Engine Break-In Period - PCM 2007 5.0L MPI Owner's Operation And Maintenance Manual

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Use this procedure ONLY when conditions are such
that it can be done in complete safety.
The break-in period of your engine is the fi rst 25 hours
of operation. Proper engine break-in is essential to
achieve maximum performance, longevity and minimum
oil consumption. During the break-in period, the
following operation guidelines must be adhered to:
• After the engine is thoroughly warmed up, and
the boat is underway, open the throttle to wide
open throttle until maximum RPM is reached. DO
cease climbing after 10 to 20 seconds).
DO NOT operate at full throttle in neutral at any time,
or at sustained full throttle during the fi rst 5 hours
of operation. Thereafter, use sustained wide open
throttle in the event of an emergency.
• Reduce the throttle to 2800 - 3000 RPM, and
cruise at or below this speed for 1/2 hour.
Reduce the speed to idle. Go to wide open
throttle until maximum RPM is reached and
operate for approximately 1 minute. Reduce
throttle to 2800-3000 RPM and operate for a few
minutes. (Bringing the engine speed from idle to
wide open throttle will load the engine and assist
in seating the piston rings). This cycle should be
repeated from time to time during the fi rst 5 hours
of operation, but wide open throttle should not be
sustained for more than 1 minute.
• During the remaining 20 hours of break in period,
the engines can be run at cruise speeds that are
approximately 75-80% of the wide open throttle
RPM, occasionally varying the cruise speed by
100 RPM.
• During the early part of the break in period, the
correct propeller selection can be confi rmed.
(With a normal load aboard, the engine's RPM
should reach, but not exceed, the maximum RPM
as listed in the specifi cations section).
During the break in, all gauges should be
watched carefully, and the speed should be
reduced if abnormal readings become evident.


DO NOT attempt to break in any engine by prolong
idling, or running at the dock.
The engine oil level should be checked often and oil
added when necessary. It must be understood that
every internal combustion engine will use a certain
amount of oil during operation to act as a lubricating
and cooling agent, especially during the break-in period.
Oil consumption should decrease and become stabilized
after approximately 100 hours of operation.
At the end of your 25-hour break-in period, contact your
dealer and have the recommended 25-hour inspection
NOTICE: PCM Engines assumes no responsibility for
the costs related to the 25-hour inspection. This is the
owner's responsibility.

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