Receiving And Storing The Unit - Uniflair Aquaflair 00182 Instruction Manual

Table of Contents



Every unit leaves the factory in perfect condition. Therefore please check the unit very carefully on delivery
and notify the transport company immediately and in writing of any damage.
Check that the load capacity of the floor is sufficient to support the weight of the unit.
The unit must be located on a solid and flat surface. After positioning, with the help of a spirit level use the
optional adjustable feet (and spacers if necessary) to level the unit: any gradient must be no more than
IMPORTANT: the unit must never be tilted or turned upside down.
The characteristics of the fans do not allow the ducting of condensation air.
Minimum distances around the unit.
Access to:
- Aspirazione dell'aria;
• Air intake
- Estrazione filtri aria esterni
• Removing external air filters
1500 mm
Accesso a:
Access to
- Terminale utente (opzionale);
• User Terminal (optional)
- Manometri (opzionali);
• Manometers (optional)
- Quadro elettrico;
• Electrical panel
- Vano compressori (con filtro deidratore,
• Compressor housing (with filter drier,
rubinetti e spia di liquido).
valves and sight glass)
- Pressostati di alta e bassa pressione.
• HP and LP pressostats
• Flow gauge
1500 mm
3000 mm
- Air intake
1500 mm
- Aspirazione dell'aria;
External air extraction filters (optional);
- Estrazione filtri aria esterni (opzionali);
Access to:
• Chilled water intake/output (and hot water in heat
- Ingresso / Uscita acqua refrigerata (acqua calda nel
funzionamento in pompa di calore);
• Heat recovery intake/output (optional)
- Ingresso / Uscita recupero di calore (opzionale);
• Power supply cable and electrical connections
- Ingresso cavo di alimentazione, collegamenti elettrici.
Access to:
Accesso a:
• Fans
- Motoventilatori;
• Reservoir tank (optional)
- Serbatoio di accumulo (opzionale);
• Optional pump group (with flow
- Gruppo pompe opzionale (con
gauge and expansion tank)
flussostato e vaso di espansione);
• Optional free cooling pump
- Pompa di free cooling (opzionale).
1000 mm
Accesso a:


Table of Contents

Table of Contents