To Edit An Arc; To Place An Arc At A Specific Location; Splines: Drawing, Editing, And Placing - Apache Street Atlas USA 2005 User Manual

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To Edit an Arc

Use the following steps to edit an arc.
1. Click the Draw tab to open the Draw dialog area.
2. Click the Select tool
The shape points used to create the line display as small, magenta squares, and the central radius lines
appear as thin, black dashed lines meeting at a central crosshair.
Note: You can also edit multiple arcs at once by dragging a box around the arcs you want to edit. Any
changes made in steps 5 will be made to all of the arcs included in the box.
3. Change any of the line style, color, or width (if available) options of the existing line.
You can:
Change the radius, bearing or angle, and length of the arc on the map by dragging one of the end
Change the radius and length of the arc on the map by dragging the central magenta shape point at
the top of the arc.
Select the Coordinate option or the Distance and Bearing/Angle option and edit their numbers.
Click Apply to initiate the changes.
Note: The Distance and Bearing/Angle text options are available for the two base points of the arc
only. When the central shape point of the arc is selected, the text options change from Distance
and Bearing/Angle to Radius and Direction. These settings can also be edited.
4. Click Done to finish your edit.
Press the ENTER key on your keyboard.
Click outside the object's active box on the map.

To Place an Arc at a Specific Location

Use the following steps to place an arc.
1. Click the Draw tab to open the Draw dialog area.
2. Click and hold the Line/Arc/Spline tool to view its hidden options. Select the Arc tool
3. Determine the line, style, width, and color for your arc.
4. Select the Coordinate option or use the Distance and Bearing/Angle option in conjunction with the
Coordinate option and enter the appropriate coordinates or numbers into the corresponding text boxes to the
right of the text style options box.
Note: Enter new numbers into Distance and Bearing/Angle text boxes for the two base points of the arc
only. When the central shape point of the arc is selected, the text options change from Distance and
Bearing/Angle to Radius and Direction. Enter the appropriate radius number and direction to change the
radius for this point.
5. Click Apply and repeat the procedure for the second point. The arc displays on the map at those
coordinates, distance, and bearing or angle.
6. You can then place additional points, arcs, or other draw objects on the map in reference to the first arc by
entering a specific distance and bearing into the corresponding text boxes and clicking Apply.

Splines: Drawing, Editing, and Placing

Street Atlas USA 2005 lets you add custom curved lines to a map file to represent more curved map features or
boundaries. You can adjust the line style, color, weight, and or display it with map line features.
and then click the arc line on the map. A box displays around the active line.
A small green circle indicates the start end point of the arc line.
A small red circle indicates the last end point of the arc line.
If you want to decrease the radius and length of the arc by moving one of the base
endpoints toward the other, you must first slide the central shape point toward the base
endpoint which is not being moved. Then move the desired endpoint towards the stable


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