Summary Checklist; Boilermate Hp-Dem - gledhill BMA 180 HP-DEM Installation & Servicing Instructions Manual

Boilermate and ecodan air source heat pump
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Summary Checklist for Mitsubishi Ecodan
and Gledhill BoilerMate A-Class HP Installation
This checklist has been created to help you understand the
differences from other types of heating systems that you will
have installed. We suggest you use this checklist as a helpful
summary of the main differences from conventional heating
systems, but you will also need to understand and comply with
all of the technical details contained within this document to
ensure a successful installation. For further assistance please
contact Gledhill Technical Support Helpline on 08449 310000.
BoilerMate A-Class HP-DEM
• Is normally mounted in the airing cupboard internal to the
property. As it is based on an unvented cylinder, suitable
provision needs to be made for the P&T discharge pipework.
• A 32A electrical power supply with a local isolator is needed to
allow the Switch emergency electrical back-up to operate.
Primary System Circuit
• It is very important that the primary system is cleansed using
a suitable cleansing agent such as Fernox F3 to ensure that
any flux residues / installation debris is removed.
• The heat pump and external connecting pipework require
protection against freezing. For this reason a combined
anti-freeze and inhibitor product such as Fernox Alpha-11
must be used in the correct quantity.
• The Fernox Boiler Buddy should be fitted internally on the
heat pump return to help protect the heat pump from any
heating system contamination and provide an ongoing visual
indication of the system water condition.
Interconnection Between Ecodan and BoilerMate A-Class HP
• An eight core signal cable is needed to be run between the
internal BoilerMate and the external Ecodan. An 8 metre
supply of this cable is provided with the BoilerMate – if
additional length is needed details of how to order this
are provided.
Externally Mounted Temperature
• A n e x t e r n a l l y m o u n t e d
temperature sensor is provided
as part of the equipment package.
This should be mounted in a
suitable location on a north facing
wall external to the property.
Radiator System Circuit
• As the heat pump generates lower
temperatures than a conventional
boiler the radiators should have
been designed to suit the lower
mean temperature. Normally this
will need an increase of about
20% compared to a conventional
Underfloor Heating Circuit
• The BoilerMate contains a pre-
fitted pump for the heating
c i r c u i t ( s ) . W h e n u s i n g a n
underfloor heating circuit, the
manifolds should be of the non-
pumped type. The blending
valve should be set at the design
temperature of the underfloor
Room Thermostat
• A 2 channel digital programmer is
fitted to the front of the BoilerMate
A-Class HP appliance. A separate
external room thermostat will
normally be required.
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