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Street Atlas USA 2005 User Guide


Alaska daylight time
Data downloaded from the satellites that contains the identity codes, location, and time information for each
Arctic Circle
Parallel, or line of latitude around the Earth, at approximately 66°30' N. Because of the Earth's inclination of about
23 1/2° to the vertical, it marks the southern limit of the area within which, for one day or more each year, the Sun
does not set (about June 21) or rise (about December 21).
Alaska standard time
As in attaching a draw road to existing roads. See Snapping Draw Objects on page 70.
Average Speed field
When tracking with GPS, displays your average speed.
The direction of travel or the direction between two points in reference to true or magnetic north. When expressed in
degrees, its value ranges from 0 to 360 . A compass heading is an azimuth. In most places the word bearing has
grown to mean the same thing as azimuth. However, azimuth is always measured from true or magnetic north in a
clockwise direction. For example; due east is 90 and due west is 270 . See also, Bearing.
Battery Voltage field
Displays the current voltage of your 3Com Palm Computing Organizer's batteries.
Like an azimuth, a bearing is measured in reference to true or magnetic north, but its value never goes over 90 . A
bearing is always measured from the cardinal directions of north or south. A typical bearing would be N45 E, which
is the same as an azimuth of 45 . The bearing S45 W is an azimuth of 225 . The use of the word bearing has changed
over the years and now means the same as azimuth. When tracking, bearing displays the direction of travel between
your current position and your next waypoint, relative to true or magnetic North.
Bread crumb trail
A set of dots that display on your computer screen to record your progress as you travel.
Central daylight time
A set of numbers (e.g., latitude and longitude) used to identify the specific location of a point.
The azimuth and length of a line, considered together.
Central standard time
Date field
When connected to a DeLorme GPS receiver, displays the current date.


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