Actions On - Liquid Edge Hunter Charter Handbook

Table of Contents


Actions On

Man Overboard
Medical Emergency
28 September 2009
Lifelines should be secure to prevent passengers from falling
overboard, if someone does fall overboard though, use the
following procedure:
Shout 'man overboard'
Never lose sight of the person in the water – point to them
Lower sail, slow boat and motor back to the person in the water
Slowly approach the person in the water
A life buoy can be thrown to the person in the water
Open the transom walkthrough and lower the boarding ladder
Disengage the engine before allowing access to the transom
Allow the person in the water to board the yacht at the transom
Fire on board vessels is a major hazard, whilst prevention is by far
the best way to manage a fire, the following procedure should be
used if a fire is detected:
Fight the fire – Immediate action is required using extinguishers
Inform others – Passengers, skipper, 000 and/or VHF 16
Return to the fire – Continue efforts to extinguish the fire if safe
Evacuate – If necessary, abandon ship
A lookout is needed at all times, all collisions are avoidable. In the
event a collision does occur, use the following procedure:
Check for casualties – apply first aid & notify others
Assess damage – determine if the vessel is safe to continue
Report the incident – to Liquid Edge (authorities will be notified)
Sydney Harbour is a safe harbour for sailing with lots of deep
water. Some of the key hazardous areas will be pointed out in your
brief, but if a grounding does occur, use the following procedure:
Check for casualties – apply first aid & notify others
Assess damage – determine if the vessel is safe to continue
Report the incident – to Liquid Edge
Follow instructions from Liquid Edge
A medical emergency can present at any stage, if any of your
passengers or crew experience a medical emergency, use the
following procedure:
Provide first aid – DRABCD (a first aid kit is on board)
Inform others – Liquid Edge & 000
Evacuate – Follow instructions to meet with an ambulance
Charter Handbook


Table of Contents

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