine hard-
ware stores. We also have available 4 oz bottles of Boeshield.
However, please note, that the lid closure is not suitable for
shipping after the bottle has been opened. this container
would be good for your "at home" clean-up.
Apply the Boeshield lubricant to frame tube inserts, spring but-
tons and sliding pieces prior to assembly. If you should leave
your boat assembled for a maximum of two months, this will
assist in preventing tubes seizing.
other maintenance "musts":
• every two months completely disassemble the kayak.
• wash the frame completely with fresh water.
• reapply lubricant and/or wipe down tubes with
Boeshield t-9.
• after paddling, sponge out the inside of the kayak.
do not allow water to pool along keel bar.
The Skin
the surfaces of the skin will not rot. they are stable in sunlight
and are very tear-resistant. on the hull, areas likely to be
exposed to abrasion have been reinforced. However, we
recommend care when approaching shore. sharp rocks, and
barnacles can penetrate the skin. Avoid pulling a loaded boat
over rocks whenever possible.
for patching and repairs, a patch kit is included. for quick field
repair, duct tape works very well, and is a good addition to
your repair kit.

